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Everything posted by WWB

  1. Check out the Market Garden-Then and Now book. I dont own it, but it had some very good maps, and more importantly pictures. Having made a scenario or two, pictures are actually somewhat more important for getting things to feel right. WWB
  2. One can do WWI pretty easily. Use sides that dont feature integrated LMGs or SMGs in the squads and you pretty much got it. WWB
  3. When I design, the last thing I look at is points factors. I instead concetrate on actual effectiveness in the situation. That said, some battles you might want to check out: SP-Into the Void: Overwheling german force, long map, exit zone. B&T-Sword of Bagration-(Single or 2 Player)-First hours of Bagration. WWB
  4. There are alot of those out there. Well, really any battle that does not feature mirrored forces on a mirrored map with unlimited time does not fit the criteria. But just about everything else does use some combination of situation and environment variables to help achieve blance. WWB
  5. I would love to do scenarios about uncommon forces. Unfortunately, resources are limited-thought alot less so than for CMBB. In any case, if you happen to have something handy, send it to a designer.</font>
  6. Other thing to watch out for: Borrowed a work laptop one saturday I was stuck there to support an event "just in case." It was a dell with a 16mb ATI Rage card, which could generally handle CMBB, aside from fog issues. But CMBB ran hideously on it, due to the fact that, with the 14" screen, resolution is essentially locked at 1400x1000 or so, as they are LCD screens and dont adjust like a good CRT monitor does. WWB
  7. Your intuitions are correct--2nd CD is chock full of mods and missions. WWB
  8. Ahem. The Library from the Boots & Tracks Stalingrad pack. WWB
  9. This will not be as much of an issue in CMAK, which is based on CMBB. Moving tanks rarely hit anything, even at nearly point blank range. Even with gyros (which apparently were generally removed anyhow). WWB
  10. Jack, Winter mods are more add-ons than mods. They only appear when snow is on the ground . . . WWB
  11. The rumor that italians surrendered in droves at the first sign of combat is pretty much just that--a rumor. Now, they had horrible leadership and substandard equipment and little motivation to fight. These factors definitely showed in combat performance. But, when provided with decent leadership they fought hard. And I dont care what you are fighting, it takes a very brave man to go into combat in an M13 against any modern opponent. Sure they surrendered at times. I would too if my officers drove off with the mobile brothel, leaving me to die of thirst in the desert surrounded by brits in tanks I cant even scratch. WWB
  12. I would love to do scenarios about uncommon forces. Unfortunately, resources are limited-thought alot less so than for CMBB. In any case, if you happen to have something handy, send it to a designer. Most cases we can work with ya. WWB
  13. Damn skippy Harv. Back in college I took some creative writing seminars. One point that was drilled home that the author's intentions do not mean squat to the reader. Translated to CM terms: Do not presume the player knows what you are thinking when you make a battle. If it is intended to work only 2 player, make that much clear. If one side should not be touched as the ai, make it crystal clear. It takes but 30 seconds to add to the briefing, and goes alot farther for enjoyment than writing a 32 page thesis for an initial briefing. Of course, the matter of players following such advice is an issue for a different debate. Regarding briefings, my personal opinion is that everything before the side briefings is advertising copy. Keep it short, sweet but detailed enough to grab the player. People generally do not like reading on the screen, especially rather rough fixed-width fonts. Or at least I never did. WWB
  14. I dont want to speak ColumbusOHGamer, but IIRC his site is running on Domino (find a cheap host with that!). However, there might be a solution here. Depending on how the package thing is coded, it might not be entirely impossible to set it up so that the site is running on the current server, but the mods themselves (the part that is slow AFAIK) are hosted at a 3rd party site, such as suggested above. This might well be the least work/most benefit solution. WWB PS: Any idea why they dont have .NET support. It is pretty much a free addon. Installing it barely even requires a restart. [ September 28, 2003, 12:45 PM: Message edited by: wwb_99 ]
  15. Tweety, Might well be the computers they were taken on or the graphics packages used to generate the images. They look alike ingame. WWB
  16. My apologies folks. Got a bit bogged down here and forgot to upload a few things, like the updated database. All is fixed now. WWB
  17. Yes, I must say that having done the subsequent 2 ROWs they are nearly the most fun a scenario designer can have. The NABLA system allows us to make scenarios interesting rather than being slaves to balance, and the quality of players and AARs is astounding. Thanks to all involved for setting them up. WWB
  18. Thanks for the kudos folks. I would like to echo the thoughts of Battlefront.com above. Wild Bill, in many ways the raiders were my introduction to wargaming back in the Steel Panthers days. You all proved through hard work and great teamwork a group of dedicated individuals can make a very good game infintely better. Back then it never even crossed my mind that I could be on the team, much less leading a major part of the organization. It is a sad day that such a thing is coming to an end. But it is coming to an end only in name. Boots and Tracks, and the other ex-Raider teams, will continue to put out top quality scenarios and articles for the forseeable future. As for our own team, stay tuned for continual enhancements to the website. Moreover, there will soon be a new member in the CM family giving us a new theater to make battles for. We have been a bit quiet of late, but that will soon end. Bill, I remind you "Once a Raider. Always A Raider." Feel free to pop in from time to time and we would be honored to host any CMAK scenarios you cook up. WWB [ September 27, 2003, 12:01 PM: Message edited by: wwb_99 ]
  19. Check out Boots and Tracks. Run a search on Armored Forces. WWB
  20. Yaba, Try using a browser other than Internet Explorer to upload scenarios. WWB
  21. Not really. Use Target wide if you dont have a TRP or cannot pre-plot bombardment. WWB
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