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  1. Yes I suppose you are right there. I just have a feeling that the trial will do more harm than good for our cause. </font>
  2. I respectfully disagree - not on game playability, but on practical grounds. Battlefront is trying to make a buck. Just imaging the lousy press if the game is misconstrued as a "US Military Goes On A Civilian Killing Spree" game. The left, the right, and the anti-American crowds would all be outraged. In short, 99.99% of the public would interpret the game as an inappropriate commentary... I'd rather put up with the remaining 0.01% of the disappointed grogs. At least they will still pay the $40 or so for the game.
  3. Hence the emphasis on "hypothetically..." Part of the fun of CM is modelling the unrealistic as well as the realistic. True, it would not be realistic, but it would be cool. Heck, if one is going to stick to realism, then you must ask youself what fool in the chain of command would put one of us military noobs in charge of a strike force?! If that is the case, then the entire setting is unrealistic!
  4. IIRC, the attempted take-out of Saddam at that restaurant was called in by an observer. Think about it - a mission that requires you to locate a bunker, with the objective of calling in a GBU-28. ** Hypothetically ** a job for a small strike force....
  5. Wrong. U.S. leg coalition, was in accordance with UN resolutions, but was not a UN action. Gulf War II was also in accordance with UN resolutions, but was not a UN action - it was predominately a US/UK operation. Big difference: U.S. led = Objectives met; UN led = objectives discussed and discussed and discussed... [ October 15, 2005, 02:39 PM: Message edited by: Znarf ]
  6. Voted. Gave money to the political party of my choosing. And everthing else that entitles me to express an opinion. In short, I've done what a citizen of a republic should do.
  7. Not doubting the fighting ability of foreign troops. The "script" is a commentary on the politicized groupthink paralysis that is the United Nations.
  8. What more needs to be said? (it'll be in the box of toys, right???)
  9. begin; if mission_not_defined() { if taking_fire() freeze_until_chainofcommand_identified; request return_fire(); do_nothing until you're_sure_it's_fire_directed_at_us? if politcally_feasible() return_fire(); if enemy_hit() ask what_did_we_do_to_anger_locals(); if enemy_missed() ask who_will_media_blame_for_miss(); } else { return_to_base(); await_more_US_funds(); } end;
  10. What a bunch of whiners! :mad: No matter which way Battlefront went, a subset of the 'grogs would be disappointed. You'll all buy it, admit it.
  11. Don't worry, we'll figure it out! If you give us even the most minimal tools, we'll find a way.
  12. Will CMx2 have dynamic environmental lighting simulating sunrise/sunset, i.e., a battle may kick off at 05:00, and end at 07:00. During that time the lighting environment has gone from dark to dawn. Likewise from dusk to darkness (i.e., battle starts at 19:30 and ends at 21:30). Would add an interesting element to the game - do you advance in the dark, or wait until you can see what's out there (and then be seen)...
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