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Everything posted by WWB

  1. Well, that depends on the game. ME would be a definite No-No. Windows 2000, in theory, has a software compatibility mode for DOS apps. It does pretty well with applications that do not want to talk directly to hardware. But, unfortunately, DOS games usually want to do just that. The most success I have had running DOS games is under Windows 95 (which is still perfectly adequate for most things anyways) or with a boot disk. WWB
  2. Not quite Xerxes. If you have ever seen one of the tripods, you can tell how involved it would be to mount the gun on it. WWB
  3. Also, you can rip tracks from CDs to your hard drive relatively painlessly, and compile a playlist, then run WinAMP off that. WWB
  4. Well, since it looks like you have the resources, I would buy the machine with 98 then set it up to dual boot with 2000. Setting it up is a breeze (just install 2000 on the computer already running 98). I have that setup at home, and CM runs fine off the same install in either OS. The only problem I have had is some strange business with the recycle bin in 98. WWB
  5. My only quibble is that for stability and security you do not want to be using Outlook in any form. In fact, I reccomend not installing it with windows to begin with. WWB
  6. Well, the AI does nothing with unarmed and unarmored vehicles., as you saw. WWB
  7. While I do not have time to particiapte, I would be happy to join the playtesting team, that is if it is not already locked in. . . WWB
  8. In other news, it was just announced that the US army is developing 120mm cannister rounds for the M1 Abrams. Now thats some grape shot. WWB
  9. One answer: one side as assault boats. The AI cannot handle them.
  10. Probably not one too much later than the 6.47s you have now. I use 6.49s, which are very little different, and CM works fine if FSAA is forced. The best piece of advice I can give you is that if it ain't broke, don't fix it. If your games play fine, don't mess with the drivers. WWB
  11. Check out the Aachen department of tourism, or travel books. While the city was flattened, the street pattern remains in most places. WWB
  12. I just installed 2k, which has similar driver issues. I have found success with the Detonator 6.49s and forced anti-aliasing in GeForces. Check out www.videocarddrivers.com for a very exhaustive archive. WWB
  13. It should be on Combat-Missions.net, but if you cannot find it see my profile for e-mail drop a line. WWB
  14. Well, it is easy, just make the troops start out 'tired' or maybe 'weary.' 'Exhausted' should be reserved for more than just looking. WWB
  15. Ted, Check out www.nima.mil 's geospatial engine. They have rather low-level satillite photos of most of the world avaliable online. WWB
  16. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Big Time Software: Leland, the player can specify a max range. However, the system will not restrict that range to the max range of the unit's weapon. As I said, if you set the range for the Covered Arc out to 5000m for a SMG unit, CM will not slap you around for it It just won't make any difference until an enemy unit comes into around 250m or so range. So the player could have made the Covered Arc's max at 250m or 5000m and there would be no difference. If you want to make a short range ambush, you would simply set the Covered Arc to the range you had in mind. Say... 25m for example. You can also make the arc any shape you like, so in fact the area covered might be 25m on the extreme left and 5000m on the extreme right. In case people have trouble picturing this, a Covered Arc is simply an area bounded by three points. One point is the unit, the other two points are variable points depending on where you click. You can make a narrow cone shape at a great distance, or a very wide area at short range. Great flexibility and very easy to use. You'll all love it Steve<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I am already drooling. WWB
  17. Sharpshooter ammo is definitely an abstraction. I have seen one shot kill 3 men, It was in ideal conditions (routed green crew on a road) but it definitely is possible. What CM does not really simulate is the psychological effects of a sharpshooter. If the guy next to you's head explodes suddenly, you will hit the ground and probably drop one in your pants. Which is a bit different from CM's current model, where pot shots by sharpshooters have little effect on morale or squad behavior. WWB
  18. I have not yet seen an AI that can handle bride assaults, in any game anywhere. WWB
  19. While I have done no scientific tests, I have noticed that your hit chance remains nearly the same if shooting at an adjacent target at range. WWB
  20. I am not Belgian, but I really have to say it is a very fun country. I spent some time in Brussels getting hammered and rolling from bar to bar. And in a side note, look for McAufflie, for he is the leading Belgian about this place. WWB
  21. JC, I think the problem was with the tone of your reply, which read to me as "Well, you don't agree with me, so your reply does not matter." I think he was trying to open an honest and clean debate, which is unfortunately precluded now. There was a statement of fact followed by conclusions from said fact. Personally, I think the ammo-loadout workaround is a fine idea, and a good way to balance these things a bit better while awaiting the improved version. Of course, you have to do it in scenario design which tends to avoid the SMG-horde type force compositions anyways. Moreover, setting such ammo levels for anything but the smalles scenarios will be painful at best under the current system (hint, hint BTS). WWB
  22. I will also reccomend the book, it is a very good first person account from someone who had a good idea of the larger picture when in combat. I think the effectiveness of arty vs. tanks has less to do with outright destruction and more to do with discouragement. Quite simply, no sane person is going to sit thru a barrage if they can drive out of it. WWB
  23. I would go with the GeForce for 2 reasons: 1) ATI's do not do fog in CM. 2) Cost. Note that if you lack an AGP slot, then you might just want to go with a TNT2. WWB
  24. Many are at the archive, and www.militarygamer.net has taken over the old depot, near as I can tell. WWB
  25. Welcome back Harv! One place you should definitely check out is The CM Scenario Archive, whose URL is unfortunately at home. Link can be found at www.combatmission.com. They have collected many, many of the avaliable CM scenarios. WWB
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