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Everything posted by WWB

  1. Panzerfausts were not a precision guided munition by any sense of the word. They had a very slow velocity to begin with. Then factor in uneven manufacturing processes and sub-par materials in late war German industry, meaning rockets would burn unevenly and projectiles would be unbalanced. On top of that, those things were probably more terrifying to fire than to be shot at by. Not to mention the fact that you just announced your position and bullets will be flying at you any moment. I wonder not why they missed, but why they hit. WWB
  2. Well, I just got my hands on a nice, generic nVidia GeForce2 Pro card last night, and went and installed it. And I have managed to get CM running under windows 2000 without a hint of corruption. Here is the setup: HW Celeron 533A running at 800mhz 384mb RAM (generic PC133) Abit BH6 Mobo, 440BX chipset Hitachi CM715 Monitor SW Win 2000 SP2 14.60 Drivers DX 8.0a Tweak All I needed to do was force 2x FSAA, and switch to 1280x960 @ 75hz mode and CM has looked great. This also worked on my old GeForce2 MX, but the card could not handle the FSAA at that resolution without major speed degredation. Hope this helps. WWB [edit: added monitor to hardware list, due to rune's recent discoveries about refresh rate] [ 11-15-2001: Message edited by: wwb_99 ]</p>
  3. Haha. Got you. Saved the weekend and played it tonight. Great job Germanboy, the map is truly impressive. WWB
  4. Dammit, there goes another weekend. Also, as per your request, I have sacrificed my kid sister's (who vuagely resembles Buffy) soul to you. May it help you create more evil. WWB
  5. Well, I think that multiple commanders are probably not a realistic expectation for CM2. Iron Man rules should be easier to implement, since all they really would involve is disabling some view options, which should be relatively simple, require no engine changes, etc. WWB
  6. Many are aware of it, and it has been well used. For example, many of the Der Kessel Byte Battles are on a slant, mainly to maximize space for combat. Generally, is is one of those things I use when it is appropriate. Also note that a well designed map can eliminate edge hugging without resorting to other tricks. WWB
  7. Well, should anyone want to test a neat diagonal scenario, post here and I will start pairing off playtesters. The scenario is a US armored advance against what becomes a heavily armored german force. It is not purely diagonal, but it is close in spirit. WWB
  8. Sounds like you are running it off your CD Rom in XP, or possibly made a fresh install. CM can be played in multiple OSes from the same folder (I know this because I do so regualrly). So uninstall the XP version, find your win98 version (probably in C:\Program Files\Combat Mission) and make a shortcut to Combatmission.exe in that folder. WWB
  9. What I think we are seeing is that there is one armor quality number for the whole AFV (in any case) rather than side plates. And it has been well demostrated that the larger, thicker plates (i.e. front glacis) on late war German tanks did have some flaws which justify those numbers. That said, it might be cool if BTS could attach armor quality numbers to each facing instead of forcing a single value on a whole vehicle. As for the long range accuracy, Steve has stated words to the effect that optics, etc. were left out because engagement ranges were generally under 1km , especially in CM. Also, most of those 1st shot kills at 1500m by an emplaced 88mm were pre-ranged shots on stationary (or nearly stationary) targets. Put a TRP out there and then see how accurate the 88 (or any other gun for that matter) is. WWB
  10. Battlemaps Run by the venerable Moon himself. Top shelf stuff. WWB [ 11-09-2001: Message edited by: wwb_99 ] [ 11-09-2001: Message edited by: wwb_99 ]</p>
  11. Commisar: It is a German site, even if it is in cyrillic. Add it to your favorites and see what the name resolves to. Such statements are a legal neccessity in Germany, see www.derkessel.de for an example. WWB
  12. Yes, though it can almost be assumed that they would have one panzer shreck per platoon by the CMBO timeframe. Remeber, they were still dealing with massed infantry formations in the East at this time. If you want to see how powerful this Bn actually is, set up a scenario with one german rifle BN vs. 3 Commonwealth rifle BNs without most of their heavy support. It will not be pretty, but the CW forces will suffer severe losses. WWB
  13. Don't forget about www.jagdtiger.de, home of Warphead's fetish. WWB Edit: URL fixed. Commas do not help. [ 11-06-2001: Message edited by: wwb_99 ]</p>
  14. Shameless Plug: Try Schwarzwald Bridge, also avaliable at the depot. New take on a an ME. End Shameless Plug. WWB
  15. Dammit Doug, you beat me to the point. While this MOD CD was gone about in a completely wrong manner, one done right could be a very cool thing. And, it must be added, that the thieving germans had some very good ideas. Namely a multilingual installer program, which would not be all that hard to do and would be a big help to the computer challenged. Even better yet, we could make a CMMOS version. Not to mention many other CM utilities, patches, etc. WWB
  16. Goddamit!!!!!!! I want my 'Madmatt calls me a loser and I feel special' T-shirt. WWB
  17. Yes. ATI video cards do not have white transparency issues. OTOH, you cannot see the fog (at least on a PC). Kinda sux, six of one, half dozen of the other. I would bet on nVidia to fix the driver before ATI, tho. WWB
  18. Personally, I look forwards to seeing Rumanians, especially their marines, if they make it in. As far as the Spanish, Wallonian, Dutch, Nordic, etc. troops which fought for the Germans, one must remember that they were indistinguishable from contemporary formations of the same type in CM terms. They fought with the same TO & E, albeit with different names and language. An SS Rifle Company is pretty much the same in CM no matter what language they soldiers speak. WWB [ 11-02-2001: Message edited by: wwb_99 ]</p>
  19. Do not kill Systray. It is very, very important, as it runs those system tray icons. I suspect you can kill all the others without killing the machine. What would help its speed more would be to reinsall it with Windows 95, as there is less GUI stuff to bog the processor. WWB
  20. One thing which you might want to do: 1) Manually reset your video to 'PCI VGA (standard)' 2) Reinstall Dx8a. 3) Reinstall video drivers. WWB
  21. Got to www.derkessel.de . Download the byte battles, there are several which are designed to be single player. Then give the eternal souls of at least 3 of your children to Germanboy so he can make more. WWB
  22. Hibernation does speed up booting, but only when coming back from hibernation, which is not the same as shutting down. All you are doing is locking the workstation (just like you hit control-alt-del) and dumping the RAM to disk. WWB
  23. Linda: 1) They have looked into it, as has been repeated by several people. If you see Rune or Schullenraft say anything here, you might as well consider them BTS. And as I understand the problems, they are not irreconcilable, but require a few simple work arounds depending on your configuration. You might have bought XP thinking that it would be the be all, end all effortless OS, but you are quite mistaken. 2) This is the webpage to keep you informed. It is kept quite current, far more current than any webpage, by the efforts of the community here. Your question did not go unanswered, did it? WWB PS: is it just me, or does this feel like a return of Gunny Bunny. Down to the 'Thx' and the attitude? Not to mention he did post about a similar problem on a very similar computer on a different forum a week ago. Lazy bastard. [ 10-29-2001: Message edited by: wwb_99 ]</p>
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