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Everything posted by WWB

  1. Call me paranoid, but what I advise is the following: Install software as administrator, then create an account in the power users group to use. You can even give PUs install rights. If the system should become compromised, damage can be limited. WWB
  2. Well, at first I tended to be guilty of score inflation. But now I use 5 as a baseline 'adequate but not good' rating. If there are real problems, or it is somehow unfinished, I will rate lower. But if it is better then I will rate higher. WWB
  3. I am presuming you are speaking of the scenario editor. There, all units will retain the 'neutral' base, but will pick up whatever color zone they are placed in when the game is actually fired up. WWB
  4. I will toss in a late vote for corel photo paint, which does most of what photoshop does at a much better price. WWB
  5. I say track ball all the way. You avoid all the wrist & elbow movement that mousing creates. The only drawback is those things get real dirty real fast. WWB
  6. The short answer is that the Germans developed tactical tank/infantry/arty coordination years before everyone else. By 1944 (ie CMBO), the western allies (at least) had developed a similar level of coordination, meaning TAC AIs could be similar. The long answers should be along any second now. WWB
  7. Sorry, buddy, you cannot add tiles to the game, at least tiles with in-game effects. You can edit the graphics to make a grass tile look cratered, but it would change every grass tile in the game. Note that BTS has annouced several new filetypes for CM2. See www.combatmission.com for details. WWB
  8. Pretty simple, really. Just target your arty to that point and it will come down relatively instantaneosly. Worst case scenario (conscript spotter, big guns, no LOS could be two minutes. Best case scenario is seconds. And when the barrage does it, it is much more accurate. No LOS is like having LOS, and I find that with LOS the grouping is so tight as to be overkill that I often use target wide instead. No spotting round making arty much more effective as there is no warning before the main strike. In addition, on map mortars which have not moved may target TRPs without LOS. And the points are also pre-ranged WRT direct fire weapons, making first round hits much more likely. WWB
  9. Pretty simple, really. Just target your arty to that point and it will come down relatively instantaneosly. Worst case scenario (conscript spotter, big guns, no LOS could be two minutes. Best case scenario is seconds. And when the barrage does it, it is much more accurate. No LOS is like having LOS, and I find that with LOS the grouping is so tight as to be overkill that I often use target wide instead. No spotting round making arty much more effective as there is no warning before the main strike. In addition, on map mortars which have not moved may target TRPs without LOS. And the points are also pre-ranged WRT direct fire weapons, making first round hits much more likely. WWB
  10. Hehe, just a bit of confusion on my part, Schullenraft. I posted a thread which was soon forgotten stating that I had got the GeForce/Win2k problem solved with those drivers, and I thought someone had misquoted me. Have since seen another one of your posts and things are much clearer. For the record, I get the same blocked out name problem during calculation. Also looks like the 'thinking' bars are slightly off kilter (1 pixel gap on the top side). WWB
  11. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Kingfish: I find that for the byte battles a Penguin works best.<hr></blockquote> I find clubbing Penguins, like all other birds, relatively unsatisfying. Their hollow bones do not make a satisfying crunch like mammal's do. Puppies, however, are great for byte battles. WWB
  12. Andreas, have you ever tried clubbing seals while playing scenarios. The yelping mixes well with artillery I have found. But it will get your keyboard a bit messy, plastic covers are highly reccommended. WWB
  13. I don't know if you are talking about my little success, but I am using the 14.70 beta drivers and forcing 2x FSAA (on a GeForce2 Pro, not a 3) and all is working fine. At least with CM. WWB
  14. Andreas: CM players seem like the types who would want you to club the seal anyways. Clubbing seals, is, after all, quite entertaining. WWB
  15. Review them scenarios! An interesting anecdote: I have but one scenario in the Depot (so far). I was chatting in CMHQ chat one night, and it turned out that this guy had played the damn thing at least 20x. I encouraged him to review it, but he never got around to it. I third it all, and add that if there are not at least 300 more reviews by noon on saturday, I will be forced to send Lindan over to Warpheads to sacrifice the Rabbit. WWB
  16. Interestingly, was playing a scenario hotseat against myself. (For playtesting purposes, mind you. I am not that lonely.) During that game, ended up with the better part of a platoon parked on an AT minefield, in Brush, for 5-7 turns. Note that they were under fire most of that time. But they never spotted the mines. Well, they did spot them, but only after my panther immobilized itself on them. WWB
  17. Disregarding the pure pleasure of watching the computer destroy itself in 1 minute chunks of time, this would be a killer feature for playtesting. At least insofar as making sure the reinforcements show up when they should and that nothing too weird is going on. WWB
  18. Hehe. I have a similar mobo in terms of chipset (Asus 440BX rev1) and I just have never been able to get it to run with an AGP apeture over 16mb. I just blamed it on incessant overclocking. WWB
  19. Germanboy underlines one major pont: choose your playtesters carefully. And use lots of `em. Also, in general, due to time restrictions, smaller scenarios generally get tested much more thouroughly than larger ones. It is quite easy to hang out in CMHQ chat and get 6-8 people to play a 13 Turn, ~45 Minute TCP game. But 10,000 points is going to take a while. WWB
  20. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Berlichtingen: Or better yet, don't. Let that antiquated piece of crap die so webmasters don't have to jump through hops to make their sites work<hr></blockquote> Better yet, use Opera 6.0 and give webmasters a real nightmare. WWB
  21. While I do not have too many scenarios out, I design purely for multiplayer for two reasons: 1) The AI is too goddamn hard and to control and direct without imposing artifical restrictions (padlocked units, restritive setup zones, etc.) and/orgiving it massive materiel bonuses to make up for stupidity. Which pretty much means I am lazy, but who cares. 2) The AI cannot appreciate my work. In general I go for interesting playbalance, gorgeous maps (which you will rarely, if ever get with a QB), and historical feel. Meaning I use units which might have fought together and common tanks, etc., while maintaining balance. Look at The Lists at the depot (see link above) and pick one of the battles top rated for PBEM. Those things are quite, quite balanced and generally make for a more interesting gaming experience than QB MEs. WWB [ 11-15-2001: Message edited by: wwb_99 ]</p>
  22. Most of the stuff at der kessel would be good, see also the cm scenario depot for reviews, etc. WWB [ 11-14-2001: Message edited by: wwb_99 ] [ 11-14-2001: Message edited by: wwb_99 ]</p>
  23. The best thing you can have is a Target Refernce Point (TRP). Aim for one of these, with or without LOS from the spotter, and the arty will come down nearly instantaneously and quite accurately. LOS is the next best thing, arty takes twice as long to fall if the spotter does not have LOS (unrealistic, but hey). Proximity has no bearing on TOT. Smaller the gun, quicker the response, with mortars being quicker still. WWB
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