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Everything posted by WWB

  1. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Username: Anyone want to play an infantry game where every unit is LOW in ammo and every unit is also weary?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Well, the first scenario I designed was a night meeting engagement in the fog featuring a hodge-podge of green, exhausted units. But I found it to be annoying to play and dropped the thing. WWB
  2. Scipio, I have seen you raise several similar threads. Maybe because you are writing in a second language, which I applaud (you really do not want to watch me butcher french here), your posts come across as rather nasty and judgemental. For example, the term 'Errors in CM?!' connotes 'BTS screwed up and made a big mistake making CM.' You might want to try 'Remanning Guns' or somesuch. And in an aside, I learned a long time ago not to argue with Slappie here, he is an academic whose job it is to win logical arguments we have in places like this. I've said what I have to say, y'all can continue on. WWB
  3. Reminder to self. Read post before replying. WWB [edited for above stated reason] [ 07-18-2001: Message edited by: wwb_99 ]
  4. I have heard that the 21st Panzer Attacks Op plays very well multiplayer, my aplogies to the author whom I cannot recall. Also, Wild Bill did a Herrlishim--Cut Off op which might do well. I have also heard good things about Franko's 'We Fight and Die Here.' Rob--Negativity is bad. WWB
  5. Rob, you are not buying the thing to drive. Not that I don't know people who drop $50,000 plus on a car. You are buying it so that you can own a piece of history. I know people who spend $25,000 US on a single coin, and they feel it is well worth it. Hell, I would buy the thing if I had the means and a way to store it. Let us all hope that it finds a good home. WWB
  6. Correct warpie, the guy states as much in the blurb. Still, a mobile piece of history. WWB
  7. Well, you can't drive a 250, but the 251 is avaliable. And it could be yours for a little over $18,000 US. Check out the auction at: SPW 251 Auction Steve take note. It would be a nice addition to your collection. WWB [Edited for idiotic error. Kids, remember to read what you post about.] [ 07-18-2001: Message edited by: wwb_99 ]
  8. That would be rather historically accurate. The US Army loved using the massed firepower of HTs on any sniper dumb enough to take a pot shot at a column. The 'Gamey Jeep Recon' thread you probably saw regards people sending fast moving jeeps thru enemy lines on suicide missions to find hidden units. WWB
  9. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Kingfish: If you only get to talk to one person, make sure its Wild Bill.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I second that motion. WWB
  10. Well, I am of the school that thinks the problem with winning on defense is not the points ratio but the maps. The random maps and especially random flag placement really hurt defenders. As many great generals have noted, the key to defensive warfare is to pick which ground to defend. Also note that most real attacks took place with far greater than 1.5 to 1 odds. 3 to 1 was the normal rule of thumb, and if you really wanted to make sure the breakthru would happen in a timeley manner 5 to 1 or better was a good idea. My suggestion for balance in QB defenses is actually a bit more radical. Play Assault type scenarios and take the 10% away from the defender. Because the flags are farther back, assaults give the defender a much better chance. And the 10% loss puts the point scale close to the current Attack-type ratio. WWB
  11. Uh, the attack-defend ratio is 1.5-1 last time I checked (i.e. 1500 pts for attacker vs. 1000 points for the defender). WWB
  12. 1) Greyhounds were common. Flammpanzers were quite rare. 2) That is a matter of some debate. Denying terrain to the enemy is a long-standing tactic in warfare, but then again lighting large fires was rather uncommon. WWB
  13. Somewhere I saw a comment that entrenching would be handled much differently, being purchased as if fortifications are now rather than automatic foxholes. Jarmo--there is a solution to your problem. Make the scenario a 2 battle OP, and have both sides hide out for the first battle, which must be night, then the forces will dig in as placed for the next battle. WWB
  14. One big reason why you cannot 'abandon' MGs is the way they are coded, so Steve has said. WWB
  15. Well, depends how you do the upgrade. If you happen to buy a machine with a much larger HDD, and you are at least a little bit comfortable inside a computer, then just hook your old hard drive up to the new machine and copy all the stuff over. Also, if you have a network card installed, you could just copy stuff over a LAN. WWB
  16. Well, I have not used tripod for file hosting, but it might well do a reasonable job. It is doing fine with my website. Of course, I don't have that large of a bandwith demand either. WWB
  17. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Napoleon1944: When BTS says its Microsoft then I will be satisfied. Microsoft will probably say its BTS. I just know I paid BTS and the software is not working like it should.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Well, you probably paid microsoft alot more for their software ($199 for win98). And it never worked like it should. WWB
  18. You have also forgotten the nature of games development cycles. CM's, IIRC, was 3 or more years long. And 4 years ago (the game having been out for one year), someone probably would have called you bad names if you told them a 1ghz, 256mb RAM, 32mb VRAM system would be avaliable for $1000 or so. And 3-4 years ago is also when key design decisions, such as a 16 bit pallate, had to be made. Hardware has advanced faster than most people's wildest dreams, especially the price/performance curve aspect of it. Are the graphics amazing, no. Are they adequate (esp after modding)? Yes. Moreover, the 'blocky' graphics do not detract from the gameplay, which is really what it is all about. Take Flanker for example. It is still on my hard drive. I boot it, spend 3 minutes saying "Wow, pretty!" then promptly get frustrated with the insanely complex interface while being nagged by Nadia. Needless to say, the game session lasts all of 5 minutes. WWB
  19. Just saw this very relevant statistic on www.strategypage.com: During World War II the Red Army deployed some 108,700 tanks, of which 83,500 - 76.8-percent - were lost in combat. And you wonder why they did not invest in wreckers to tow the things? WWB
  20. Manx--Keep up the good work. Your site is amazing, and I, semi-grog that I am, have little to complain about in the way of historical accuracy. Just ignore the naysayers and keep hope alive. WWB
  21. One point about clock speed in general: it is no longer the bottleneck. Quite simply, modern machines are running much faster than the disk and RAM can feed them numbers to crunch anyways. Moreover, very little software can take advantage of much more than 800mhz. The major exceptions being FPSs, Flight Sims and 3d rendering. Even then, most of those packages will run perfectly fine on an 800mhz machine with an appropriate graphics card. You are much better off buying a well balanced 900mhz (plenty of RAM, fast disk, great monitor, etc.) machine and spending the money you save on broadband instead of going for that 1.75ghz P4. WWB
  22. All versions of Win9x can handle up to 512mb of RAM. How well they handle it is a different story. . . . WWB
  23. One site that I have found helpful, because it has worldwide satillite imagery, is www.nima.mil. Not the tightest shots, but definitely helpful as a backup source. Also note that the images are modern (duh, satillites and stuff). WWB
  24. Much of the fighting on the eastern front actually resembled fighting in the later days of WW I with a higher proportion of automatic weapons. Most of the front was held by dug in infantry facing dug in infantry with little hope for armored support. One must remeber that of the 200 or so German divisions in the line, maybe 20 were motorized or panzer divisions at any given time. I am not so sure about the Sovies, but they did have more tanks to go around. WWB
  25. Rob, you are talking about 4 years of warfare over more than 1000 miles of front. Organizations changed rapidly. In general, the bulk of the armor was concentrated in the center or south, since northern Russia tends to be swampy forest generally unsuitable for armored operations. WWB
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