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Everything posted by WWB

  1. Operation reinforcements come between battles, not during them. So they will come on whichever side of the map thier side is on, and can be placed anywhere within that setup zone. Another option is to make them some sort of reserves, which will come in when a certain point ratio is reached. I do not remember the exact force ratios to trigger said reserves, but charles posted them some time ago. Hate to tell ya, but do a search for that one. WWB
  2. One site which is a great which has not been mentioned here: Admiral Keth's Scenario Deopt at www.dragonlair.net/combatmission/ Very, very nicely done. WWB
  3. Folks, there is one problem with using 'Windows Standard' dialog boxes: Macs. No rundll32, no MsgBox function, Windows APIs, etc. And different file system too, meaning that using standard OS folders is not a likely option. But I do agree with the impetus: we need some better ways of organizing and filtering scenarios. WWB
  4. You can see the plane's shadows. Seeing their kill info is not an option. You can usually hear them coming and attacking, as well as will hear any AAA start firing on them. You will find out if one dies in the AAR, however. WWB
  5. Because they make no profit if you simply link an image thru. They need you to go to the page so that you see their ads. WWB
  6. Nope. I wanted to do so myself at some point. . . WWB
  7. You probably need to make the map bigger first. WWB
  8. I would like to see Soviet Marines as well. They played parts in fighting along the black sea, Sevastopol and held the Krondstadt near Leningrad, IIRC. I would really like to see Rumanian Marines as well, but I am not holding my breath. As for LFDs, I would not mind seeing them, as they were definitely involved. I suspect their TO&E is similar to a contemporary infantry division, but I could not find any sources on that. WWB
  9. WWB

    OT: Drugs and combat

    Well, that is the problem with hallucinogens---the effects are very unpredictable. Sometimes you think you are king kong and other times you talk to the trees. Just avoid the Hawian mushrooms in Amsterdam. That is a bad town for psychadelic drugs. WWB
  10. Have a good time gentlemen (a term used very loosely). Unfortunately I cannot attends, but hoist several for me. Tell el Guapo I own him. WWB
  11. One fact about phone systems: they are switchable. Meaning that should the company or platoon commander be on a phone line and get authorization for arty, they would be talking directly to each other. So once they got connected, they were in good shape. But getting that connection could be a bear. WWB
  12. Someone please tell me just how much Evil Rune exudes when he walks. Is it just your run-of-the-mill cold shiver, or do trees die and birds come crashing out of the sky along his path? WWB
  13. WWB

    OT: Drugs and combat

    Intoxicants and combat go nearly hand in hand; who wants to go off to die sober? See John Keegan, In the Face of Battle, for some good examples. The other theory about the Assasssians use of Hasish was that of using it to achieve a state of religous exctacy to help to focus on the suicide mission. The Germans were very into speed during the second world war. In fact, they invented the modern method of distilling crystal meth. They figured out a way to make it in a suitcase with some relatively common chemicals. Which is also why you can get a $20 bag of the stuff in any club which will keep you up for the next 2 days or so. I have seen some specualation that the panzer troops were especially fond of the stuff. A 16 year old, Stg 44 toting Hitler youth twerking his ass off of a couple bumps of meth is a scary thought. Mainly because I have seen enough unarmed 16 year olds twerking their ass of to know that one with an assualt rifle would not be pretty. Don't know about MDMA vis-a-vis the german army, but I really do not see how it would help you out in combat. Not that I would know or anything. . . WWB
  14. Hey Deerslayer. All I have to say is that if one must get a new system, I advise getting Windows 2000 Professional put on it, as we have not yet discovered the problems bred into XP. Costs should be about the same as XP. And, as Scullenraft points out, the same driver/CM problems are involved. WWB
  15. One thing which will be painful, but will definitely help your computation times, would be a good ol windows reinstall. Note that it will not help if it has been done within the last 6 months, but any configuration older should be remade. You will be amazed at how much quicker it gets. WWB
  16. One of the best resources I have seen, which will cost you a few bucks, is the Battlefields: Then and Now series, put out by a british publisher which I am blanking on, but widely avaliable at barnes and noble and such. I also highly reccomend the green, hardbound US army officail histories, which can be found for reasonable prices in 2nd hand bookstores. WWB
  17. For a PII 550, a GeForce2 MX might actually be overkill. But a 32mb TNT Ultra would do nicely. WWB
  18. 98se is the better choice, but by far superior if you do not get too hung up on the GUI is win95 OSR2. Still the most stable of the series, and is a bit faster to boot. WWB
  19. Try the scenario depot, at: http://www.dragonlair.net/combatmission WWB
  20. Also, I am working up a 'diagonal' scenario which makes edge hugging quite difficult. Will post when it is avaliable for open playtest. WWB
  21. Today is a good day, and many congrats on your offspring. May he build scenarios for CM 133.3. Please send them to wwb_99@yahoo.com should you get the inkling. WWB
  22. Well, the timing is not there, but I have noticed that explosions are alot louder if the camera is next to the exploding thing. WWB
  23. After recieving several questions on my pallor, I must comment: I am not dead. I have never been dead. At some point I will die. But I only look dead. That is all, continue on with your sordid lives. WWB
  24. Are you, perhaps, playing it off of the CD, by running Combat Mission.exe off your CDROM? Would make sense because A: CDs are slow as **** and B: you never see any of your dled scenarios. WWB
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