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Everything posted by WWB

  1. This is a very good point. Most of the difficulty is that the default folder in which scenarios are saved is the Saved Games folder, making things confusing at best, or destroying hours of hard work at worst. So, failing an extension change, at least switch the default scenario save folder to the scenarios folder. WWB
  2. Spare the life of this rodent. Give me lost rune stuff. *WWB raises a razor sharp hunting knife and stares menacingly at the gerbil on the table.
  3. Ok, thats it. You people owe me $17.99 after I drooled all over my keyboard and had to purchase a new one. WWB
  4. Also check out Rune's operation: The Rest of the Red devils. He also made a hypothetical one on the presumption that the Dreil ferry was not ignored and was used to ferry tanks across the Rhine. I think that one is entitled the 'Dreil Ferry', but I could be wrong. WWB
  5. I am in DC, and I am ok. Outside, it is pretty crazy right now. Mobs heading towards the metro (which might be closed, from what I have heard) and worse traffic than a snowy rush hour. All offices downtown have closed (since the Feds closed shop @ 10 AM). WWB
  6. I am in DC, and I am ok. Outside, it is pretty crazy right now. Mobs heading towards the metro (which might be closed, from what I have heard) and worse traffic than a snowy rush hour. All offices downtown have closed (since the Feds closed shop @ 10 AM). WWB
  7. 5) Scratch that. It is not construction related, a plane crashed into the pentagon. WWB
  8. Well, I am at work, but we do have TVs strewn thruout the building. At this time the facts appear to be: 1) 2 planes crashed into the World Trade Center (1 for each tower). 2) 1 of these planes was a hijacked United or American flight from Boston to LA. 3) There was some sort of blast at the Pentagon, apparently not that large and probably connected with the construction. 4) Bush was giving a speech to an elementary school when he got the news. He promptly used Disaster Speech Number 7 and was 'shocked' and 'horrified' and promised 'the full resources of the federal government.' 5) There are rumors about airport closures, etc. WWB
  9. Agua Perdido We planned to hold the beerfest downtown, but decided against it in order to irritate you. Who luvs ya, baby?[/QB]
  10. Well, I think I could make it. Even though the places will require me to violate my normal rule of never going outside the Beltway except by plane. WWB
  11. I am not familiar with your specific motherboard, but I am familiar with the technologies: ATA-100= Disk I/O protocol with a theoretical maximum of 100mb/sec data transfer rate. 40 or so is the realistic maximum. IIRC. Note that you need a special IDE cable to use this technology. RAID= A method of putting 2 (in your case, potentially far more) identical drives connected to a special controller which can make them work as one. In your case, you could create a RAID 0 array which could increase disk speed to 60-70mb/sec. WWB
  12. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Peaveyyyyyyyy: The scenarios are OK, but you don't get to choose your units, which is fun, and the winner is likely to be the one who has practised the scenario, rather than the best player. Sorry to be pissy to the one person who could be bothered to respond! <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I can kind of understand the choosing units part, not that I care for it. But there is no excuse for not being able to find a double-blind scenario. There are ~800 battles in the Scenario Depot, and new ones come out every day. WWB
  13. Try scenarios, the best fix for the QB ME known to man. WWB
  14. Admiral Keth, First, I have to say 'Wow', it is a great site. Awesome concept and much needed given the now immense number of scenarios avaliable. I did notice one thing, when looking at 'The Lists': the 'Top 10 Scenarios in X' lists are dominated by many newer scenarios with one rave review. Wouldn't it be more fitting to require a minimum of 3 or so reviews to make that list? That way a rating of 10 in one category could not propel comparatively untired scenarios off of the list. WWB
  15. Schullenraft: I will do some testing on this machine, but I don't have access to multiple computers capable of running CM (at least that I can run CM on without getting fired). Of course that would mean I would have to fire up 98 again (ew. . .) Also possibly of note is that Ro started experiencing said problems after I played a game with him and had said problem. Even though he has a hardware edge, apparently CM thought my machine is faster (maybe b/c win2k, but who knows). WWB
  16. Hey schulleraft, I have the same issue at times. I am running on a Celeron 800, 192mb RAM, with an Inno3d GeForce2 MX w/32mb. I am currently using the 14.60 drivers. I have only had the problem in 2000 (in 98 I am still using the 6.47s, and they have no issues). I also have the invisible text issue, which is solved by minimizing. The invisible screen-bottom issue is not solved by minimizing, but can be fixed by restarting CM. On a side note, I am running dual boot. And when I switch OSes which I am playing under, CM redetects the video settings, even though I am using the same resoulution. And that first time I play, the disappearing white text issue goes away. WWB
  17. One thing you might want to think about is adding more RAM. I had a similar setup (Celeron 800, 32mb GeForce2 MX, 64mb RAM) and added 128mb and CM got smooth as glass. You can get 128mb for around $15 now. WWB
  18. Glad it got there. Yahoo! mail ain't what it used to be. WWB
  19. I have also submitted one to mensch, but he has not yet got back to me. I am starting to think about tweaking it a bit more. . . WWB
  20. That is a damn good idea. Even if the pause at waypoint command cannot get in, the ability to preplot even a couple moves, with some kind of time advantage would be helpful, especially for smaller engagements. WWB
  21. One strong argument for why the a Bren Team should be seperately avaliable for the Commonwealth is that in CM, unlike in real life, one cannot detach the bren from the carrier (nor the MMG for that matter). While I will not make any claims that this was achievable under battlefield conditions, this was certainly achievable very close to the front. WWB
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