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Everything posted by WWB

  1. And while his spelling has clearly improved, it is still not yet perferct. See Panzerman's sig. And if you had any doubt is it him, check out the Stock Options thread. Now that sounds like the Rob we know and love. WWB
  2. From my limited programming experience, I can tell you that things to do with printing are rarely easy. That said, I do like the idea. WWB
  3. This scenario is evil. It forced me to go on a 4 day long binge involving prostitutes and cocaine, just to recover from the drubbing which I recieved. That friendly fire incident really, really hurt. WWB
  4. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Monty's Double: Anybody up for designing the "Battle of the Mace" scenario? That had to be one of their finest hours.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I second the motion. John Keegan's chapter 'A Polish Battlefield' in 'Six Armies in Normandy' almost brought tears to my eyes. It would definitely make an awesome OP (ahem, Rune. . . ) WWB
  5. Well, randomly generated maps lack the one advantage the defender usually has: he picks the terrain on which to defend. Look at most historical defenses and you will note that the ground act as a great force multiplier for the defender. So I generally steer clear of QB attacks/defenses. On the other hand, QBs work well as probes. One option for balancing this scenario would be to give yourself medium experience while giving the enemy low experience, thus severly limiting the effecacy of SMG rushes. WWB
  6. Yeah, what he said. A very interesting read, though it can get rather repetitive after a while. On an ancilliary point, in most cases the books discussed on this forum are quite availiable at second hand book shops for a fraction of what they cost new. I have got many great titles for less than $5. And you support small businesses instead of bohemoths. WWB
  7. Well, a truly modern game in the current sense would probably not be too much fun. But a game set in the 1970s or 1980 would be alot more fun. While modern weapons systems would be avaliable, they would not be the insanely deadly modern generation of tools. The microchip had not yet completely revolutionized warfare. Not to mention that the soviets had a 3 to 1 superiority on the old IGB. Plus you can do that whole NATO-Pact thing. And there the fighting would be on ground not too dissimilar to CMBO, meaning good ol' restricted sightlines, etc. I can see the first scenario now: Last Defense Re-Revisited: The 3rd ACR has to hold off the soviet horde until the air cav arrives! Can it be done? WWB
  8. Well, even if the frame where to have survived the conflict, it would have little relation with the vehicle as it was produced in the 1930s. First there was the German practice of pulling in all tanks for complete overhauls at home factories during the early years of the war. On top of this, add the policy of upgrading these tanks to 'current' spec when being overhauled. In addition, while waiting to go back home for overhaul in Russia, most german tanks were cannabalized to the bone, meaning that little more than bare frames were returned to home factories to be overhauled in the first place. So, even if a frame were to have survived, it would likely not have any of the original equipment. Born again not of foundary, so to speak. WWB
  9. I would expect that the meanings of the various .wav files can be easily figured out by the following method: 1) Listen to the US .wavs. Write down what they mean. 2) Find the german (or french, polish, etc.) .wavs. The one in the same ordinal spot (ie 1st, 2nd, etc.) will probably have the same sound. WWB
  10. There are several things going on here: 1) Buttoned tanks will take a bit of time spotting new threats. There is good reason for israeli-style fighting (i.e. unbottoned unless under arty or close range infantry attack). 2) If you manually targeted the enemy infantry, the tank might well keep targeting it even if a new threat should arise. That type of target is 'stickier' than autmatic targeting. WWB
  11. But then again, if you have an opponent who is known to run from a spotting round, it can be used to major advantage. . . WWB
  12. I like testing grass, especially new grass. . . now where did I put that lighter. WWB
  13. On the subject of the Strategic AI, is anything going to be done about its habit of deploying without regard to formation? I would suspect this would hamstring it even more as C&C is implemented for armor. WWB
  14. Just a general point, but in most 2nd world countries, the dollar or other hard curriny goes much farther than the local stuff. I knew many a turk who would immediatly cash their paycheks and buy marks, dolllars and swiss francs because those monies held their values. WWB
  15. *wwb steps up to the bar, looks to his left, and gives this topic a goof firm kick and BUMP WWB
  16. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by tero: > Have YOU ever gotten a Stug in a decent hull down position from which it could shoot effectively and survive for more than a few turns ? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Oh yes I have. Took out an entire platoon without taking a single hit. It was gorgeous. WWB
  17. 1) Yes, but the speed of recovery depends on experience. If they are conscripts, you might just want to write them off. 2) Flanking fire is much more effective. Against tanks you get to shoot at thinner side armor, as well as not having their guns pointed at you. Against infantry, flanking fire is deadly, especially when they are on the move. It is where one can see how terribly effective MG42s are. 3) No, you cannot. 'Mouse-holeing' is not simulated in CMB0. Nor do you have the principal piece the US used to do it during the war (155mm SP arty). WWB
  18. I would actually perfer to see them as a scenario designer option, which takes price-balancing out of the equation. And if they include all the elements of a good trench system, mainly nearly arty-proof dugouts, they will not be terribly effective. For example, during WW I, at the Somme, the British bombarded the Germans for 3 days straight with little effect, mainly due to the 30 foot deep dugouts the Germans were hiding out in. I don't think the prep barrages should be any less accurate than a target wide order; they were firing on known & observed points generally. Possibly, the rate of fire might need to be slowed, to reflect the lenghthly aspects of this. Also, this would be a much more common tactic with rocket arty, which was generally fired in battalion strength right before the troops went over the top. WWB
  19. I think opening barrages are a must for CM2. What would be really cool, and quite possibly realistic, would be for the player to define an unmodifiable fire-plan before the game starts. I think preplotted strikes should be, if anything, cheaper. And moreover, they should not be bought as FOs but as 'Turns of Fire.' I.e. Bombard this location on turns 1 to 3, stop, then bombard this location from turns 5 to 7, etc. I also would not mind seeing the ability for scenario designers to 'force' air strikes on a specific turn. One major design difficulty now is that airstrikes can oftentimes unbalance a scenario because their effects are so random. WWB
  20. So only 3 people have actually played any of the 60 rune scenarios. I do admit that many who played them might be currently institutionalized, but there have to be more than 3 who have played and recovered. Right? WWB
  21. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Panzer Leader: I like the Isreali philosophy to tank warfare. TCs are supposed to stay up and firing. I believe all their tanks mount a coaxial MG.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Uh, yeah. Most tanks do mount a coax. But I defnintely agree with Israeili doctrine regarding keeping tanks unbottoned. I never button mine unless under artillery fire or direct infantry fire at ranges less than 100m. WWB
  22. Well, I cannot comment on museums near Nice. But bars are a different story. . . WWB
  23. Ok. Has anyone played any of the 59 or so other, non Reut, Rune scenarios?
  24. Ok. I will vote. To provide an example to the leaking cess and such. 1) Reut Canal: What kind of evil doth he create? The most cracked-out bridge crossing battle on record. 2) Tin Tanks: What kind of man would place your reinforcements like that? So remeber to vote early and often. WWB
  25. Yes you can! His Evilness, aka Rune, needs our help. You see, he wants to do a 'Rune's Würste' scenario pack containing the 10 most evil masterpieces avaliable. And His Evilness needs your help. For how can what is truly evil understand what is evil to you mere mortals? So start your voting, gerbils. I will tabulate results and send them on to His Evilness exactly one week from this moment (5:44:01 PM, EDT, 6.18.01). WWB [edited to correct German grammar] [ 06-12-2001: Message edited by: wwb_99 ]
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