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Everything posted by WWB

  1. Try clicking the mousebutton in, it should let you scroll by using the mouse. Don't know why you can't move it otherwise. WWB
  2. Check out Band of Brothers, usually with about 1 tourney a month. http://stryker1.home.att.net/index.htm WWB
  3. First, listen to what Schullenraft has to say. He knows his stuff. 1) Probably the best bang-for-buck buy at this point is the GeForceMX 400 DDR cards, pretty much as fast as the GTS and a bit cheaper. Especially if you have less than 800mhz feeding it data, as the faster stuff needs more horsepower to be worthwhile. Technical issues: 1) ATI cards do not do fog in CM. See above for more details. 2) nVidia cards seem to have some (workaroundable) graphics issues in CM under windows ME/2k/XP. But they also release alot of drivers, so these might well be fixed by CMBB time. WWB
  4. Yes, you can do fine for $100 or so. Tell me what kind of machine will you be running it on, and I can reccomend something fitting. WWB
  5. Well, that is beyond me, as I avoid macs like the plague. In IE you might want to go into the advanced tab of the internet options and make sure java is enabled. You also might not have java installed in the first place. There are irc clients avaliable for Macs, but I cannot name any of them. WWB
  6. I get a similar problem. It seems to be a 'feature' of win9x. Can be fixed by hitting shift again, usually. WWB
  7. Aak. One would think that modern programs would be able to figure out that commas are not part of URLs. . . . WWB
  8. That thing would be really useful on the 14th street bridge during rush hour. And those nasty potholes would become immaterial with that suspension. The accompanying .50 cal would be useful when cruzing southeast. WWB
  9. Hmm, I don't have a Mac but I am using Netscape 4.75 at the moment, and it seems to have worked. Yesterday afternoon, for some unknown reason, the Java chat was offline, but it was still accessable thru IRC. Which would also be the simplest way to solve your problem. Check out www.mirc.com, and setup a link to www.combatmission.com, port 7000, to join room #lobby and you are set. WWB [edited as per Matt's suggestion] [ 09-28-2001: Message edited by: wwb_99 ]
  10. Knowing no java myself, but having done a little programming, I suspect you would need to use a truncate function to trim it (or another variable used just for screen prints) down, then print to screen. WWB
  11. Don't worry guy, getting rid of Gunny Bunny is not an altogether bad thing. . . WWB
  12. Woo Hoo! B-Day -0! I get to say it first! Looking forward to boozing with y'all. WWB
  13. Yes, it looks very, very pretty with FSAA forced. But I like very high res settings with a crapload of hires mods and the GeForce2 MX just cannot quite handle FSAAing 1280x960 without significant slowdown. Thanks for the answer, schullenraft. Unfortunately, it was the one which I expected. WWB
  14. I had a balance problem in one tournament I ran, albeit unexpected. I just let the top 4 players advance who had played each side, comparing them only against their peers, not everyone else. WWB
  15. Is it possible to run a win2000 (Celeron 800, 192mb, SP 2) machine with a GeForce2 MX (14.71 beta drivers) without using FSAA and get no graphical corruption in CM? Right now, I have 2 issues. First, the white text in the status stuff at the bottom of the screen flashes or goes transparent. Whenever I go back to 2d, I cannot read the white text in text boxes. Second, sometimes when playing an IP game, the whole status bar's bitmaps dissapear, leaving some spots of white text. The buttons are still active, if one can find them. Any advice/hints? WWB
  16. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Cauldron: Hy, All you scenario designers write to The Scenario depot NOW and advise host to post your scenario's now...( particularly if you are already posted there). Once CM:BB comes out your scenarios wont be worth SH*T.. Also its an absolute pain clicking dead links.. Do yourself and all of us a favour... Thank you eric <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> 1) Learn how to spell 'Hi' 2) Good suggestion for the Depot. It is a great place. 3) I do believe that all of those old scenarios will still be worth something, CMBB or no CMBB. Which will not be here for months anyways. . . 4) Get a life. Or at least a few PBEM opponents. WWB
  17. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Herr Oberst: ElGuapo, there is life outside the beltway... So screw up your courage and head on out into the hinterlands... Why we even have running water and bathroom facilities out here in the boonies... Herr Oberst<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Where did you hear that? Life outside the beltway? An oximoron at best. Hard to imagine there is running water out there, much less restroom facilities. . . WWB [ 09-24-2001: Message edited by: wwb_99 ]
  18. I replied to this post in the Tips & Tricks, but I will repeat here. I have messed with this concept a couple of times, and it does work beautifully. Especially if you don't start everything jammed into the corner, but give each side 1/3rd of the map to work with. There is, however, one difficulty: CM's terrain tile system does not work too well on a slant, especially regarding roads and elevations. Aside from that, it is a great concept. WWB
  19. I will definitely try to make it, but this weekend is very touch and go at this point. I think it is metroable, albeit on the far end of the Orange line. WWB
  20. I was actually toying with this idea recently. It is very workable in most respects, but there is one sticking point. CMBO's map editor likes non-rotated grids alot, so some of your terrain chioces might be limited, and some things might come out looking a bit funky. But it is a damn good idea none the less. WWB
  21. Order it. It will save you alot of money as all other hobbies, activities and passtimes are replaced. If your dad is nervous, have him order it with an Amex. Even God gives Amex refunds. WWB
  22. Rob, True, the workaround is rather easy. I, myself, just made a folder called "working scenarios" off the saved games folder. But it is very, very easy to forget to go there, and to overwrite the file. And it really, really sucks when you overwrite hours of hard work. So, it would be nice if you had to make an effort to do so instead of the current system where if one does not make an extra effort losing creations is far too easy. WWB
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