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Everything posted by WWB

  1. Try disabling the sound ingame and see what happens. WWB
  2. 1) About 30m will work. 2) They can take out just about anything. 3) I took a picture of one at Ft. Knox. Go here to check it out. WWB
  3. Yup, looks like a bug to me. Confirmed it in a different battle. WWB
  4. No, because such an effect is not supported at all in CMBO. WWB
  5. Hey James, long time no chat eh. Try forcing it to run in software mode. Kind of ugly but it should work. To do so, delete your prefs then load the game and skip every mode until you see 800x600 software. Alot more adviseable in the long run would be to invest in a newer graphics card. GeForce 2MXs with 32mb VRAM can be had for $25 these days online. WWB
  6. Historically the T34 (and the Tiger tank for that matter) were a whole lot more terrifying than they are in CM. The T34's that wrecked havoc in the germans hearts can now be knocked out by the smallest AT gun in the german arsenal, and with a frontal shot too! BTS fix or do somefink! Chad</font>
  7. Most off the cuff figures for ATG penetraton are 30 degree figures, which is still 51mm at point blank for the Pak36. WWB
  8. I will add that I have seen a squad run out of ammo and grenades in a particular scenario. It aint pretty. Yeah, steel panthers gave you the ability to damage secondary weapons. But then again, it did not track things like the exact angle of impact nor feature a death clock. WWB
  9. It becomes a move and run. If you are taking fire, your men might well hit the ground. WWB
  10. I converted it to HTML. Feel free to email me at wwb_99@yahoo.com if you need a copy. WWB
  11. Go into your CMBO editor. Note the "Axis Bonus" field. Same thing, different game. WWB
  12. Jason, I just looked over my refernce, you are quite right for AG South. For AG Center the story is more interesting. It is about a third long-gunned Panzers, a third Panzer III longs and two-fifths "old." Old means Panzer IIs and 38ts, and short-gunned IIIs and IVs. Tom, that T34 incident you are speaking of did not involve a T34. It was a KV that blocked the advance for a day or three. And when the shermans arrived in late 42, they were quite the tank. For that year's standard, they were quite well armored and armed. WWB
  13. Its not a soviet-only weapon. Well, it is for the demo, but that is because you dont have any 75l24-equipped germans. You should see what one does to a human wave. WWB
  14. SPOILER ALERT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I beg to differ. I actually said almost the same thing back in the Beta days, especially about Yelina Stare. It seemed freaking impossible to win, and I had signed on to play Bil, arguably one of the most competent players about. I ended up getting a minor victory, wihtout getting very lucky or playing a stellar game. I even lost one of the ATGs before it fired a shot. But you can win without too much difficulty. I am not going to give away the exact method, but it comes easily if you keep these factors in mind: 1) MGs rule now. They can pin entire companies from 400m with ease, while remaining unspotted. 2) Having LOS to everything is not helpful when you lack ranged firepower. Fire discipline is key. 3) 37mm can kill T34s, just only on the front turret, sides or rear. 4) T34s when buttoned are blind, as well as having command delays upwards of 60 seconds. WWB
  15. Not quite Jason. CM starts at your desktop resolution and works its way down. So if you are running your desktop at 1600x1200 on a 16mb TNT (which can do that just fine for 2d stuff), CM will try to run at 1600x1200 as well. So just skip the first few resolutions and choose 1024x768 or 800x600 depending on preferences. WWB
  16. Agua, I am guessing you are still in the setup stage. If a non-radio equipped tank begins a turn out of communications (like one starts the setup phase in that battle), it will stay out. But if placed in communications, all will be good on turn 1. WWB
  17. It is also spyware. The slowness of DLs people are feeling right now is not going to be allieviated by DL accelerator. There is a fixed amount of bandwith, and 200+ pairs of lips are sucking on it right now. WWB
  18. Check out CMHQ chat. Once people get it, they will be a lurkin'. WWB
  19. T34s were in use on 22 June 41. There is some debate as to when they were first encountered, but it was no later than 1 July in any case. If you think you got it bad with 50mm armed Panzer IIIs, remember that in many cases the heviest AT weapon avaliable was 37mm. Also keep in mind that Panzer IIIs were nearly the majority of german tanks used at Kursk in July of 43. Panzer IVs were introduced in 38 or so, IIRC. They were in use in 41 with a short infantry howitzer (same gun as is on the 75mm SPWs). Upgunned models (like the ones in CMBO) started appearing in the spring and summer of 42. WWB
  20. If you are a serious gamer, avoid anything bearing the MX/LE moniker. They are crippled in fundamental ways that you will feel a few years down the road. WWB
  21. I am not as sprung on briefings as most, I tend to barely scan them as I really hate reading on the screen. Anyhow, this is what I like, and what I tend to do: Overall Briefing: Keep it short and sweet. In no case should the 'meat' of the overall breifing go to page 2. Definitely get the best played as, etc., in there as well as all the standard info. It is basically advertising copy, IMHO, I want to put in 3 sentances to make a player want to play the battle. Side Briefings: Keep it short and sweet here too. No more than 1 page if possible, definitely not mroe than 2. I dont care what the protagonist ate for lunch, I want some intel, my mission and my forces. I am not a big fan of the OOB in briefing, prefering the "XY company" style of relating forces. WWB
  22. I really put no faith in CM's to hot probabilities. From what I understand they are intentionally inaccurate anyhow, so why fixate on them. Play the freaking game and have fun. You win some, you lose some but its ok. Your digital soldiers will respawn to fight another day. WWB
  23. Another thing to do is check your event log, and see what is causing the restart. This can be done by right clicking on My Computer and choosing Manage . . . then select the logs from the right pane. You want to look at the system and application logs, especially for anything with a red mark right about when the restart occoured. WWB
  24. Go into your CMBO folder (usually c:\Program Files\CMBO\) and delete the Combat Mission Bynd Ovlrd Prefs file. It will force your computer to redetect the video settings. WWB
  25. Well, someo of us have been very busy and you will see some nice suprises on the 20th. WWB
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