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Everything posted by WWB

  1. Both the above incidents are working as designed. A unit is either covering its arc or not. Making a unit intlligent enough to decide when to abandon the arc is a very, very big can of worms. Most likely, it would abandon it when you did not want it to, leading to similar complaints as above. I have been playing CMBB for a while now, and I find that I rarely use covered arcs now. They a tool with a purpose, not something you should rely on for all situations. WWB
  2. In Photo-Paint, if you go to Tools->Options->Workspace you can make the environment photoshop like. I definitely agree that it is nearly as fully featured as photoshop and much easier to use IMHO. WWB
  3. Big difference between the demo situation and the situations you read about in Panzer Aces is that the Panzer IIIs in the demo have a much better 50mm gun than the one Bix was driving in 41. He had a Panzer IIIG or H with a 50L42 piece, while the Panzer IIIMs in the demo feature a 50L60 piece. In addition, they have access to tungsten ammo which Bix did not, dramatically increasing penetration. Not to mention the whole thin armor problem of the KV1S series. When you do meet KVs with anything short of an 88mm in 41, you have a big issue to deal with. WWB
  4. Sounds like you still have a QT issue. Try holding down shift while launching, skipping the intro movie. If it loads, you have found the issue. WWB
  5. If you didn't play with them, you dont understand. WWB
  6. Uh, they were always there if you had resolution set to higher than 640x480. WWB
  7. Read Fionns preamble. His rules are not designed to create historical forces. They are designed to create a perfectly level playing field so superior tactics will prove the winner. Personally, I say it takes alot of fun out of the game, but others like them. Rarity addresses a different issue--keeping the forces historically flavored while OTOH not outright banning more estoric units. There will be times when the germans can purchase Tigers at -5%. There will also be times in 41 when the germans have to stop T34s with 38ts. But the really cool thing is you never know how the pricing will turn out until the game is played. WWB
  8. Mainly offensive--by the time the Soviets had SPGs in large numbers they were storming across eastern europe. WWB
  9. Finding the chipset is easy--go to gateway.com and go to support and use their configuration detection utility. WWB
  10. What Moon means is using RAR file compression, as opposed to the more common ZIP compression. It is not an option coming out of photoshop, as it is a compression algorythym/file format rather than a graphics compression format. WWB
  11. I agree with you Oberst. 90% of what he said is whiney BS basically a matter of laziness and convenience. The one thing that would be real, real cool to see in a patch would be command line switches to join multiplayer games. Imagine a Hyperlobby for CM? Is it possible now, no. But if you had a relatively simple set of switches, one could click on a join button in a program which would then fire up CM and join you to the proper IP addy. WWB PS: Parameters are only abaliable for QBs. They are auto generated briefings in that setting. In scenarios, the designer can choose to lie to players profusely. Not that I have ever done that mind you. [ September 10, 2002, 11:12 AM: Message edited by: wwb_99 ]
  12. . . . Now, as I presume most of the folks on this board are Americans you are not interested one bit in the Finnish front, but myself am very interested. . . Beat that !</font>
  13. After playing the demo, I have come to the conclusion that BFC did not make any improvements to CMBB. Well, they did not make any improvements but Doodads, More terrain, Imporved MGs, Variable Rarity, Russians, Hungarians, Partisans, Italians, Finns, Death Clock, Improved penetration model, Improved MGs, Improved 3d Models, Improved Operations, Optics, Wind, Living Fire, Variable Turn Endings, Higher Quality skins, Assault Order, Advance Order, Human Waves, Cover Arcs, Vehicle Command and Control, Extreme Fog of War. Once Steve gets back from his Island tour (going on 2 years now) he will tell us why they did not improve things for CMBB. Except the above of course. The lazy bastards. WWB
  14. I aint gonna argue the sanitization issue, but the patches will all come from BFC, and they have repeatedly stated that there will be no delayed europatch. WWB
  15. 1) Does not make the files any bigger! You just get a replay in each turn... works like this: A plots moves for turn 1 -- B plots moves for turn 1 -- A views the replay for turn 1 A plots moves for turn 2 -- B views the replay for turn 1 B plots moves for turn 2 -- A views the replay for turn 2 A plots moves for turn 3 -- B views the replay for turn 2 B plots moves for turn 3 -- etc. 2) And this would make the files bigger! </font>
  16. 1) This would suck IMHO--file sizes would always be large. For those of us on dialup, that would be a pain. 2) The lack of full game replay goes alot deeper than just being a PBEM thing. It probably would not be all that difficult had it been an original design consideration, but attempting to tack it onto the existing code and object model proved to be an impossible task. 3) I agree with you here. Command line load options would be a great tool for many things. Another potential application would be joining IP games--it would allow for the creation of a TCP connection utility. I watch alot of people stumble and fall flat on their face trying to even find their own IP addy, much less enter it. WWB
  17. Keep an eye on Boots & Tracks for some nice suprises come 9/20. (2nd link in sig) The depot is not a bad place to keep up with as well. (1st link in sig) WWB
  18. Not quite. I won against humans double blind as the immobile defender in both battles. I am also proud to have helped Andreas and Brian remove every fun and interesting feature from CMBB. We were about to go back to simple stick figures, but KDawg would have had a heart attack had we not used the skins he painstakingly scanned from magezines. WWB
  19. While it seems harder, attacking is not altogether impossible in CMBB with EFOW. The only major adjustment you must make is one needs more time to execute the attack, as it takes longer to move the men into place. For practice, I advise playing CMBO with green troops. WWB
  20. Aint gonna happen. Just relax and take the one minute delay. WWB
  21. They represent armor thickness. Click on a tank and hit enter, note the cloration of the gun penetration stats. If a gun penetration is a cooler shade than the armor indicator, you can penetrate. WWB
  22. What kind of video card is it? To find out, right click on my computer, go to properties, and find the hardware manager and look for entries under display adapters. CMBB has run with 8mb VRAM on certain computers, but your really want at least 16 if not 32 or more. WWB
  23. Because, to an average user, such input discipline is beyond them. 2 Forums is a much better solution. The other thing that comes to mind watching the slow death of the CMBO forum is that once the real deal comes out 95% of threads here will be CMBB releated anyhow. WWB
  24. I see several problems here: 1) IBM computer. They might have invented the PC, but they are pretty good at screwing them up. 2) Windows ME. Need I say more? What video drivers are you running? What version of DirectX? Did you uninstall the old video drivers before installing the Raedon? What about sound? WWB
  25. Dust effects, from both tanks and artillery (probably more significant--big barrages were effective smoke screens) are a bit too much for modern graphics hardware to handle. Unless you wanted to go back to having polygon counts from the CMBO alpha stages . . . WWB
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