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Everything posted by WWB

  1. Actully, we should not hear birds in ambient sound. They did not stick around combat areas. WWB
  2. They be working for me, maybe you hit them in the morning rush. And I highly reccomend dowloading both Katzbach and See How They Run. Jeff did take evil to a new level there. WWB
  3. Hi Mom! Guys, do not give the BTS boys a hug. Instead get the whips and cattle prods. We do not want them getting all sappy and emoitional when they should be WORKING ON CMBB! WWB
  4. The big difference here is that MS does not write the hardware drivers for most devices, the manufacturers do. And winME and 98 and 95 use the same driver technology. The same goes for 2000 and XP. This does, however, leave NT4 hanging out in the breeze as it uses some of the same drivers as 2000, but not quite all of them. What you lose is the hotfix support, which really did not matter for Win9x, as they were all insecure by nature, but is very important with NT, as server security and reliability is key. All this is a move by MS to force you to switch over to Win2000, which is a good thing in general. But the real problem comes in when one switches all the servers over one also has to move to Active Directory, which is a nightmare at best. Your directory services are one of those things which, once configured, one never wants to change unless absolutely vital. And moving to win2000 forces one to do just that. WWB
  5. Got ya there. I would kill for for cut and paste etc. I would not want to do an autogeneration algorithim. From what I gather the current one is about as good as is possible. While you all are at it, see if it is possible to change maps from battle to operations. That would also be a killer feature IMHO. You can bump entire map elevations, but you cannot limit it to an area. Shifting maps has some issues with moving labels and flags, but it is pretty easy otherwise.
  6. Not much of a programmer here, but am a map maker. This would be way cool, although I see a few issues: 1) I would set it for 800x600. CMBB requires that as a minimium. 2) What advantage would you have over a the included random map generator? It does have its issues, but does a very fine job overall except for cities, etc. WWB
  7. I would like to add that I playtested the battle in question, and succeeded just fine without arty. I did offer a fair amount of criticism, in a more constructive manner, and cannot claim the battle is one of my alltime favorites. If you dont like it, fine, say so on the depot review or somesuch. There is no such thing as a one-size fits all battle. WWB
  8. The real advantage the M3 had in the desert was the 75mm gun. But its strength lay in the fact that it could engage AT guns at range. Unlike the 2pounder armed british creations, which had no HE ammo. Not that 40mm HE is all that effective anyhow. WWB
  9. Fedexing and UPSing have got a bit easier in the electronic age. Both have web based offerings, and UPS also has a LAN based offering. You can import address data into both, bill your account, and print out labels on a laser printer if need be. No filling out of waybills, etc. But I suspect BTS does not do their own shipping, that is likely outsourced for an operation of their size and they probably have little control over shipping options. WWB
  10. Fedexing and UPSing have got a bit easier in the electronic age. Both have web based offerings, and UPS also has a LAN based offering. You can import address data into both, bill your account, and print out labels on a laser printer if need be. No filling out of waybills, etc. But I suspect BTS does not do their own shipping, that is likely outsourced for an operation of their size and they probably have little control over shipping options. WWB
  11. I am in the "if it ain't broke don't fix it school." And your drivers ain't broke. Problem is many new games need newer drivers to function correctly, or really old ones before they started optimizing the hell out of them. So if you stick with the 6.50s, you will do just fine. WWB
  12. OEM perhaps, but not MS. Windows XP had very up-to-date drivers when it shipped. Technically the hardware manufacturers should be submitting driver updates to MS for distribution through Windows Update. Then the great majority of users would be on (or be notified about) the latest drivers all the time...</font>
  13. Not quite. ASL scenarios are a good basis, but a far different medium. Balance must be seriously re-adjusted, and the maps almost always need some work due to the move to a truly 3d, interactive environment. WWB
  14. I would add that this is partilly an OEM/MS issue. They keep putting ancient drivers on computers, and those drivers dont really work. WWB
  15. Damn skippy. The AI does not handle QBs so well--the target is way too broad. But one can use a trick or three to manipulate the AI in scenarios, making it a much more effective opponent. And, when on the defensive and given a proper setup, the AI can have a can of whup ass. WWB
  16. Damn fine read, and one of the fundamental military history books of our generation. It definded techniques for others to follow (Goldsworthy to name one) and brought genres to populations who never expected it. If you have not read it, read it now. It is worth the $9.95 and 2.5 hours by all means. WWB
  17. Deadmarsh. Quit your whining. If you cannot deal with the TacAI, get another game. WWB
  18. Yes. But this is a wargame, not an arcade game forum. WWB
  19. Nope. I just give one side alot of planes and watch the fireworks. WWB
  20. Screw the bridges. Give me roads in brush, roads with walls, streams, gullies and high walls first. WWB
  21. Well true, but weren't there at least a few in Stalingrad and perhaps some around Leningrad?</font>
  22. Last I heard they took the QB gen out. Too many complaints about gamey bastards or somesuch. WWB
  23. Exactly how many suspension bridges were there in the Soviet Union in 1941? I dont know offhand, but I would suspect the number could be counted on one hand. WWB
  24. SB drivers could also be to blame. They really dont get along with VIA chipsets. WWB
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