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Everything posted by WWB

  1. Those are essentially no mans land, although I have seen troops in the off colored parts at times. WWB
  2. I have a bottle of really cheap vodka, which I plan to drink after not showering for 9 days, eating only stale back bread and sitting in a tub of icewater to really get the feel. WWB
  3. No time limits is not really an option. Time limits are very handy anyhow, without them a patient attacker would always win. They type of battle you are talking about does exist. It is called an operation. WWB
  4. I am a designer, and I am of the opposite school of thought. I really hate 45 turn battles where there is not any shooting until turn 25. I don't have the time nor the desire to wait for things to develop. In my opinion, the shooting should start no later than turn 3, and things should not wrap up much more than a half hour later. CM does not simulate recon well anyhow, so why bother with the probing game. One big factor is getting things playtested. A 45 turn battle might take a two to three months for people to get done. A 25 turn furball can be TCPed in an afternoon, significantly speeding up production schedules. The thing about TCP play is that most people can find 2-3 hours at a stretch, but much more is pushing it. I would still chalk this up to different strokes for different folks, and it is not like there are 1000+ scenarios at the depot. WWB [ August 27, 2002, 11:14 AM: Message edited by: wwb_99 ]
  5. As I understand it, it was a neat idea, but it was not really useable. The bullets tended to punch through the barrel rather quickly, and aiming was a bit problematic. WWB
  6. Well, you can load maps with forces. And trenches are forces, so getting both sides to have dug in positions is not an issue. Just pre-generate map with trench lines, then make it a QB ME. Also, I think there should be dug in attackers, especially in assault type battles. While your infantry will advance, many of your support weapons probably should be dug in at the start of a deliberate attack. WWB
  7. Look at peng this way: it tends to keep the lunatics confined and playing with one another. Now sod off. WWB
  8. In 41, Panzer IIs were effectively MBTs, as there were more of them floating around than any other models IIRC. In 42, you would see Stug IIIFs, not Gs. Someone already pointed out how hard the Panzer IIIs hung on, they would quite common into 44 when they wasted out of service. For the soviets, what about the SU-85, which was made in huge numbers and pre-dated the T34/85. WWB
  9. I would not advise unblocking attachments. With all the security holes floating around, it is better to deal with the inconvenince rather than rebuild after a virus. Not that it should effect CM files, as text files are not executeable per se so it should not interfere with them. If you need to get at a blocked attachment, you should be able to forward the file to a yahoo account or somesuch and get it from there. WWB
  10. It would be great for scenario playtests, to catch technical things like reinforcements coming in at the right places and times, and catch weird map issues, etc. Also would be nice to watch how the AI plays it without messing with FOW or surrendering every turn. WWB
  11. Edit: DOH! I am in the SC forum. Ignore me please. [ August 23, 2002, 03:06 PM: Message edited by: wwb_99 ]
  12. Uh, that is not charles. Sources inside BFC have confirmed that charles is actually a brain in a jar with a dual fire-wire connection to a G4 on a T1. That is just some random passerby pretending to be charles. Anyhow, has it not been pointed out that God has no physical form? WWB
  13. Download and install quicktime, from www.quicktime.com . WWB
  14. Also check if FOW is at full. Just wait until you see Extreme FOW in CMBB. WWB
  15. Hmm, service pack installs tend to go slow and easy. Best way to do it is to download the whole SP (currently SP3, weighing in at 124mb) and install it, with the rollback files should that make you feel any better. The compatibility update is not in the service packs and critical updates section of windows update, but in the Windows 2000 section (IIRC). Just check it off to download and install at http://windowsupdate.microsoft.com . You might want to shut down any antivirus you are running before installing these, as well as any running programs. I would kill everything in your system tray to be on the safe side. Also, applying a new SP is one of the best ways to recover a Windows 2000 install. Only times I have seen one mess things up are: 1) When Novell was involved (very weird and likely inappliciable--I can explain if need be) 2) When I lost power 1/2 way through the non-cancelable part of the install. WWB PS: I understand the Granicus fetish. I have walked one of the proposed sites, very interesting battle. [ August 20, 2002, 11:44 PM: Message edited by: wwb_99 ]
  16. Sheesh, can someone ban this guy already. I guess in his mental institution, they have computer playtime between 5:15 and 6pm. WWB PS: Hi Mom!
  17. That is not a bug. It really means they need to setup for a second before they can shoot. CMBO does not have a "setup timer" option, so mortars, guns, etc. show reloading when moving. WWB
  18. The only way a trail in woods tile would be of any use is if there was a follow-trail command, no? Streams are already represented in CMBO by open ground, but I agree some kind of graphical depiction would be a nice bit of chrome.</font>
  19. I can think of a dozen or more generally useful tiles I would consider paying for before a few single structures which effected a few weeks of fighting at most. How many more miles would one get out of a road-with-brush tile, or a trail-in-woods tile or--god forbid--a stream tile than a reichstag? WWB
  20. Possibly moved to www.battlefield.ru ? WWB
  21. Van Creveld's work is one of the most generally useful military history books I have ever seen. I dont know much in the modern world, but as for the classical world I highly suggest: Engles--Logistics of the Macedonian Army Roth--The Logistics of the Roman Army at War Both fine, well regarded works. WWB
  22. Dont think you can. I doubt it would speed up games, CM savegame files are very small, and the autosave is a normal savegame file by another name for all intents and purposes. Largest savegame I have ever seen is in the 100kb range. Which, if you can run CM well, has almost no effect on the game speed. WWB
  23. 95/98/Me doesn't make good use of more than 32MB. Seriously. Ok, WinMe does sort-of-OK with up to 64MB, but you really have to move to Win2K or XP to really take advantage of 64MB+.</font>
  24. Reports are in, the parhelia is a waste for the money. And I do remind you all, just because CMBB does not require gads of VRam does not mean it will not take advantage of gads of VRam. WWB [ August 16, 2002, 03:19 PM: Message edited by: wwb_99 ]
  25. More RAM always helps. At least if you are running Win2000 or XP. 98 and such really dont make good use of RAM above 256mb, and more than 512mb is a waste. WWB
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