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Everything posted by WWB

  1. Would be cool. Then again, my internet access prevents me from sending outgoing mail through anything but my ISPs mail servers. I am sure I am not alone. What would be alot cooler in terms of multiplayer support would be some kind of Hyperlobby for CM. There are alot of connection problems caused by the rather archaic way that CM handles connecting multiplayer games. If run CM and tell it to join IP games from the command line then such a GUI based system would be possible. WWB
  2. Interesting scheme. I think there are too many dangers to setting up a local SMTP server to have one installed on every gamers machine. WWB
  3. Not true. DirectX files are totally independent of your chipset or video drivers.</font>
  4. Guys, remember that if they do the med, including Dragoon and Northern Italy in 45, then one has most of the tools that would be needed to do any CMBO battle. WWB
  5. Cant load a map without hardware into a QB in CMBO. You will be able to do so in CMBB. You can load a map into the scenario editor and add forces. To get some maps, see the first link in my sig. WWB
  6. The scenario Depot also has a map section. See the first link in my signature. WWB
  7. Hehe. Ok, I finally got my stuff together and posted my own (very bad) pictures. They can be found here. WWB
  8. Legend42/Weapon: Big dogs at Thouse. If that makes you the best, the CM world is going down hill. And if you just want people to enjoy the game, then why do you claim one group is superior? Anyhow, I play PBEM. I probably play a bit more TCP. And I have tested some 10000 point scenarios on a 5 minute time limit. I actually find TCP easier than PBEM by virtue of being more in the game. No need to try and remember what happened last movie turn, no chance to forget plans, etc. While I do not time myself, I doubt if I spend any more time on a given turn no matter what the medium. It really is pretty immaterial. Whatever kind of game you are playing, you and your opponent are subject to the same limitations. WWB
  9. AT ditches can be done in the map editor. Just drop a tile and fill it with impassible terrain or drop enough to get a slope. WWB
  10. Yes, you have no clue. That rule of thumb was 5 shermans to take on one panther successfully, usually with the loss of maybe one sherman. You see, we are pushing digital soldiers who will reload and fight another day. When it is your ass on the line, you take things a bit more seriously. Make a little more sense now? WWB
  11. Looking forward to the pics WWB!</font>
  12. I have not seen this happen with CM. Try deleting your Combat Mission Beyond Overlord Preferences file then starting the game. This will force it to pick a new resolution, the first option should match your desktop resolution. WWB
  13. In CMBO, IIRC, allies are active first. Set their view by moving camera to appropriate spot. Then hit the backslash key to switch sides. Set axis view. Quit preview mode and save. Viola. WWB
  14. Argh. I got beat to the forum. Well, all I have to say is WOW! The museum is flippin awesome, and CMBB better still. Many thanks to Blackhorse and the other fine individuals who made the tour possible, and I hope to be posting some pictures soon. WWB
  15. About to bail from downtown DC to brave the traffic out to baltimore. Will be arriving in Louisville tonight about 9:30. ETA at bar (good find Harv) 10:30 or so. WWB
  16. Thanks Nidan. Please remember to go and review the battle at the depot. You can get there from the first link below. WWB
  17. I second the "no mine detection without taking casualty" motion. I ran some tests a while back, and it did not happen save someone getting hurt. WWB
  18. I know we over at Boots & Tracks use a pretty standard format in the general briefing, which should convey all you need to know. If one of you CMMOS types wants to have a look at one and get back to me if anything is missing, feel free. WWB
  19. First, you need to be sure you are using v1.12. Second, to host, start a game, and choose TCP/IP as the option, the one all the way to the right of the screen. Give your opponent your network address and you are off. Note that this would work the same if you loaded a savegame. WWB
  20. Go to www.combatmission.com and click on chatroom. Alternatively, the direct link is: http://www.combatmission.com:8000 WWB
  21. WWB will make it. Please remember to hide your women and your liquor supplies. I am staying at the Econo Lodge, someone needs to make sure Bill does not wreck the place. Key individuals will be recieving email with my cell number soon. WWB
  22. Not even at the end of the war. I have read several accounts of a german company stiffening a Rumanian or Italian regiment as early as 42. WWB
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