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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×

Pvt. Ryan

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Everything posted by Pvt. Ryan

  1. I played the Gulf War II game: MAJOR COALITION VICTORY! Saddam has been captured near Baghdad and will be tried by international courts. The new Iraqi leader is favorable to the U.S. Bahrain, Kuwait, and Saudi Arabia have been liberated though much of their infrastructure is in ruins. Coalition forces have suffered light casualties during the conflict while decisively defeating the Iraqi army.
  2. Welcome to CM 1. I'm not sure what you are talking about, but it would be nice if the player could see through the walls of a building while viewing a unit that is inside a building. 2. The unit animations are graphical representations. They are not intended to depict the actions of individual soldiers. But I agree that there could be a little more activity with close combat and vehicle assaults. 3. I'm on your side with this, but this topic has been debated to death. Some argue it would be an unnecessary hit on processor power, others argue that the gore is simply unnecessary. Whether it's either or both, BTS has decided it will not be a part of CM. Enjoy. BTW, Madmatt's Mod Guide is a bit out of date. You may want to explore the CM sites some more if you are interested in the latest mods that the artists have to offer.
  3. In the thread about how computer game magazines suck, Steve implied there would be a demo for CM2. The conclusion I have come to is that there will be a gold demo released about the same time CM2 is released, but there will be no beta demo.
  4. Alt-B makes everyone bald. It is not a well documented feature. I have noticed that many mod authors make their screen shots with the camera zoomed in. On my computer it improves sharpenss and eliminates jaggies. The only problem I have is that on the highest zoom level the vehicle graphics sometimes get partially corrupted. It's hard to describe, but for example, while looking at a HT the near side bitmap breaks down and I can see inside the vehicle, or the bitmap becomes striped. I have a GeForce2 64, so I don't think it's a VRAM problem.
  5. I ordered both of those last night. I am looking forward to some good reading.
  6. These shots were taken after the turn had ended. The GO button only appears before a turn. After you hit GO the VCR buttons replace it.
  7. One of the best weapons against pillboxes is the Stuart tank. The 37mm has a high rate of fire and is pretty accurate. If you set two Stuarts against a MG pillbox or bunker you should be able to either knock it out or route the crew in two or three turns. If it is an AT pillbox your Stuarts are dead meat, so you will have to try something else. I have had success with putting Sherman Jumbos against a 75mm pillbox, but you don't often have a Jumbo on hand.
  8. I think it was a torture device used to extract information from prisoners. Sorry.
  9. There are several barbed wire thingies in there. Look closely.
  10. I recall Deanco or someone at BTS saying that there would be a graphical representation of armor thickness on the interface. Hopefully the thickness can be switched all around the tank as needed.
  11. Matt named the thread. He meant to call it "more questions to all of our answers."
  12. I also like the interface. When we click on the weapons will there be a wav file that plays the sound of the weapon? What?... no, I've never heard of Close Combat. Was that a TV series or somefink? Do the numbers next to the weapons indicate rounds for the gun and MGs in the T-34, and number of weapons for the infantry sqaud?
  13. The T-34 looks as if Marco already got his hands on it. Overall the scenery is very nice and significantly improved over the CMBO stock graphics.
  14. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Soddball: Let's say that you had a FO within the command radius of a company HQ with +2 Combat. Would that affect the damage that the FO was able to inflict with artillery?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I'm pretty sure it wouldn't. Now if the FO had a pointed stick with which to defend himself he might fight more effectively in close combat. But morale modifiers would help the FO resist breaking if it came under fire, and simply being under command of an HQ would help the FO's repsonse time for movement orders.
  15. Your artillery is working, just not the way you thought it did. Your spotters still receive the command bonuses provided by the HQ. If the HQ has stealth bonuses that could help the FO stay hidden.
  16. How do you say this in Russian: "Stick that in your pipe, Fritz!" Oh, and when I hear "Sanitäter" I still think of a trash collector for some reason. So, to me it sounds like, "Come clean up this bloody mess!" [ 06-20-2001: Message edited by: Pvt. Ryan ]
  17. The batch file system would be great for the Normandy set too. Especially if Magua decides to do sets for other regions and or seasons.
  18. Well, considering the rate of posting is once every ten minutes, yes we do. Oh, OK, we really don't. Let's turn this into a Brummbar thread. I want a Brummbar.
  19. I thought someone had already done this a while back. I didn't use it, so I can't remember who did it.
  20. Very nice. Are the beach obstacles sold separately?
  21. Why are there patches of snow on the ground in July?
  22. If the bridge has collapsed, how do vehicles cross it?
  23. It's cost will probably prohibit its use in QBs, but it could be interesting to use in a scenario.
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