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Pvt. Ryan

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Everything posted by Pvt. Ryan

  1. Steve, please check the FAQ. It explains how to take screenshots in CM. It really isn't that difficult.
  2. The greatest difficulty I have deploying guns mid-game is that I always want to place the guns in woods or pine trees. The prime movers can't enter this terrain so I have to unhitch the guns at the edge of the woods and have the crews push the guns into place deep enough into the woods that they have LOS to the enemy. If it's a thick patch of woods that can take forever, and if it's a thin patch of woods the gun or prime mover is likely to be spotted. It's obviously easier to deploy a gun in scattered trees or clear terrain, but that makes the gun and mover so much more vulnerable.
  3. Steve, are you still planning on a 2001 release, or is Q1 of 2002 more realistic? Cough once for 2001, twice for 2002.
  4. The Hetzer looks so "new." Did they look that good when they left the factory? It needs some weathering.
  5. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Big Time Software: I know with tanks the turret will turn automatically, thus leaving the hull facing up to the player. Currently this is not possible to do in CMBO. Steve<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> That should make a lot of people happy since there were so many requests for this not too long ago. Another great feature! Edit: People like Michael [ 07-27-2001: Message edited by: Pvt. Ryan ]
  6. I'm sorry. I didn't read your post closely enough. I thought you just wanted an SS uniform mod - not a particular type of camo. I'll go eat my peas now.
  7. Boy is Andrew responsive! No sooner do you request a mod and he has one all ready for you: SS Uniform Mod
  8. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Bucsman: This Steve guy seemed to have it under control, and he was not far off on how he called things. Now, if he is really twisting things, just call his boss. BTS is a company isn't it?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Does anyone have Steve's dad's phone number? BTS is a company, but it has four employees - actually two co-owners and two employees. Steve is one of the owners. He can run this site any way he wants to. If you or I don't like it we can leave. But I know BTS would prefer that we not keep bringing up essentially the same topic after they have locked a thread.
  9. Will the creators of future mods please be kind enough to include an expiration date with their mods so we know for how long we can expect to use them? That way we can avoid the trouble of downloading mods that have a very limited shelf life, or we can have the opportunity to archive them before they expire. All of the masters do this. The next time you are in an art gallery take the time to examine the back of the artwork and you will see these expiration dates. And as a public service I would like to alert you all that the Mona Lisa is due to expire on 5/30/02, so you better hurry if you haven't seen it yet. Davinci hasn't put out any quality work for a while, so it's just as well.
  10. A lot of defensive planning depends on terrain. If the terrain is open your AT guns aren't going to last very long. I prefer a combination of fixed and mobile defenses. I keep my armor hidden until I know what is coming at me. I then use it as a mobile reserve to counter infantry concentrations or enemy armor. I also keep some infantry back off the line as a mobile reserve. When you set up static defenses you have plan ahead for the inevitable flanking manouever. If your guns are too far forward they will have to turn too much to deal with attacks from the side. Keeping your guns back means they don't have to traverse as much to deal with threats from the flanks. Of course it also depends on what types of forces you and your enemy have. If your enemy has mechanized or infantry you don't need big tanks. You would be better off with more HE and several AT guns. If you are facing armor you are going to want to have plenty of your own. There is so much more to say on the subject, but I thought I would put my two cents in.
  11. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Stoffel: Ryan, Where on the net can I find that program. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> The URL was already given, but I just wanted to point out that Zone Alarm is a firewall program. I didn't even know that it had built in virus detection. I also use Norton AntiVirus, which is not free.
  12. I received it from three people unknown to me. Zone Alarm caught it so I didn't open it. ZA also converted the text message into an attachment so I didn't know that I had this particular virus. I made a post about in DSLReports and someone asked me to forward the attachment to him so he could identify the virus. He confimed that it was SirCam32. Thank god for a free little program like Zone Alarm.
  13. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Panzerman: I don't know if thats good or bad. :confused: hum.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> It's good. Keep up the good effort, Rob. :cool:
  14. CM can run at 1600x1200, but you have to have your desktop set to at least 1600x1200, unless you use a program that lets games run at different resolutions than the desktop. CM doesn't limit the resolution of your desktop, it's the other way around. I have a 19" monitor and I tried running the desktop at 1600x1200 and I could barely read anything. CM looked great at 1600x1200, but I couldn't read the interface.
  15. When you have a big front... line (snicker), you have to have a lot of bazoombas (snicker) to take out the enemy's ass...ets (snicker). Seriously, this has been mentioned before, and I think BTS is considering changes for CM2. At least I hope so.
  16. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Lindan: I think it's the dolphins scheme to achieve world-domination.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Ka loves Pa! [ 07-23-2001: Message edited by: Pvt. Ryan ]
  17. I think terrorists have infiltrated the BTS compound and have bound and gagged the moderators.
  18. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by CMplayer: BTW, why do you guys always put a burning sherman in the picture when you show off your newest big cat mod? --Rett<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> That shot is from the Villers Bocage scenario. It's hard to take a screen shot that doesn't have a burning Sherman in it. By the way, I did that mod quite a while ago and have not done any since then. As a result my modding abilities have atrophied significantly.
  19. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Warren Peace: I hear one that sounds like: "Ari Kase, Ari Kase" What does that mean?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> That is the key grip shouting to the best boy to bring the case for the Arriflex camera. The Germans must have been shooting propaganda films that day.
  20. I was working on a Kelloggs cereal mod package, but all I have done so far is the "Tony the Tiger."
  21. BTS has been pretty silent about CM2 recently, which means to me they are working on it rather than talking about it. I think that's a good thing. I'm sure they watch this board and they do ask us when they want specific help. Besides, coding up the dobermines requires concentration and a distraction free environment if they want them to work properly.
  22. [ 07-22-2001: Message edited by: Pvt. Ryan ]
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