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Pvt. Ryan

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Everything posted by Pvt. Ryan

  1. Vehicles usually bog before they become immobilized by ground conditions, but I don't think they have to be. It also could have gone from bogged to immobilized so quickly that you didn't see it. However, I think it is rather uncommon for a HT to become bogged or immobilized due to ground conditions. It happens to heavier vehicles of course, but I've never had it happen to a lighter vehicle. Perhaps it is more common in mud and heavy mud.
  2. IIRC, Tiger made it very clear that anyone wanting to alter his mods with the intent to offer it to the public should first get his permission. However, as far as I know he has not refused anyone who asked. Tiger has taken a break from modding, but he still posts here. Give him a chance to find out that the forum is up.
  3. You are definitely running off the CD. Install the game by clicking on setup.exe and you should be fine. When you do all the mod stuff make sure you do it on your hard drive and not on the CD.
  4. If you never installed it then you don't have to uninstall it. Even if you did install it you could just reinstall CM over itself. I don't have the game here at work, but the program should autorun when you instert the disk. If you browse the files on the CD there should be an Install.exe or Install.bat file or something similar. If you just click CMBO.exe then you are running the game off the disk and you are not installing it. If you had trouble trying to create a new folder you may have been trying to do it on the CD, which as Maximus said, you can't. [ 05-23-2001: Message edited by: Pvt. Ryan ]
  5. Hey, it's Formerly Furiously Babra. Congratulations on your resurrection.
  6. Look at your other thread to see what I posted. Please don't start new threads on the same topic as it drives the forum moderators Mad.
  7. Create a new folder in your CMBO directory. If you are using Windows just click on Program Files\CMBO in Windows Explorer. Then go to the top of the window and select File and New and then Folder. Rename that folder "Mods." Download your mod files, which are in ZIP format, into the mods folder. Create another new folder in CMBO called "Temporary." Unzip the mod files into the "Temporary" folder and look for any read.me file that may have instructions or other info about the mod. Follow the instructions, otherwise just cut and paste the .bmp files into the Program Files\CMBO\BMP folder and copy over existing files if you are prompted to do so. The new mods should showe up the next time you load a game. NB: I am presuming that Combat Mission installs into the Program Files folder by default. If not, just look for the CMBO folder in Windows Explorer. If you still can't get the mods to work you may have a technical problem. [ 05-23-2001: Message edited by: Pvt. Ryan ]
  8. Maybe "Temporarily Babra" should be considered. It sucks when a good handle gets trashed. I wish I had put more thought into mine.
  9. It's none of my business, but how come you keep changing your name anyway? I thought Forever Babra said it all.
  10. The MG can decimate the enemy too.
  11. I think this is discussed in the Tips and Tricks forum. I'm pretty sure I've seen the subject raised in the past.
  12. AFAIK, 88mm guns do not fire at aircraft in CM. I am not familiar enough with the different versions of the gun to tell you the advantages of each; however, it is my understanding that the AT version of the gun has a lower silhouette than the flak version, making it easier to hide. The flak version has a mount that makes it easier to turn so that it can acquire targets more quickly. Sic is used when quoting something that has an error in it. Sic denotes that the original source contained the error and that the person using the quote is repeating the error rather than creating it to maintain the integrity of the quote. [ 05-12-2001: Message edited by: Pvt. Ryan ]
  13. I'd like to see it. I tried to play a small QB with Franko's/Ironman rules, but the temptation to deviate was too great. But I would definitley play that way if the game forced me to play by those rules (as an option).
  14. If you use invidual vehicle mods such as Tiger's you should just unzip the mods into a temporary folder and then cut and paste the files into the CMBO\BMP folder. I don't know what's wrong if you don't see the results as it's a simple process. If you are using mods that cover multiple vehicles using a batch file system, such as Marco's mods, it can be more difficult and things can go wrong. But unless you are placing the .bmp files in the wrong folder, I don't know what else to tell you. Look here for a primer on mods: http://www.combat-missions.net/workshop/modguide.htm [ 05-11-2001: Message edited by: Pvt. Ryan ]
  15. Just tell him you know who he is and that a copy of his e-mail has been placed in his PERMANENT RECORD, and that he will never be able to get a job when he grows up. That should humble him.
  16. I think there is a picture of a .50 mounted on a German halftrack in the Encyclopedia of German Tanks. I am at work, so I can't look it up right now.
  17. I saw the B-17 and B-24 with what looked like a T-6 fly over my house on Sunday, but they were high up. But those engines still got my attention. So, how long does it take to drive from LA to Fresno?
  18. I think we would all like that. The only ones that can really answer that are BTS, and they aren't saying much about CM2 yet. I think they would have one more patch for CM1 that incorporates as many backwards compatible changes as possible, but I suspect there will be a few things particular to CM2 that won't be compatible with CM1. I'm sure that BTS' priority will be getting CM2 out the door and working correctly before they really think about trying to patch CM1 again. Reading your question again, I don't think I really answered it. To put it simply, I don't think CM2 will do what you want it too. That would make CM1 obsolete, and I don't think BTS wants to do that. [ 05-10-2001: Message edited by: Pvt. Ryan ]
  19. I'm pretty sure it's not going to work that way, but it would be nice if each version of CM meshed with the others so that you don't have to swap disks to play the different versions. If you remember the V for Victory series, each new module was integrated with the existing ones so that you could chose from among all the battles on the startup screen. Each battle was still independently played, however. And, in the Battleground series each new game came with patches to upgrade all of the previous games to take advantage of the new features. I realize there is a lot more going on in CM, but it would be nice if BTS could do that, to the extent possible.
  20. Give some examples and tell us your system specs. If your computer can't handle hi res mods you may not see the results of some of the terrain mods. This might be more appropriately discussed in the tech support forum.
  21. You can just edit your original post.
  22. I don't speak German, but here's the Babelfish translation for what it's worth: "It will times assume me the thing" I don't think this will catch on like "All your base are belong to us" did.
  23. The only thought I put into my post is that it makes no sense for a company to give away one of its products just because a second product is released. CM2 is not an upgraded version of CMBO, it is a totally different game. CMBO will be just as current as CM2 when CM2 is released, although CM2 will have features that are not currently available in CMBO. I suspect that BTS will release a patch for CMBO incorporating all backward compatible features after CM2 is out. I don't see how giving away CMBO will help the sales of CMBO. Volume is a great thing, but not when revenues are nil. There is a demo verion of CMBO that is almost as good as the gold version of most other games. If people want a taste of what Combat Mission is about they can download the demo. Now, I do think putting the CMBO demo on CM2 disks could be a good idea to help sales of CMBO; however, anyone who purchases CM2 will have visited the Battlefront website and will already have had an opportunity to download the demo. Discounting CMBO after CM2 is released is an option for BTS, but that decision would be based on sales of CMBO at that point. There will be people that buy CM2 that did not buy CMBO. Those people may then decide to buy CMBO to play the Western Front version of Combat Mission, as the two games will offer completely different gaming experiences. Why would BTS give up all that revenue? A company (normally) lowers its prices to boost slowing sales of its products. Until BTS feels that sales of CMBO are suffering, they have no reason to lower its price, let alone give it away for free. The (sarcastic) analogies I gave in my previous post may not be perfect, but I think they convey the point. [ 05-10-2001: Message edited by: Pvt. Ryan ]
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