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Pvt. Ryan

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Everything posted by Pvt. Ryan

  1. BTW, what is a corduroy road? I don't recall my mom making me wear them in the 70s.
  2. Reading that article makes me crave CMB2B even more. The new movement orders (hull down!?) and ambushes with firing arcs sure were a surprise to me. BTS sure is listening! I don't think we have anything to worry about, unless your Finnish.
  3. Large heavy buildings placed next to each other will appear connected. Large light buildings or any small building will appear separate.
  4. The tracks look nice, but the rest of the vehicles need more work. Marco or someone, please get to work on this right away!
  5. You can't save a QB (Quick Battle) to play again, but you can save the setup turn and play the battle as many times as you want. However, you can't play it from the other side. Yes, that is the way that movement between buildings currently works in CM. two adjacent buildings are just that, two buildings. They are not one large building in which you can move from room to room. They are separated by a solid wall with no doors or windows, so troops can't pass from one building to the next. In real life troops would blast holes in these walls so they could move from building to building without having to go out in the street, but CM does not model this "mouse holeing." I believe BTS is tweaking the building model for CM2, but I don't know if this feature will be added.
  6. Can you turn it around so we can see the different levels with ammo elevator and gun racks and stuff? I did every Google search I could think of. People were selling every part of the Navarone set other than the mountain itself. I had so much of that stuff. What is going to be the objective of the scenario? There is no way to get up those cliffs.
  7. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Panzer Leader: Well, I am looking for a picture of the old Marx Navarone playset on the net but I can't find it anywhere. Anyone have a pic?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> This is the best I could do: Link
  8. This stuff makes very nice wallpaper. :cool: Here's the link to his homepage so you can check out the rest of his stuff. [ 06-14-2001: Message edited by: Pvt. Ryan ]
  9. Paul, that's Tiger's Tiger, one of the last mods he did before he went on Social Security. You can find at Combat Missions
  10. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by wwb_99: 'Mouse-holeing' is not simulated in CMB0. Nor do you have the principal piece the US used to do it during the war (155mm SP arty). WWB<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I think the "mouse holeing" was done by placing explosive charges against a wall inside a building. Friendly troops would then back out to protect themselves from the blast. The explosion would blow a hole in the wall and kill or shock the German troops on the other side. Then the GIs would crawl through the hole into the next room/building and do it again. The 155mm SP guns were used to blast away German strongholds when it was realized that 75mm and 76mm tank and anti-tank guns were ineffective against the heavier buildings. I happened to have read this part of "Closing with the Enemy" this morning. Doubler says it was a commonly used technique in cities like Brest and Aachen.
  11. I am pretty sure that the front drive sprocket on the Partridge Family prime mover is supposed to be blue. Whoever built that model better do some more research before trying another. :mad:
  12. Maybe your old processor couldn't process all those sounds at once, so you only heard a few. That's just my guess, and until someone comes along who knows what he is talking about, that's the answer you are going to get. Enjoy your new system!
  13. I love the skies, however, I do have one comment. The horizons don't match up too well with the rest of the terrain, at least for the subdued terrain I am using. I am currently playing a game with your overcast sky and the horizon is very green. I am still using your skies because they look so good and because you don't see the horizon at the lower viewing angles. Is there any way this can be improved, or is there any way I can change it myself without having to get a degree in modding? Edit: you can see what I am talking about in the fourth picture of your preview at the top of this thread. It is barely noticeable in that picture because it is a low angle view, but from higher angles it is much more apparent. [ 06-13-2001: Message edited by: Pvt. Ryan ]
  14. The area surrounding the battlefield is made up of low res tiles. The author of the terrain mod you are using should have made matching high and low res versions of his terrain tiles. The computer will automatically place the low res tiles in this region. If you are using a high res terrain set that did not come with low res tiles, you could create them yourself. I'm not too familiar with how to do this, so someone else will have to give instructions. If you are not using high res terrain, then the same tiles for the battlefield would also be used for the surrounding area.
  15. When I did my search yesterday, I searched only the subjects. I think that speeds things up. It returned about 6 results, all on topic. If you search through entire messages it's going to take a lot longer.
  16. I know it does work since I used it today. It just takes a long time.
  17. There have been translations to English of the various phrases in each of the languages included in CM. It is up to each player to learn the meaning of the phrases that may have an impact on gameplay. One real life benfit of my years of playing Close Combat and CM is that if I am ever in Germany and a war breaks out, at least I will be able to tell someone not to shoot me, and if I am shot, at least I can call a medic and tell him I was hit in the leg. Yes, it is easier for those of us who speak English and not German to understand what the enemy is saying, especially when the enemy is far away. However, there are CM players who speak German and little English. I imagine they have as much trouble with the English as we do the German. The only completely fair solution is to have the soldiers speek in gibberish like the Sims, but that would suck for everyone. You can find the translations if you do a search, or maybe someone will post a link. Here's a link: Moon's Translations [ 06-12-2001: Message edited by: Pvt. Ryan ]
  18. Having never seen a dug in tank in CM, what do they look like? Do they look as if they are dug in (a foxhole or something), or is there just something in the unit info to indicate it is dug in?
  19. The CGW preview is pretty minimal. There is a really sweet picture of a T-34, pictures of Kitty's hamster mod, and pictures of the latest explosion mod. There is a feature on wargames in general, so I would say buy the issue not for the CM preview, but for the other good stuff inside. But that T-34 picture is really nice.
  20. Maybe it can be done by making a dense little forest of wheat stalks, kind of like the trees are now, but with smaller objects packed closely together. It would probably be too processor intensive though.
  21. The Computer Gaming World preview doesn't have many pics, but it does have a nice one of a T-34 that looks very complete with skins and all. The terrain also looks like BTS went to the darkside, but it could just be the photo. [ 06-11-2001: Message edited by: Pvt. Ryan ]
  22. Even Kay-Bee and other toy stores have some models in stock, at least they did last time I checked. You might want to find your first armor model that way, or at least get an idea of what's available and what you like, then shop online. The only problem with buying kits online is you often don't get to see what you are actually buying. Some sites have pictures, but they may not be of the actual model. Here is site I just found that has a nice selection and good info on the kits. I don't know how the prices compare though: Tower Hobbies Here is another site with a good selection. This company sells a lot on E-Bay too: Jim's Hobbies And one more: Phoenix Models Do a Google search and you will find tons of great sites.
  23. Here is the specific page containing the explosion mod at CMHQ: Boom!
  24. These look great. I hope we don't have to wait another week for them. :confused:
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