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Pvt. Ryan

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Everything posted by Pvt. Ryan

  1. Yes, mounted units do suffer more casualties, but a squad standing right next to the tank suffers none.
  2. I think I saw it on one of the planes in Red Baron II. It looks nice though.
  3. Sounds like it would. A crew lower than veteran experience might back off figuring they are pressing their luck after several rounds clang off their tank.
  4. The secondaries sound cool, but what about the primaries? When a Sherman goes WHOOSH nothing happens to the infantry nearby. A catastrophic explosion should cause some collateral damage (unless it didn't happen that way in RL). Perhaps these are related issues, and could be addressed in future versions.
  5. I never even visit the Battlefront site since I have the forum bookmarked. They don't need a website with a bunch of flashy goodies or tons of downloads. The rest of the CM community has taken care of that. All that is needed is a little polish and refinement. Those of us who have CM know that BTS's strength is in game ddesign, which is all that really matters, but newcomers may just judge the book by its cover. I'm sure there are plenty of games on store shelves that had more time spent on the design of the box than on the manual or even the game itself. Having a pretty box with no gameplay is a bad thing, but having a great game with a nice wrapper isn't so bad. Since CM is only available from Battlefront.com, that site acts as the box. It wouldn't hurt to make it a little more attractive. But Ted said there are good things in store, so I guess we will just have to wait. It's no skin off mein bein.
  6. Modsluts do "flip" for mods. I think I'll dig out another pack of '75 Topps and see if the gum is still good.
  7. You could also watch the History Channel every day. There's tons of WWII documentaries, as I'm sure you know. It gives you the war in bits and pieces, but some of the shows are damn good. And just a note since you are a forum newbie: We all love topics like this, but BTS prefers that these kinds of topics be kept in the General Forum. If Matt were around he would probably move this thread. But I am not the forum police, so feel free to ignore me.
  8. As a user of Desert Fox's grass I am anxious to see the new mod you have.
  9. Just what is Matt's job description anyway? I thought one of the first things he was going to do was redesign the Battlefront site. Is he actually doing design work on CM2 or is he a full time beta tester? I know he babysits this forum much of the time, and he does (basically) weekly updates at CMHQ, but what else does the lazy bum do? I realize he is not available to answer this because he is busy rubbing his Wesson Oil coated bald head all over the cabana boy, but maybe someone else knows.
  10. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by russellmz: "I want no part of this. I just want to go home." lemming it is!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Are you trying to give my mother a heart attack? Cool, I'm in!
  11. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Detroit Guy: Any types of attacks or anything that are considered "bad sportsmanship"?Detroit Guy<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> What you are asking about is "gamey" tactics. Gamey tactics are where you take advantage of the inherent limitations in the game to do something that you could not or would not have done in real life. This issue has been discussed a great deal and you should probably do a search for some of the discussions. If your goal is to simulate history, then certain gamey tactics are frowned upon. If your goal is just to win with all the tools available and you are not concerned about historical accuracy, then you don't have to worry about whether your tactics are gamey. Whichever way you decide to approach it, just make sure your opponent feels the same way you do. That's the best way to avoid any arguments.
  12. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>What are mods?[/QB]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> The FAQ should answer most of your questions, but what the CM community refers to as "mods" are really skins. If you don't know what skins are, then just read the FAQ.
  13. Shift-I also controls the explosions, so now you should see your Shermans blow up like they were intended to.
  14. Shift-I toggles smoke between the three levels: 1. None 2. Fast and Compatible 3. Full You probably have smoke turned off.
  15. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Lawyer: When I replace the CM files with my voice .wav files, all I hear is a quick shriek...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Maybe that's how you sound to other people? I know my voice sounds a bit strange when I hear it on a recording.
  16. I had so much trouble with French in high school. It's amazingly easy to understand now.
  17. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by argie: People, just asking, did you have the freaking manual??? :eek:<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> That was a manual? I thought it was just the protective wrapper for CD! Oops.
  18. Alex, your site seems to be down again. I'd love to get the rest of your splash screens. Can you possibly submit them to one of the mod sites?
  19. You can only save a game after a turn is completed. You can't save a game during a turn or while watching the replay of the turn.
  20. I suppose this will eventually be included in "Totally Even More Runed"?
  21. Jason, you are probably correct, but the questions in the quiz suggest that it was a production item, or at least an official prototype.
  22. There are many good sites, but here are a few places to start: http://www.afv-uk.net/cmoutpost/ http://home.nexgo.de/tcmhq/TCMHQ.html http://www.combat-missions.net/
  23. I played the Gulf War II game: MAJOR COALITION VICTORY! Saddam has been captured near Baghdad and will be tried by international courts. The new Iraqi leader is favorable to the U.S. Bahrain, Kuwait, and Saudi Arabia have been liberated though much of their infrastructure is in ruins. Coalition forces have suffered light casualties during the conflict while decisively defeating the Iraqi army.
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