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Pvt. Ryan

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Everything posted by Pvt. Ryan

  1. Some of the mods do have bow MGs, but since there is no 3D model you can't really see the gun itself. I think the RAM Kangaroo does show the MG on the little turret. The preview pics of CM2 show that bow MGs will be modeled, so you will be able to see them.
  2. Will it integrate all batch file mods, such as Fernando's?
  3. You should try to get a copy of this book. I am not a Gorg, so I don't know the answer to your question.
  4. I think it is good the way it is now because you can quickly identify HQs. If they carried regular weapons they would look the same as squads that have lost 2/3 of their strength. However, it would be nice if their pistols were not hardcoded hunks of metal.
  5. I don't think the TacAI will let you purposefully run your men through a mine field. However, they can run into one on their own if panicked or routed.
  6. I've lost a Panther to a rifle grenade to the front. Those things are deadly.
  7. Just some of the most beautiful mods ever created. Check out Fernando's Puma and Marco's M8 Greyhound at CMHQ.
  8. Thanks. I have the Chamberlin book on German Armor, so I was looking for something different. Based on your description it should be what I was looking for.
  9. It's a good book until you start to compare it with their book on German armor. The charts for each vehicle in the German book are much more intuitive and provide more information, such as production numbers. The book on Allied armor gives some production numbers, but usually not for each variant. The Allied book does give a little more development history though. I just bought this book on German armor. Hopefully its a good one.
  10. No problem. The invoice is in the mail. Or, if you choose, you can finance the fee through Cananwill or AFCO.
  11. I don't think anyone has done a batch file system for uniforms yet, but one would be useful since there are so many nice mods out there. One problem with the uniforms is that there is only one German helmet bmp, so if you install one mod you get that helmet for all German uniforms. I have no idea which mod I use, but it is probably DD's. Check out Manx's COMBAT MISSIONS for the available uniform mods.
  12. A list with one entry technically isn't a list. How about: "I'm with Peng" with an arrow beneath it.
  13. I think you have a good slogan in the title of this thread. On the back you could do a list like they have on concert t-shirts. You could list everyone and everything that you have neglected because of CM. Or, "Combat Mission - the best WWII tactical wargame ever, or somefink"
  14. Ok, that's all for now. Your're dismissed. But we'll be keeping an eye on you. Have fun.
  15. Der Kessel had some good maps, but they haven't been available since the site was redesigned.
  16. I never played the demo, but in the full version you can choose the experience level of the troops. The AI still does gamey things, like rushing you with vehicle crews and mortars, but the full version is greatly improved over the demo. However, the real question is why are you forum member #869 yet you still don't have the game?
  17. This site has some of the coolest maps I've ever seen, although they won't help you with CM. http://www.davidrumsey.com/
  18. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by SS Peiper: Gordon I like to beta test you new batch file but I have win98, I have all of your and Marco's batch files and I do use all of them(free French, US Cavalry, UK Camo) If you ever need someone to test using Win98 please let me know, I be happy to help out. SS Peiper<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Ditto.
  19. Cuba Libre But I think he was referring to the third item on this menu.
  20. I know you want to keep the game simple, but you could add an element where you have to somehow scrounge up enough cash to upgrade your CM's computer to be able to install mods and play future versions of CM. If the Mhz health meter on your CM's PC drops into the red zone your CM dies. To avoid this you can hire Max Mus to upgrapde your CM's computer on a regular basis. If you can't afford to pay Max Mus he replaces your PC with a Mac. Your CM can still play CM, but he can't install any new mods.
  21. I don't think there were really two from Mexico. Someone from Texas and I joked about living in Mexico since it often seems that way. But I live in Santa Monica, which is next to Los Angeles, California. That is unless I missed two people who actually are in Mexico.
  22. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Iron Duke: Hollywood, California. Best overall weather in the World. To all you guys that live here in LA, haven't you ever looked at the San Gabriel mountains to the North, Big Bear to the East, Hollywood Hills in the middle, and wondered how'd you'd take this town? Where would your point of attack be? Obviously control of the Northern Range is a must, espcially control of the I-5 N and the Grapevine pass. Dodger stadium would be a strongpoint with its commanding view of downtown LA as would be the Hollywood Hills. What's your scoop on it?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Finally, another guy from LA. All you have to do is drop two bombs: at the 101 & 405 and 10 & 405 interchanges. Once you take those out the city is paralyzed and demoralized. It's a cake walk from there because no one gives a rat's ass what happens here. Do it on a rainy day and you don't even need the bombs because everyone is disoriented anyway. Of course channels 5, 9, 11, and 13 would have choppers covering the whole thing - unless a high speed freeway chase starts, which would obviously be more important. But yes, the weather is nice.
  23. I know there were mods of these objects done a long time ago, but I can't remember who did them. They are not listed at COMBAT MISSIONS. I think they were part of a larger mod package, perhaps Gunslinger's.
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