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Pvt. Ryan

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Everything posted by Pvt. Ryan

  1. Thanks for fixing the forum. It was getting really bogged down, almost to the point of immobilization.
  2. I have no problem accessing TCMHQ. [ 08-11-2001: Message edited by: Pvt. Ryan ]
  3. But you can turn the bases off while watching the movies or taking screen shots, if you want to. You can leave them off all the time, but it gets a bit difficult to find the units, especially with all the great camo mods we have.
  4. I have a cable modem and it takes a long time for me too. Maybe the server is infected with Code Red I/II?
  5. Or the one bullet entered the first man from the back of the head, came out the front, then changed direction (in mid-air, mind you), hit the second man in the wrist, and lodged in the second man's thigh. All this happened even though when the first man was hit, supposedly from the rear, his head went back and to the left. Back and to the left. Back and to the left... That was one magic Luger.
  6. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Michael emrys: Does it mean that Thomas William Davie is God? Or if not God, then Satan?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> More like Satan. Since he uses three names he is either a serial killer or a presidential assassin.
  7. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by John Maragoudakis: One day later, you can have twenty new messages in 4 threads.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> An example of life before the Peng thread.
  8. I tried changing the topic number in the URL to 000001 to see what came up, but the response was that no such topic existed. Topic # 000002 did work, but the date was 1/30/00 and hardly enlightening.
  9. I believe Leonard Nimoy is working on (or at least narrating) a documentary about The First Thread.
  10. I don't recall ever playing a game that didn't require the CD in the drive to launch the game. They may exist, but I've never played them. By the way, you can remove the CD once the game is launched. That is the benefit of a full install. Also, you can (should) burn a copy as a backup, because you will wear out the original disk since it won't ever leave the drive. And not to go into detail about it, but $45 for CMBO is a bargain in every sense of the word.
  11. I believe it is because the Sherman turret was electrically driven while the Panzer turrets were hydraulically driven and got their power from the tank's engine. The engine's RPM would have an impact on how fast the turret could turn. Someone please correct me if I am wrong.
  12. Assuming you are talking about scenario design, after you have created your setup zones and chosen your forces you need to go back and preview the map. You will see the troops lined up along the map edges. Place the troops where you want them. You can padlock them in place so that neither human players or the AI can relocate them during scenario setup (check the manual on how to do this, because I don't remember.) Save your scenario (make sure you save it in the Scenario folder and not in the Saved Games folder, otherwise when you play the scenario and save you will overwrite the original setup), and when you load it from the menu you will see the troops where you put them as long as choose Stick to Scenario Default.
  13. Andreas, I forgot to take into consideration situations like yours where you create scenarios as content for your site. Someone wanting to host your scenarios should definitely have the courtesy to ask your permission first and I understand if you don't want someone hosting them. A link to Der Kessel should suffice in that case. I was thinking of all the scenarios that were designed and submitted to the old Scenario Depot and were not already hosted on a site.
  14. I don't think there are any copyright issues involved with hosting scenarios as long as they are posted as created, without modification, and credit is clearly given to the author. Some of the scenario creators include a message indicating whether the scenario can be hosted or modified. I don't believe you have any intention to modify the scenarios, so that is not an issue. Unless the author has specificially requesed permission before hosting the scenario, I don't think you need to get permission, but it is nice if you can get it. I believe that any copyright which may exist with scenarios ultimately belongs to BTS since they created the system under which the scenarios were designed, which would make the scenarios derivative works. If someone downloads a scenario, modifies it, and posts it as a new scenario without credit to the person that originally designed the scenario, that would probably upset the original designer, but I still don't think there is really a copyright issue there. That's just my opinion, and I don't mean to step on any toes. This opinion is not valid in the 50 United States, Canada, Mexico, or where prohibited by law. [ 08-06-2001: Message edited by: Pvt. Ryan ]
  15. The last official announcement I am aware of is Q4 of 2001; however, Q1 of 2002 is probably more likely.
  16. I don't think the mod manager can handle all the options available with these mods.
  17. You may have noticed intense activity on your modems over the past day or so. My modem lights have been blinking like crazy. This is the result of the Code Red worm. There is a thread about it at DSL Reports. [ 08-06-2001: Message edited by: Pvt. Ryan ]
  18. This sounds really great! How much is this going to cost? I would expect to pay $100 for a product like this, but hopefully some English guy will tell me that if I act quickly I can get it for 3 easy payments of $19.95 each, and get a second tube for free.
  19. Yes, even at realistic scale it can look like some of the men are outside the building. It is the unit info box that will tell you definitivly whether the unit is inside or outside. But even if the squad is inside it can still take heavy casualties from small arms fire because the unit is exposed through doors and windows.
  20. Will we have to clean out what is already in the BMP folder or will the new files just overwrite them?
  21. If the unit info box says the unit is in the building, then it is. Keep in mind that the scale you use can affect whether a unit appears to be completely inside. However, a unit that is inside, but closer to the outside walls is more exposed because of windows and doors. If you place a unit in the center of a large building and drag the LOS tool around you will see that the unit has limited visibility, especially at the corners of the building, and may have no LOS outside the building at all. The converse is true for units outside the building firing at your unit inside the building.
  22. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by aka_tom_w: actually no, that is the problem niether HE or AP has much efect on them. small arms up close seems to KO them better than any thing else. -tom w<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Oh. I thought the problem was that the AI fired AP rounds at them, which had no effect. I didn't know they were invulnerable to HE too. I haven't had much experience with them.
  23. Would it work to area target right next to them so that your tanks fire HE? The blast of a 75mm should be enough to take them out. I've disabled tanks that way. It lets you be just outside of LOS so that the enemy can't fire directly back at you.
  24. I was once in a PBEM where I was pounding a church with a Sherman 105. I must have fired 20 shells at it and the thing would still not come down. That church must have had a high fanaticism rating. I see nothing wrong with knocking down buildings to get at the infantry inside the town, but knocking down every building on the map seems a bit much to me.
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