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Pvt. Ryan

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Everything posted by Pvt. Ryan

  1. It's not quite as functional, but it ranks right up there with "somefink."
  2. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by alla_keefek: I just have to finish off the French. Should be either tonight or sometime tomorrow. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> You aren't the first to say that.
  3. I thought maybe he was in Canada or something, but his profile indicates he isn't. I don't recall CGW costing $8. Are you sure you aren't sneaking a Penthouse in there?
  4. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by CaSCa: just read the good bits in the store.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> That's a brilliant thing to post especially when you know one of the editors of one of the mags is following the thread. Buy the damn thing if you want to see the preview.
  5. Put a red star on it and you have a captured Panther. Max, it looks good in both colors, but personally I feel it would look out of place on the CM battlefield. How many were actually painted this way?
  6. Computer Gaming World The website is usually one month behind the print edition, otherwise no one would ever buy the magazine.
  7. Sorry, I thought the last batch of CDs was version 1.10. If it has 1.12, then there is no need to update.
  8. You should also be installing the last patch, 1.12. (unless you need 1.05 to view an AAR or somefink.) And you only need the CD in the drive to launch the game, but you might as well leave it there since it's not like you are going to play anything else for a while. If your computer isn't seeing the disk there is something wrong. Post in the tech support area and you will get some help pretty quickly.
  9. I don't know if it's been mentioned before, but in CM2 will there be two sets of skins for each vehicle that was around when the color transition from grey to yellow took place? Or will certain variants of a vehicle be restricted to one color or another?
  10. PL, do you mean like the color of the bases in the picture? Maximus admits that it is an olive drab. It does have a greenish tint.
  11. Can I get one with one of those paint jobs that changes color when viewed from different angles? I can't wait for the camo versions. I am using Fernando'd last batch of Panther mods, but I think the new ones are going to be a significant improvement.
  12. That's all? Seriously, thanks for the Father of all Updates and congratulations on improving CMHQ. I noticed on the first interface mod by Deanco (updated English version) it says English is changed to French. I think that is an error. [ 05-27-2001: Message edited by: Pvt. Ryan ]
  13. I thought the hull down bug was fixed, but I could be wrong. David, I was presuming that an experienced enemy gunner would target the turret if he knew it was weaker. But a PzIV isn't an ubertank, so a hit on the hull, at least by a 75mm or 76mm, could still kill it.
  14. CM party at my house. BYO creativity, imagination, and beer.
  15. But it's a smaller target overall. Isn't that the point of going hull down? If the PzIV is not hull down then the enemy can hit the hull, turret, tracks, etc. The turret is just as vulnerable whether hull down or not.
  16. It probably went something like this: Before the battle, the commander said to his subordinates: "Kill everything in front of you. Try not to die."
  17. Since the forum was resurrected the links to some of the threads appear as if I have viewed them even though I haven't. For example there are brand new threads that I haven't even seen yet but they appear as if I have already read them. Is this a glitch or is the cleaning lady reading the forum?
  18. Jeff, that works until you restart your computer. Once you restart CM will go through the pref settings again if you made your desktop resolution lower than your CM resolution. There is a program out there that lets you run programs at other resolutions, but I can't recall the name of it.
  19. Skipper, Joey is the dumb one and Chandler is the sarcastic one who just got married to Monica. At least now you know so you won't feel out of place if you go to China.
  20. Is there a hi-res Daimler AC? I have Gordon's mod, but it doesn't look hi-res, especially the wheels.
  21. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Panzer Leader: Ha ha, that reminds me of the Seinfeld where Castanza tries to eat while having sex. He's got this big sandwhich Oh ho ho that was a good one!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> He also had a TV. May as well have been CM.
  22. "Look, Honey, I don't do drugs, I don't gamble, I don't drink too much, I don't beat you, and I don't cheat on you. What I do is play CM." Okay, so I'm not married, but maybe it would work. Of course, if you do at least two or more of the other things I mentioned, then time for CM will not be a problem for much longer.
  23. Bates, can't you just say, "Hi Mom" like everyone else?
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