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Pvt. Ryan

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Everything posted by Pvt. Ryan

  1. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>...shot it through the middle of the screen with a hunting rifle. Michael[/QB]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> You can't kill what is already dead. A CD already has a hole through the middle.
  2. Looks like typical South Florida summer weather to me. Expect rain every afternoon around 4:00. By the way, OT posts should go in the General Discussion Forum. Have a good trip. Ft. Lauderdale weather forecast [ 08-22-2001: Message edited by: Pvt. Ryan ]
  3. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Marco Bergman: I for one will be happy if BTS doesn't move the required specs too far forwards, or else I won't be modding for CM:BTB I'm afraid. My money is required elsewhere.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> If it comes to that I will buy you a new computer. Well, I won't, but somebody better! You can come use my computer if you need to, but the airfare would be a bit prohibitive. My computer is my primary source of home entertainment. I think I could go without TV longer than I could go without my computer (games, internet, etc.). As a result, I upgrage my computer whenever it can't smoothly run the software I want it to. I'm not the type that has to have the fastest and the best, but when I buy a new computer I get the best I can afford, with the expectation that it will last at least two, and hopefully three years. I upgrade individual components if the improvement warrants it, but I prefer to get a whole new system every few years. I give my old computers to friends and family, which makes them happy. I know not everyone can afford to upgrade that often, and I understand BTS's desire to make CM playable by as many people as possible. Luckily they leave some options open so that talented people like Marco can make the game even better for those of us that have computers that can handle the enhancements.
  4. You can also use Jeeps to clean up the battlefield after the main line has advanced. Any vehicle crews or weapons teams can be picked up and quickly transported to the rear. Another good use has already been mentioned - fast mobility for an HQ to rally troops. You can also use the Jeep to move the HQ to various guns that may not be under command. I usually place guns well back from my main line when defending. I can't always place an HQ with each gun, so having a mobile HQ lets you move the HQ to the gun where he is needed most. Obviously this has to be done behind a ridge or tree line or the Jeep is toast.
  5. The only experience I had with hiking at night was while walking along the desert before we climbed up Masada (Israel). There were no artificial lights around, but the moon must have been pretty full because I don't remember having much trouble seeing. I got lots of scrapes and cuts while climbing up though. Swimming in the Dead Sea the next day brought a new definition of pain to me. I am reading MacDonald's Company Commander and his company conducted several night patrols and attacks. He describes how dark it was and how impossible it was to see anything, let alone identify it. While approaching an area where the Germans had previously been dug in they had to test each step before putting full weight on their feet to avoid falling in a foxhole. It must have been pretty dark to not even be able to see where you were stepping. Living in or even close to a city with all its lights we lose perspective on how dark the night can be with just the light from the moon and the stars.
  6. What's the first game you see on the list? Combat Mission. Looks like #1 to me!
  7. What's the first game you see on the list? Combat Mission. Looks like #1 to me!
  8. Did you hear any sound contacts? (Los, Los, Los!)
  9. I upgraded to the latest Nvidia drivers and I had to turn off forced anti-aliasing because of the corrupted text. I also have a problem where CM reverts to the desktop after launching. The game is still running, but it is minimized. When I maximize CM all I see is a black screen with some white text at the bottom. If I click where I know the buttons should be I can set into the game menu and then everything is fine. I also had this problem with a TCP/IP game yesterday so that I had to quit the game and restart. There was no save file because we hadn't completed a turn yet. What a pain.
  10. Nice mods. Castle Keep will be on TV in the next two weeks. I can't remember the time or channel right now.
  11. It happens from time to time. There have been several threads about self inflicted destruction and LOS through buildings. It happens with Priests and Hummels/Wespes on occasion. I don't think anyone has reported it happening with an AC.
  12. As Matt already told you, you should have your game by the end of next week. I still think you will have it sooner than that. But when you get it you will love it so much. You will scream like a little girl with anticipation as you scramble to get the celophane off the jewel box that contains that precious CM:BO CD-ROM. God, I remember how much trouble I had trying to get my finger nail under that clear little piece of plastic. I finally got the wrapper off the jewel case and then opened it to see the gleaming treasure inside. I wanted to yank that disc out and get it in my computer as quickly as possible, but I told myself to remain calm. After all, I didn't want to snap the thing in half as I removed it from the jewel case. I eventually got it in the drive and started the installation. While CM was installing I noticed the nice thick manual that was included inside the package. What a joy that was - to have such a great manual along with such a great game. Well that was over a year ago and I still love CM and am eagerly awaiting CM2. I am sure your experience will be similar once you receive the package. Be patient. (jd, ) [ 08-17-2001: Message edited by: Pvt. Ryan ]
  13. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Maximus: Complicated answer: Why would you use a DVD case for a Computer CD?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> The last AOL coaster I received came in a DVD case. Of course I quickly transfered it to a more appropriate long term storage medium.
  14. You can use extreme variations in terrain levels right next to each other. For expamle you could set one tile of terrain at level 10 and the tile next to it at 5. I forget what the setting is called but you can set the terrain differential to 5x instead of 2.5x in the scenario parameters screen. I use rough terrain on my cliff faces, but which one looks best will depend on what mods you have installed.
  15. No, the whole thing is a scam. They run off with our hard earned money and all we are left with is the best computer wargame ever. :cool: Assuming BTS is not out of stock, I would bet that you receive your copy by Saturday. If not, it could take longer.
  16. Speaking of color, I was watching the making of Band of Brothers on HBO last night. They desaturated the colors to make the film look more "authentic." I think they used the same effect in SPR. It was explained that people expect to see WWII in B&W, so the desaturated colors appear to increase historical accuracy. Maybe that's why some of us prefer the subdued CM graphics (on topic post ). Those WWII in Color episodes are really cool. There was a recent documentary about a P-47 squadron that was all in color. It was really amazing.
  17. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Aloid: Yes it IS possible!!!! I'm using something called QRES<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> That's the one.
  18. I think I read about that spaced armor in Chamberlain & Doyle.
  19. Or the Sherman could just miss the first shot and then get plugged by the Panther. That's what usually happens to me, at least when I am playing PBEM.
  20. Considering they probably look even better in the game, that grass is really great. I also like the wheat textures. Please make them available.
  21. It is possible to run CM at a higher resolution than your desktop. A few times people posted about a program that lets you do this, but I can't remember what it is called. I could never get it to work so I don't use it, but others have used it succssfully. I would tell you to do a search, but that would be against the Geneva Convention.
  22. Danzig, I suggest you wait for this new file system, since these are some of the nicest mods available.
  23. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Danzig: Now that's what I call cust service, baby! <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Yeah, well get used to it. After a little of the newness of CM worn off, you may want to take the time to look at all the bmp files so you get an idea of how they are grouped together and how they work together. That way you will have a better understanding of what happens when you install a new mod. I don't use the mod manager, but many do and they have good things to say about it. Back up your bmp folder before installing any mod you think you might not like. It makes it a lot easier to revert back to the way things were before you installed a mod you don't like.
  24. Time warp alert!!! This thread was started exactly one year ago. Go to the HBO website for tons more info on the miniseries.
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