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Kanonier Reichmann

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Everything posted by Kanonier Reichmann

  1. If the Syrians have the Gates of Hell Mk II doesn't that mean that there's now a Gates of Hell gap with the U.S. inventory? I predict a massive GOH spending spree to make up the difference & close that serious GOH gap. Think of it as the Turgidson dilemma. Regards Jim R.
  2. Hang on Seanachai, I thought one of those Canadians held onto his copy of CMBB in the forlorn hope that BFC would do a one off patch to include the Canadian RAM "Sherman" tank complete with the 6 pounder gun as one was shipped to the USSR for their evaluation. Regards Jim R.
  3. Probably still very effective. Even the great Tiger would go down if an artillery round exploded next to him. Regards Jim R.
  4. Jeez, I don't fancy playing the Space Prawns against the Space Lobsters. Those lobsters will eat them for lunch much like M1A1's will chew up T55's! I demand a total redesign! Regards Jim R.
  5. I can imagine the adrenalin rush to achieve that feat would have been pretty significant. I'd also bet he couldn't repeat the effort if not under duress and fire once the battle was over. Regards Jim R.
  6. Didn't the G have side skirts which gave some additional protenction from either shaped charges or ATR's? Regards Jim R.
  7. Hang on. Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition! Regards Jim R.
  8. What Steve failed to mention was that the Dell computer purchase was for his son to run Medal of Honour on. His computer is a liquid cooled 5 GHz Pentium with 2 Gig of super DDR RAM, 200 Gbyte HDD with the very latest NVidia video card packing 512Mb of video RAM! Regards Jim R.
  9. Since when did a tracked "tank" become a "wheeled vehicle"? :confused: Regards Jim R.
  10. Yes, they exist purely for defensive/self preservation purposes and can't be used to blanket an area specified by yourself. Regards Jim R.
  11. Yep, I'm all for shockwaves as well as a toggle feature. Regards Jim R.
  12. A couple of things that come to mind. 1/ Must retain the ability to play PBEM. 2/ Allow units to fire through smoke as an area fire command to try & induce supression of enemy units suspected of being behind the smoke. 3/ Ensure a players order for a unit to fire smoke is actually carried out rather than being continually countermanded by the TacAI. 4/ Better representation of indirect fire that is more in line with WWII reality. 5/ Convoy command is essential. Regards Jim R.
  13. Churchills?, Sherman Jumbo's?, IS3's? etc, etc. Regards Jim R.
  14. I tend to agree with Bigduke. I'm in the middle of a battle where my opponents Panthers (which I assume are at least veteran or better) are routinely achieving first round hits at over 1.2 kilometres distance! The first time it happenned to one of my T34/76's at 1.3 km range as I was furiously trying to reverse it behind a house I put it down to blind luck, then it happenned a second time on another T34/76 at about 1.4 km range. The real show stopper however was a first off hit & kill on one of my T34/85's at a range exceeding 1.6 km's through two lots of intervening scattered trees tiles just as the T34 was reversing having spotted the potential threat! Based on this experience it seems that Panthers are almost like M1 Abrahms tanks dueling against T55's at times, they represent the epitome of "uber". Regards Jim R.
  15. Word of advice, use shoot & scoot from behind a ridge against the Panthers as their rate of fire is far superior to the IS2 & more times than not will win out in a straight shoot out because of that advantage. Regards Jim R.
  16. Coming up soon the_enigma. Send another turn! Regards Jim R.
  17. I believe the enigma is referring to a Grant I had that managed to survive roughly 2 turns of being fired upon by 3 Tigers & a PzIV F2 with the Pz IV being furthest away at around 900 metres. The funny thing was that it managed to shrug off about 3 or 4 88mm hits on its front hull but died to a Pz IV hit on the turret at almost extreme range. I was somewhat surprised by that but the bottom line the enigma is.....be afraid......be very afraid! Regards Jim R.
  18. Very good summary. Thanks Jason C. Regards Jim R.
  19. I wonder if the title of the thread should be "tits-up" instead? Regards Jim R.
  20. sorry dude and to the others, i have been sending files back but rather slowly. having a bit of a hetic week, new job, new course, new all sorts ... sorry about it to all ill try and get back to repling regularly over the weekend </font>
  21. Fair enough. I look forward to it. Regards Jim R.
  22. Yep, it's a small white message box saying that no direct linkage is allowed. Do I get a prize? Regards Jim R.
  23. Just don't mention the name Kitty to him. He gets the shakes and starts to break out into a cold sweat whenever she is mentioned. BTW, I believe there is still a challenge outstanding to KJ in either CMBB or CMAK but I'm awaiting a response....some 2 to 3 years down the track. Regards Jim R. [ July 16, 2005, 07:07 AM: Message edited by: Kanonier Reichmann ]
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