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Kanonier Reichmann

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Everything posted by Kanonier Reichmann

  1. I'm guessing the reason is probably because the Soviet ammunition in the early years was inferior and often broke up on contact with face hardened armour such as the Pz III has. Therefore the theoretical ability of the BT-7's 45mm AP to penetrate a Pz III is very marginal when taking into account the poor quality ammunition. Regards Jim R.
  2. Yeah, we heard you the first time! Regards Jim R.
  3. From memory, a weak point penetration means in the game that the effective resistance of the armour is reduced by 50%. Therefore a Sherman knocking out a Tiger frontally after achieving a weak point penetration is more than reasonable. Regards Jim R.
  4. I guess in theory it's possible if you hit a bow machinegun port which would surely represent a weak point. Very lucky on your part I'd suggest. Now, if you managed to do it twice in one game I would probably question your "luck" but just the once I would have thought should be regarded by your opponent as 'just one of those things'. Regards Jim R.
  5. John, I demand an AAR on the process you went through to award the top AAR! Regards Jim R.
  6. The other thing that stands out...if Madmatt thought he is a big intimidating bastard check out Bigmac!!! Regards Jim R.
  7. It's interesting to see that when great minds gather together they inevitably gravitate towards intellectual games such as RISK! Regards Jim R.
  8. The trouble with wire Elvis is that the troops in it suffer from 100% exposure so the chances of them succesfully hiding were probably Buckleys & none. It sounds to me like there was nothing you could do in the circumstances, short of providing a quick smokescreen to prevent enemy fire spotting the location. Regards Jim R.
  9. Looking at that picture it appears we're a bunch of Germanophiles seeing as we are posing in front of German arms. Regards Jim R.
  10. I would imagine most if not all of them. I would have expected some wiggle room on the majority of units unless everything is truly locked down. I guess I'll find out in due course. Regards Jim R.
  11. No worries Frenchy, I look forward to our stoush. Judging by the briefing I'm guessing the initial placement of units could take a while. Regards Jim R.
  12. Of the two scenarios I've seen they are both very unique and no doubt challenging. I've just sent off my initial file for St. Nazaire while I'm still pondering what the hell to do with Tiger Valey but rest assured, the file will be sent soon. As for Loaded for Bear, I haven't been sent the initial file yet but from the briefing I'm expecting it to be huge and will no doubt have to defrag my hard drive and turn off any virus checker to be able to run it judging by the description! Regards Jim R.
  13. O.K., I stand corrected then. I honestly thought that any remnants of Fallschirmjager units were miles away from Berlin by that stage of the war. Thanks for the info. and it just goes to show how much trouble you scenario designers go to to get it right. Regards Jim R.
  14. O.K., the third it is. BTW, how will we know who is part of the get together? Do we all wear red carnations or sumfink? Regards Jim R.
  15. My personal favourite was between St Edouards & Highlanders in Hell mainly because they gave both sides a chance if you were on your game. Night fighting is always tricky but the ebb & flow of St Ed's was brilliant while I really liked the idea of an understrength and fairly green force defending against gobs of good German infantry & AFV's on the attack but with limited time to achieve their objectives. The decent arty spotter for the British made all the difference in that one. I thought Moltke Bridge was probably fairly historical in the feel of the way it played but it still doesn't get around the fact that it can be very tedious trying to issue new orders every turn to numerous squads as the AI replots 10 zillion sneak moves for them every turn when stuck on the bridge. The re-inforcements for the Germans was a clever bit of design but I would have throught fairly green Volksturm may have been the order of the day rather than regular up to Crack Fallschirmjager which I thought were nowhere near Berlin by the end of the war. Push to Maleme was an interesting joust but I'm personally not in favour of airpower in a ROW style battle as your chances of doing really well can revolve around the luck factor of getting a particularly good airstrike on vital enemy units. I could have really cleaned up if my Stuka had accurately aimed its 1,000lb(?) bomb on one of 3 tightly bunched Vickers tanks but he missed by more than 200 metres killing trees only whereas an accurate strike would have virtually guaranteed a premature ending to the fight through no good play on my part. I'm guessing that some outlier scores in that battle could have revolved around the Stuka being really effective which is not fair on other players IMO. Wet Triangle I'm guessing will be most players least favourite because there was not the opportunity to apply much subtelty as the attacking Russians. The way I saw it from the German side, you either crashed through or crashed! Still, at the end of the day, we would not have any tournament at all if it weren't for the scenario designers so my hat is off to all of you for taking the time & trouble to come up with a design which, it goes without saying, any one of them would far exceed any pathetic attempt I could ever cobble together. Regards Jim R.
  16. He's Seanachai. I'm sure he doesn't have anything in particular against Protestants as I feel certain he would equally be like a pig in **** if it were Roman Catholic, Episcopalean or Calathumpian! Regards Jim R.
  17. As the saying goes Seanachai...he who doth protest too loudly etc, etc, etc.... Regards Jim R.
  18. The problem I see with having individual wounded figures able to be given move commands is the amount of stuffing around to actually do this. I for one would not be too interested in having to give a whole bunch of orders to the "walking wounded" when I really want to concentrate on the ones that can still fight. Regards Jim R.
  19. If you want simple directions to get to Hahndorf from the Wayville Showgrounds simply head south down Goodwood Road (main north/south road that runs past the showgrounds), turn left at Cross Roads, head all the way up the so called hill to the major 4 way intersection at the top of the relatively small hill then turn right at that interesection to get onto the Freeway to go up the relatively big hill. Once you're on the South Eastern Freeway it's plain sailing for about 10 to 15 mins. until you see the turn off to Hahndorf (just after the turn off to Aldgate) which is all very well signposted. If you see a turn off to Mt. Barker then you've gone too far but don't panic, you can simply turn off there and take the scenic route back to Hahndorf by turning left onto the very picturesque old Mt. Barker road which is a lovely windy road with, of all things, a traditional Dutch style windmill just off the roadway. Should only take you 8 minutes or so to get back to Hahndorf on that road. Regards Jim R.
  20. Yep, good idea dalem. I would be all for it as well. Regards Jim R.
  21. I think I can safely say that 3 players are groaning at this point when they see which section they've been placed in. Hint...it's an even number. Good luck all and may the best man win. Regards Jim R.
  22. I think what Nestor is, in effect, saying is that smaller scenario's should count for less compared with larger scenario's that have more units are consequently more complex & therefore should count for more for that main reason? Perhaps? Regards Jim R.
  23. Somebody's been playing Across Moltke Bridge methinks. Regards Jim R.
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