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Kanonier Reichmann

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Everything posted by Kanonier Reichmann

  1. He is a champion ol' Winecape, no doubt about it. Pity the game hasn't been released yet to allow us to vie for the prize! Regards Jim R.
  2. Great news indeed regarding PBEM. Knowing the likely size of a typical PBEM file sure would be useful to know for ISP limit purposes. Regards Jim R.
  3. Yes, the "once upon a time" should have been taken as a strong hint. Regards Jim R.
  4. Good on you John for digging up these AAR's. I've very much enjoyed reading alot of them again to reminisce about the "good ol' days". Regards Jim R.
  5. Sounds like a similar comparison would be the Volkswagen Beetle "Standard" with the Volkswagen Beetle. I owned a "Standard" and it came without a fuel guage or a cover for the glovebox! Regards Jim R.
  6. Or in Advanced Squad Leader terms, the Tiger I has an "L" gun while the King Tiger has an "LL" gun. Regards Jim R.
  7. Yes, I can imagine the results would not have been pleasant if it had detonated! :eek: Regards Jim R.
  8. From my experience a "Truck" sound contact is invariably some sort of unarmed wheeled vehicle such as a Kubelwagen, Jeep, truck or maybe even an SdKfz8. I don't recall ever seeing it be anything other than a non threatening potential target. Where you do have to exercise caution is when you see a "Light Armour" sound contact. I've had that morph into AFV's such as a Pz IVH on closer inspection and inevitable heartbreak when the investigating unit finds out for sure to its detriment. Regards Jim R.
  9. My life is complete. Catching out JasonC on his favourite topic is a first (and no doubt last) for me! Regards Jim R.
  10. The other potential mistake you made was setting a vehicle covered arc which may have meant that your tank wouldn't even fire if it had spotted an armoured car that was mis-identified as being little to no threat. Just hypothesising here but if this so called no-threat armoured car ends up being a Puma or a 75mm heavy A.C. then you're pretty much toast with a vehicle covered arc. Regards Jim R.
  11. Very, very impressive. My only criticism is that the barbed wire fence in the last picture does not quite have the right sort of barbs that exisited back in the forties. Regards Jim R.
  12. Shouldn't that be "wrogness"? Regards Jim R.
  13. I believe that the Oxford Dictionary has now had to reconsider its definition of a gaming geek. It now simply reads: Gaming Geek- Refer ww2steel. :eek: Regards Jim R.
  14. Hopefully the kind of update that fixes the infamous fortifications bug. Regards Jim R.
  15. What's with the hostility Tag? The discussion has seemed perfectly civil up to this point. Regards Jim R.
  16. I'm guessing yes or alternatively, they went mad from the sheer frustration of the exercise. Regards Jim R.
  17. No, he just needs some lessons on how to act. Regards Jim R.
  18. Hi Winecape. With such an impressive offering from your good self how could one resist the temptation to throw their name in the hat for yet another ROW tournament. Please consider my name thrown! I'm guessing just about every participant will be praying that they get to play on the same team as Walpurgis Nacht as that should pretty much ensure they're part of the winning team! Regards Jim R.
  19. O.K......6-lber it is then. P.S. Can we get a photograph of your reaction for posterity sakes? Regards Jim R.
  20. Is that the sight of tumbleweeds I see rolling slowly across this thread? Regards Jim R.
  21. Jeez, these American debrief experts were obviously dead keen to get information on how the Soviets fought...even to the point of employing mediums to obtain the info. from demised German Generals! :eek: Regards Jim R.
  22. The MG42's had an even higher rate of fire than the earlier model 34's. Many a combatant reported that when being fired on by an MG42 it sounded like canvas ripping as the bullets were squirting out so quickly there was barely any drop in noise between each bullet. Regards Jim R.
  23. Perhaps Jason he simply wants to use up all his HE ammo just for the hell of it? It's only a game after all and not life or death. Just like I may want to someday pitch a force of 50 MG Jeeps against a platoon of Pz IVH's just to see what could happen, it might be fun. No harm done & even though it in no way represents real life it's simply doing it just for a bit of a laugh. You should try it someday. Regards Jim R.
  24. O.K., I've changed my position on the mystery weapon used in the film. I reckon it's now a 20mm Oerlikon AA gun but somewhat modified. What does it for me is the type of sight that is used with the Oerlikon which is exactly as I remember the sight on the weapon used in the film. Link attached. Oerlikon Naval Gun Regards Jim R. [ January 14, 2006, 05:23 AM: Message edited by: Kanonier Reichmann ]
  25. John Yes they did used to be there but have apparently disappeared somewhere into the ether. Regards Jim R.
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