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Kanonier Reichmann

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Everything posted by Kanonier Reichmann

  1. Based on my performance in the first round of the most recent ROW tournament you're not bleedin' far off the mark. Got my ass absolutely handed to me in South of Vevindi & performed poorly in Frontier Firefight & Champenoise. Not exactly a glowing resume. Regards Jim R.
  2. If it makes you feel any better, I think I've become worse since those hay-days. </font>
  3. Pity about that horrendous liability of a 2 man turret when they did manage to shoehorn in the 6pdr. gun. Positively a liability when blundering around in dusty conditions in the desert, something that CMAK simulates extremely well. Regards Jim R.
  4. Hey! Button it up! Some of us are still playing that battle & loose lips sinks ships you know (or AFV's as the case may be). BTW, I'm in. Thanks once again to Kingfish & Cpl. Carrot although I STILL have a bone to pick with the latter from ROW II & ROW III. grumble, grumble Regards Jim R.
  5. It's a pity current generations of Japanese don't read it due to ignorance promulgated by succesive Japanese governments. Takes the concept of sweeping matters under the carpet to new heights. Regards Jim R.
  6. The only way you can play CMAK without the CD in the drive is if you download a cracked EXE file that allows it. BFC certainly don't condone this but can't enforce it. Regards Jim R.
  7. I'm assuming sometime this weekend instead? Also, acts as a bump. Regards Jim R.
  8. Hey John. When are you going to update your sign-off section with mention of your inclusion in ROW IV? Regards Jim R.
  9. For a minute there Seanachai I thought you were going to say Australia! Regards Jim R.
  10. Glad to see you've seen the thread Graham. I reckon the problem should be rectified in a couple of days (assuming it IS only the power supply) once I can get the computer in to be repaired after the Australia Day holiday on the 26th. Regards Jim R.
  11. If you win will one of the prizes have a delaterious effect on the female genitalia or perhaps cause the loss of vision in one eye? Regards Jim R.
  12. Just resurrecting this thread in the hope that Nestor reads this so I can report to him that my next file for Point of Honour could be delayed as I've just had a power supply blow up on my computer and it could take a few days to get it fixed. I'm only able to leave details on internet sites via this crappy backup computer as I don't have his email address handy except on my non functioning computer. If someone else happens to know Nestors email address then if they could drop him a line & direct him to this thread it would be greatly appreciated. Regards Jim R.
  13. The way I see around the problem is to have the battallion commander (the player) being forced to assign general objectives to say 2 out of 3 of the companies within the battallion (assuming no further attached comapnies) while still allowing the player to fully control the remaining company. It's a bit of a compromise but allows for a certain level of scripting to be inputted by the battallion commander to set specific objectives to be achieved by a certain time for subordinate comapanies and then relying on the AI to come up with a decent enough plan to at least make a sensible go at succesfully achieving the objective(s). If such a level of scripting can be allowed in the program and a decent enough AI can be relied on to carry out your orders then the player can have the best of both worlds. (S) he'll be able to see if his basic plan was workable from the end result of the battle while also having the hands on enjoyment of commanding one company (no doubt the best one) to try and get the most out of it to achieve final victory. You'll know the timetable that the other companies have been set to get where by when and can therefore personally issue orders to the units under your company command with this in mind. Just a thought anyway. Might as well throw it up in the air to see how well it gets shot down. Regards Jim R.
  14. I don't believe shotguns are illegal to use for wartime applications. If I recall correctly, the U.S. forces in Vietnam used them regularly when fighting in heavy bush areas due to their effectiveness at such close range fighting distances, especially when ambushed or setting an ambush. Regards Jim R.
  15. I don't believe shotguns are illegal to use for wartime applications. If I recall correctly, the U.S. forces in Vietnam used them regularly when fighting in heavy bush areas due to their effectiveness at such close range fighting distances, especially when ambushed or setting an ambush. Regards Jim R.
  16. Hang on Sergio...I'm still finishing ROW IV!!! And for once the delay in this enterprise is not my fault. :mad: Regards Jim R.
  17. Oh, oh...I don't think Moon will be happy to read that information JC Hare. Regards Jim R.
  18. Is that why Skodas are so damn cheap! Thanks for clarifying that for me Michael. Regards Jim R.
  19. The trouble with the IS2's is their painfully slow firing rate which almost disadvantages them in a one on one fight. Put it this way, it's not unusual for an IS2 to retreat behind cover with the computer AI deciding things are not in their favour when facing a PzIV rather than the other way around. Regards Jim R.
  20. You don't need HC ammo when pitting Pz IV's against IS2's in the game. Just shoot at their frontal aspect & you'll achieve a turret penetration on the IS in no time using standard ammo. :eek: Regards Jim R.
  21. Would you believe that I've just sent an orders file in Point of Honour for turn 37 of 50? As you can see it's turned out to be a monster but I can't take all the blame as my opponent has had his greater share of problems with turn-around times than myself! (if one can believe that). @ H Yes, I thoroughly enjoyed the cut & thrust of Wolf where all I had left at the end in terms of mobile forces was 1 veteran Valentine out of AP ammo, 1 green Valentine with ammo but no idea how to use it & 2 CS Valentines with pretty much no ability to hurt the enemy except fire smoke at him. Mind you, my opponent only had 3 working Pz III's, two of which had lost their commanders plus assorted halftracks to fill out the ranks at the end. Great fun! Regards Jim R.
  22. Am I too late to report in with my final result from Wolf in Sheeps Clothing? Would a result of 59% (Allies- me) vs 41% (Axis- Dangerous Dave) Allied Marginal Victory have skewed the results terribly? Please tell me I haven't missed the deadline! Regards Jim R.
  23. How about a bone on the patch to CMAK then? Surely that's further down the track than CMII. A possible release date would be nice. Would a pretty please help? Regards Jim R.
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