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Kanonier Reichmann

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Everything posted by Kanonier Reichmann

  1. A great result and truly an inspiration for the rest of the world. That's what the USA should represent, not division and fighting. Also, one has to commend McCain for an exceptionally gracious concession speech while Obama's was inspirational....."yes YOU can"! Regards Jim R.
  2. Ahhhh.... good idea for the name for this new game: Combat Mission- Beyond Awesome! (CMBA) Regards Jim R.
  3. Try splitting the better quality infantry squads to give you more attacking options and directions of fire when encountering enemy units. Their quality allows splitting to be a reasonable tactic as the hit on morale isn't so bad when Veteran or better, especially if in command. Regards Jim R.
  4. Interestingly though, no MG damage to speak of after that hit! :eek: Regards Jim R.
  5. @ Aco4bn187inf I've seen a tank commander lose his head from an AP round that didn't impact with the tank. Admittedly it was in a CMBO game but I'm assuming that part of the combat routine from the original version of Combat Mission wasn't changed in the later versions. Regards Jim R.
  6. Ah, good point. I was thinking of the options available when purchasing units which allows the AI to pick forces for both sides. My bad. Regards Jim R.
  7. Yes. Create a Quick Battle and coose AI control for both the Axis & Allied sides. Fire it up and view away to your hearts content. Regards Jim R.
  8. To think. This weapon only came into being after its conception was dreamt up in a Hollywood movie- Dogs of War. A case of art leading war! Regards Jim R.
  9. Yep, sounds like the correct solution to me as well. Anyone sent to Guantanamo receives the death sentence for being "the worst of the worst" (Bush's words?) as we all know the process that ensued to get those "ragheads" there was unimpeachable. Regards Jim R.
  10. Hi Kingfish. I'm pretty sure that was the earliest file I had but since I was the Allied player in that one I'm not sure whether I received the initial "startup" file or not. I'll have a look on my hard drive again and see if I can dig up anything earlier. Regards Jim R.
  11. The earliest file I had on Wolf in Sheeps Clothing has been sent to you Kingfish. Unfortunately it appears that it was played using an earlier version of CMAK as I couldn't open it because of its incompatibility with my CMAK v1.03. Regards Jim R.
  12. Just not the tanks. The MG34 remained the standard MG in the bow & turret of the German tanks. Regards Jim R.
  13. Sure, I'll see what I can dig up when I get home from work and email it to you address listed in your profile. Thanks for the passwords BTW. Personally I thought that Wolf was a classic bit of innovative design which should be released into the big wide world for all to enjoy. Regards Jim R.
  14. Posted here would be fine with me if you're O.K. with that. I know that some of us took a looooong time to complete these battles but hopefully they're all completed by now! Regards Jim R.
  15. I know this is a very old thread but does anybody have information on what the Allied & Axis passwords were for these 3 final ROW IV battles? Even if you don't have them all but just the Allied ones (or whatever), any information would help. Regards Jim R.
  16. And all this without any mention of bren tripods either. Or should that be Brian tripods! Regards Jim R.
  17. Kwazydawg wrote: There we have it from the horse's mouth. Bren Tripods WILL be in CMX2 after all! Why else spend so much time and resources including tripods unless you've finally seen the light. Brian will be crying out... vindication at last! Regards Jim R.
  18. You seem to be forgetting that CMAK does NOT include all the AFV's that CMBO had available such as the M18, M36, JagdTiger, Pershing, Comet etc. etc. The beauty of CMBB is that ALL the AFV's are included for the entire 4 years of the campaign except for the really exotic stuff such as the multi-turreted Russian early war tanks which couldn't be modelled and, I guess, the Grant. Regards Jim R.
  19. Yes, the 30 Years War was a particularly nasty one where the population not only had to contend with ransacking mercenary armies that stripped the land bare but also typhus, dysentry and if that wasn't enough, bubonic plague as well! No wonder some estimates put the loss males in the population at certain provinces as high as 50% as a result of the war and accompanying devastation. Regards Jim R.
  20. Yes, I'd buy it but I think the chances of it ever happening are infintesimal. Regards Jim R.
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