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Kanonier Reichmann

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Everything posted by Kanonier Reichmann

  1. I second your request John. It would be great to see all the distant past & now more recent AAR's from the various ROW's Regards Jim R.
  2. Yep, a very impressive victory for Walpurgis Nacht so congratulations to the winner for his consistantly victorious results in all the battles. My personal view on the scenario's is that Tiger Valley was the cream of the crop closely followed by Highlanders in Hell & The Sanitorium. Thank you once again to the tournament organisers & scenario designers for their hard work in keeping this ROW on track as best they could despite the apparently deathly turn rate of some of the participants. Regards Jim R.
  3. Since the raw results have been published now for some time is it still planned to convert the results into Nabla adjusted ones? Just curious, that's all. Regards Jim R.
  4. Are you sure about that John? I was pretty sure it was a 40mm Bofors gun and definitely something that packed a bigger punch than an ATR plus was able to fire on automatic. Regards Jim R.
  5. LfB may have been relatively balanced but Walpurgis Nacht has previously made the very good point that it was too pre-determined in its nature & that is reflected in the very low Standard Deviation number. i.e not enough opportunity for much variety in the results based on the way the battle was set up. Regards Jim R.
  6. So Jason...tell us what you really think! :eek: Personally, if Carl Puppchen wants to design scenario's that way then I say, let him. It's a free world & I'm sure he wouldn't continue doing so if all the feedback he ever received was negative. To sum up...I may not agree with what Carl is tring to achieve but I will defend his right to continue doing so. Regards Jim R.
  7. Is that the World War I A7V tank hull the Germans used in that SdKfz 777/1? Regards Jim R.
  8. O.K., that explains it then. Thanks for the offer BTW & I'll shoot you an email a.s.a.p. Regards Jim R.
  9. Ummmm, how would you know? I didn't think any results had been released as yet. :confused: Regards Jim R.
  10. Yes it did! As the Russians you could either die gracefully or die badly. What more options could you want? Regards Jim R.
  11. Interesting discussion to date about the scenario's. Despite my earlier "whinge" about LfB I really didn't mind the size of it and the starting situation ones finds oneself in when 50 turns have already expired certainly makes for a very interesting challenge. It was a case of simply doing the best you can with what you've got and in the case of the Russians, trying to hold on with outclassed and often poorly positioned forces. In the end I enjoyed the challenge. I agree with Michael however that St. Nazaire was a bit of a pot luck scenario where if the Germans happened to place their initial few defenders in the right places they could wreak absolute havoc on the vulnerable British elite infantry as they struggled to make the beaches. In my case I happened to be so lucky so it devolved into a hunt the enemy down style of battle which I'm sure was no fun from my opponents point of view after he lost a large portion of his infantry while they were still stuck in boats & unable to fight back. Tiger Valley on the other hand was an absolute classic with all sorts of possibilities open to both attacker & defender. Regards Jim R.
  12. I must say, it sounds like a wonderfully effeicient system the Nazi's ran. Seems almost ironic when one considers the Germans are often noted for their efficiency. Regards Jim R.
  13. Are we at the stage yet where final scores can at least be posted for the St Nazaire battle? I mean, for a relatively small battle like that it shouldn't take this long just to complete that relative tiddler. I always thought I was slow but I'm like the freakin roadrunner in comparison with some of these slow pokes! Regards Jim R.
  14. It's interesting to see the damage done in LfB prior to us getting involved in the battle. I must say that I was always somewhat peeved that the Soviet player up to turn 50 had managed to squander a number of his precious few tanks for little result apart from a few destoyed halftracks & maybe 1 Pz IV? To top it off, the initial starting position of the remaining Soviet AFV's were not exactly ideal as they were easily picked off by superior German armour at distance as one tried to manoeuvre them into some kind of cover from their often exposed starting points. In summary, whoever played the Soviets to that point should have been shot in true Soviet fashion! Come to think of it, perhaps that explains why we came in at that point with the battle just over halfway completed. Regards Jim R.
  15. If anyone has seen the film Gloomy Sunday it depicts rather nicely a pretty despicable SS character who was based in Prague during the war but later appeared as a highly repectable & well liked businessman when we flash forward to the nineties. It also showed rather poetically that people's memories run deep. Regards Jim R.
  16. This thread definitely needs a bump to keep it on the 1st page. Regards Jim R.
  17. Hang on, it has to count for something, surely. If I am the defender & purchase a whole heap of fortifications which are them immediately treated as casualties in terms of victory points accrued to the attacker then surely this is a problem. How else does one win a campaign if it's not from eliminating the enemy (thereby accruing victory points) as well as capturing terain? If, after the battle, the defending forces are defeated & therefore lose control of the terrain then I don't have a problem with losing the victory points then since all the man made improvements have been lost to the enemy. Regards Jim R.
  18. The other important question though is, when purchasing fortifications will the defender be penalised victory points for doing so as currently occurs in CMBB? Regards Jim R.
  19. The other interesting thing to consider when the local commander is given command of your force is how he handles that force. If some other guy took charge of my scarce troops & proceeded to charge them at the enemy as cannon fodder to discover enemy dispositions while using his own guys in relatively protected overwatch positions, I wouldn't be too happy about that! Hopefully the practical solution would be for the local commander at all times to use his own guys, if practical, as the so called "cuttin' edge" of the attack while keeping borrowed forces as the backup guys. Things to consider anyway. Regards Jim R.
  20. They are in. You can dig in on the Operational Map and then get trenchlines, mines and pill boxes in the CMBB battle. Hunter </font>
  21. Is that similar to "Donner & Blitzen"? Regards Jim R.
  22. This is an excellent point and if CMC is to work effectively with play balance then I would hope that this known bug can be squashed before the overall strategic interface is released. BTW, fantastic news about CMC in general. Regards Jim R.
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