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Kanonier Reichmann

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Everything posted by Kanonier Reichmann

  1. Because Vibram is an Italian based company and there is no seperate word for toes in italian (or Spanish for that matter). I'm guessing tha's why they're called fingers since that's how they refer to toes... i.e. fingers of the feet. And no, I'm not multi-lingual. Just one of those useless bits of knowledge I happen to have retained. Regards KR
  2. So Michael... what do you remember of the Great Depression? Regards KR
  3. Heaven help the world if we ever reach that final level of alert. I predict armageddon! Regards KR
  4. Good for you. BTW, I hope you're not associating me with critical posts on the website you're implicating in the above passage because if you were, you would be dead wrong. Regards KR
  5. Yes I agree. Steve's statement appears to be an oblique way of saying.....June 6/7. Great! That means I can hold off buying my new PC with all the latest bits & bobs until then. Regards KR
  6. Thankfully, the first version of CMX2 wasn't called Combat Mission Shock & Awe Force. Regards KR
  7. I can do better than that. ALL OUT! Australia wins by 39 runs, amazingly enough. As for the weather, about 33 degrees and sunny Re VT artillery for the Poms. From my understanding the Yanks only used VT artillery from around the time of the Battle of the Bulge onwards (late December 1944) so the implication from my post was that their allies across the Atlantic also had access to it at or very soon after the U.S. Mind you, I'm not trying to say that CMBO should be regarded as some sort of history source but I assumed that Steve et al wouldn't have included VT for 25 pounders unless there was some basis of fact to back it up. Hope you're enjoying Syndney. Regards KR
  8. Well, you included 25 pounder VT artillery FO's for the Britiish in CMBO after about December 1944 so I assumed you had some research back then that confirmed all this! Regards KR
  9. I really hope they include some of those classic British phrases that were in the original CMBO, for the first module that introduces Commonwealth forces. Things like Stick that up your pipe Fritz! when an enemy tank was knocked out always brought a smile to my face and was a great contribution to the immersion. Regards KR
  10. Note however that should an imobilised vehicle be located in an area that's on fire which then escalates into a full on blaze, the crew will abandon their vehicle to reach safety. The same applies to emplaced pillboxes and large guns that can't be moved once they're emplaced such as 88mm FlaK & Russian 85mm AA gun. Regards KR
  11. I just loved the fact that the guy who played the terribly 'British'.... look out for the hun in the sun old chap type of character was a German actor. Wonderful casting! Regards Jim R.
  12. The nationality of the first unit picked in a Quickbattle (ie at the top of the list) determines what nationality the flags become. Regards KR
  13. Please tell me there's no USS Bush in the pipeline! I would suggest that should such a vessel be launched it would become the target of every protestor, terrorist, campaigner you could ever imagine. Regards KR
  14. Ahhhh... the M60. An MG42 based design with 18 more mistakes! Regards KR
  15. I think it might be worth pointing out that only the tank hunter teams after about June 1943 have the RPG grenades (and even then, not all of them). The ones armed only with Molotov cocktails are next to useless.... apart from as "glorified observers", as you noted. Regards KR
  16. Was that yet another Hugo Boss design originally? Regards KR
  17. You guess correctly. It's a straight percentage reduction to the incoming fire based on the type of building you're in. When firing from a building the full firepower of the squad(s) contained therein is used to determine the damage to the enemy unit. Not entirely realistic but good enough for me. Regards KR
  18. He's still around. If you refer to the Gamesquad Combat Mission forum you'll see he had a few visits there only about a month or so ago. Regards KR
  19. The other thing I don't get is why all the indignation and wailing from well established 1st world countries about the cost involved to try and fix the global warming problem. Ummmmm... haven't these countries been the ones that have benefited the most from polluting the oceans and atmosphere with thriving manufacturing and energy industries that have substantially contributed to the current situation we're in? With the U.S. being the worlds largest polluter by far, followed by a bunch of western economies why shouldn't we be paying the lions share for what we have reaped from exploitation of the worlds resources? Regards KR
  20. In my case, I'm going to miss shift-B. Much more preferable to coin icons IMO. Regards KR
  21. What I don't get is how, what was it... something like over 2,000 scientists signed off on that large study that proved global warming was a problem for the planet and action needed to be taken quickly to reverse the potentially devastating effects of the warming, yet this is simply dismissed as being some sort of giant conspiracy? That's a hell of a lot of scientists involved in the "conspiracy" and yet they're so stupid as to put their name to it! The other thing. Scientists being scientists, they need to back up their theories with empirical evidence, observations, testing of hypotheses, recording of experiments etc, etc. They then prepare papers based on their testing and back it up with analyses of their findings, statistical data, lists of sources of information and so on. The final crunch is that any written theory is then subject to peer review to determine whether the conclusions within the paper stack up based on the experience of the people reviewing the information, the basis of the analysis, whether conclusions make sense when compared with the data presented etc, etc. Compare this process with what journalists, politicians, current affairs presenters, media commentators etc. have to do when they come up with their various statements, opinions and articles on a range of subjects. So....... who is more believable? Regards KR
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