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Kanonier Reichmann

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Everything posted by Kanonier Reichmann

  1. Yeah. The strategy is simply bound to work this time......... isn't it? Regards KR
  2. It could be a help to collectors of white elephants. Regards KR
  3. Get with the era! Back then it was white phosphorous. Regards KR
  4. I can confirm that he looks very becoming in his budgie smugglers. Regards KR
  5. Unfortunately, what these AAR's don't tell you is whether the ATG batteries cheated by emplacing their guns in trenches behind crest lines. if so, the enemy should have simply packed up their bat and ball and refused to fight them anymore for using such gamey tactics.....or used artillery & mortars! Regards KR
  6. Yep, that blends in nicely and offers protection to the, to the ummmmm.... soles of the feet! Regards KR
  7. Except looks. The coolness factor of a PzKfw VI far exceeds that of a T54. Regards KR.
  8. And to think that a guy with the moniker of eichenbaum who used to post here had a working version of a campaign system for CMBB but when he offered to develop it further with a little help from the BFC guys he was basically told to sod off! Such a pity and an opportunity lost IMO. Regards Jim R.
  9. In answer to the question in the topic, an alternative strategy would be to simply ask nicely while armed with a big bunch of flowers. No cheesy one liners either! Regards KR
  10. Yes, and I'm sure those SMG's firing pistol bullets are hitting targets at least 500 metres away and blowing up T62's in the process! Regards KR
  11. I gather what you're trying to say is that not only would "starshells" give the Syrian infantry a chance to see their enemy but also temporarily blind the blue forces infantry that are predominantly wearing NV goggles. Is that what you mean? Regards KR
  12. Another possibility to consider was that Allied intelligence didn't want to risk the chance that a member of the Resistance be captured by the Gestapo and interrogated with specific drilling down on why his/her Allied handlers wanted to specifically know about fighting in bocage country. Just a thought. Regards KR
  13. You gotta laugh. The Kiwi habit of ending their sentences with "eh" on the end makes you wonder if they're all suffering from some form of hereditary deafness. It does get tiresome having to repeat oneself all the time or clarify whether they heard you correctly the first time. Regards KR
  14. Use the hunt command instead. An AFV will not hunt forward until it has dealt with the enemy AFV that can threaten it. Regards KR
  15. The other way to solve the allegedly unhittable gun position just behind a crest line.... use mortars! Regards KR
  16. As long as they have the phones at the NCTC that go....doo..doo..dee..doo THAT'S all that matters! Regards KR
  17. Damn! At first glance of the title I thought this might be a new TV series to rival The Simpsons. Regards KR
  18. Bloody hell! Speaking of uncalled for. Steve, if you could perhaps highlight what parts of egamarls posts were "aggressive" I would very much like to see it. Also, if your definition of a "completely uncalled for attitude" simply translates to criticism of the CMSF game then I guess you may have a point. Otherwise, I get the distinct impression that there is one rule for a certain clique and another for all the rest. Your message board and all but sheeesh! Regards KR
  19. You mean to say that if you didn't mate with it you couldn't advance to the next level. This game I gotta see!!!! Regards KR
  20. From memory of one of Steve's posts in the past. CM:N will come only with the US & German forces based on the Normandy time frame only. The 1st module will introduce the Commonwealth forces to allow simulating the battles around Caen etc. The second module will simulate the Market Garden time period, presumably including Polish airborne units and other updated bits of kit that was available in the September to October time period. The second stand alone game will be CM:Bulge to simulate the Battle of the Bulge (funnily enough). The reason for this split into 2 seperate games is due to the completely different terrain that needs to be modelled in a winter environment such as as snow, frozen rivers (maybe?), forests with little foliage etc. This second stand alone game will eventually cover the remainder of the war on the Western front up to the fall of Berlin with subsequent module releases that will presumably cover the Rhine crossings and German hinterland battles. I'm sure Steve will chime in in due course and correct me if he sees I've stuffed up any details. Regards KR
  21. I can't agree. The pitch for the final test was prepared in such a way to guarantee a result so the entire series gets decided by a single coin toss. Made a complete mockery of the whole thing. I have a good idea. Why not have the next series over and done with really quickly by removing the need for tailor made pitches and simply have the series decided by best of 5 coin tosses. Then we could get on with the 'real' cricket..... 20/20. Regards KR
  22. Please tell me that Will Smith won't be in it. Regards KR
  23. Not enough Morris Minors on the road to warrant it I wouldn't have thought. Regards KR
  24. Which is something that would never happen in the U.S. with its presidents such as George Bush (Senior). Oh wait!........ Regards KR
  25. I think that's it's official designation Jon. The USMC "Thingy". Regards KR
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