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Kanonier Reichmann

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Everything posted by Kanonier Reichmann

  1. That's based on the assumption that no teams have had the opportunity to practise extensively with the new Adidas soccer ball. I'm wondering whether the home team might have had just such an opportunity? Regards KR
  2. The 6 pdr AT gun is an extremely effective AT gun against the mainstay of the German fleet i.e. Pz IV's and Stugs but less so against their other common tank, the Panther. Typically, you will need to get side and rear shots to knock out Panthers and Tigers unless you also have tungsten rounds, which will penetrate pretty much anything although the behind armour effects can sometimes be disappointing. Regards KR
  3. What, you mean an overly complicated design with breakdowns likely at laast every 100 km's? Regards KR
  4. Absolute classic! From memory it was of the Titanic, wasn't it? Regards KR
  5. And a superb anti-war movie it is as well. One of the best scenes is when one of the attacking American infantry yells out that they're only fighting against kindergarten kids, a statement he would (not) live to regret! Regards KR
  6. Please correct me if I'm wrong but in your example, a derivative is basically a written promise to sell the bundle of 100 shares once the market price reaches $12 provided the Option hasn't expired, correct? Therefore, you're receiving a one off payment of $8 in exchange for a piece of paper that promises the sale, subject to certain condiitions. Regards KR
  7. Nice AAR. Just one thing, you make mention of T34's seemingly swarming over your forces but your 2nd to last screenshot clearly shows two IS 2's so it may help readers understand that you were definitely up against it when you also had to deal with those monsters, with only Stug's & Pz IV's. Regards KR
  8. Yeah, good point. Problem 'solvered'. Regards KR
  9. Please tell me they didn't spell Melbourne without the "u". That would be like spelling Miami as Myami. If true, that is really piss poor! Regards KR
  10. Here we go again. All those 1,000's of scientists are part of some giant conspiracy. Regards KR
  11. Good point. The King Tigers did advance too far in an attempt to take the objectives without much infantry in support, thereby allowing flank shots from T34/85's. Regards KR
  12. I would be worried if cement bunkers were modelled as they would be likley to disintegrate with just a puff of wind. Concrete bunkers.... now that's a different story! Regards KR
  13. Hey, I managed to win that one in ROW as the Soviets first up against Michael Dorosh, from memory. Probably more an indictment against MD rather than my playing ability. Regards KR
  14. Fair point. 'Awe' would be an acceptable substitute. Regards KR
  15. Worth noting from the article that South Australia was the only Australian state which didn't receive convicts from 'the old country' seeing as we were established by free settlers. Hence, our widely held regard within the country as the state of refinement. Regards KR
  16. For a minute there I thought this was going to be about the Melbourne Storm having cheated their way to 2 premiership victories in the National Rugby League over teams like the NZ Warriors! Regards KR
  17. I agree. Mirrored games remove all fog of war and destroy the purpose of the game in my opinion. I can see where you're coming from with regard to all players from one club, for instance, playing against another club and only playing the one side for a particular scenario, to ensure there's no question that information was unfairly shared between club members of what each side has. With the Nabla scoring system it will account for any inherent unfairness should one side be favoured over another. Regards KR
  18. No, do. Post the video and use the words "War crime" in the title and await the response. I'm sure thay will all be measured and unemotional. Regards KR
  19. The Oxford if you don't mind! As to the 2nd point... your loss (well partial loss maybe). Regards KR
  20. Should be...compared with... Remember these 3 golden phrases....compared with...opposite to...different from... Regards KR
  21. Of course there's always 'gander' in the sense of "take a gander" which could act as a decent substitute. Not sure what the origins of that is though. Regards KR
  22. I thought the correct quote was "....or sumfink like that." Another blue like this and we'll have to revoke your Administrator status! Regards KR
  23. But wouldn't the very low prisoner count also be because of the shame that the Japanese felt if they were captured? From my understanding the Japanese generally preferred death with honour (including suicide if the situation was hopeless) rather than be captured and dishonour the family name, not to mention letting the emperor down! I'm sure that war crimes were committed by the Allies but the very low prisoner rate wouldn't be solely attributable to these acts. Regards KR
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