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Everything posted by Lanzfeld

  1. Really? How? I do not see it. Ahhhh....you mean in post #20. I see it now.
  2. I asked the question, "can a squad can be in C2 if its HQ unit is dead but it is next to its Company HQ unit?" a long time ago and never got an answer. This is rather important.
  3. Really? Are you hinting that poor visibility didnt make it in???
  4. Well one area that they couldnt get in but want to implement later is flames and fire. Flame throwers, flame HT and tanks and also fire in buildings and fields I hope.
  5. Wrong forum but here is a link to my question. http://www.battlefront.com/community/showthread.php?t=94819 I put it here because I think most of the WW2 fans are here now. I hope it doesnt get moved.
  6. I am reading "Company Commander" by Charles Macdonald again and I am fascinated about when he spent those 9 days in a pillbox between Grofkampenberg and Uttfeld. I have looked over the area with "live maps" and "google maps" to try to get a feel of where the farmhouse and pillboxes were at. I know that so much has probably changed in the 60+ years but I was wondering, if anyone has been to the area, if any of those pillboxes or the farmhouse Macdonald writes about are still there? All the concrete to make a pillbox seems like it would be a pain to remove and it seems easier to leave it alone. Anyone else try to follow the tracks of this great chapter in the book? Also...any link to a WW2 map of the area would help alot.
  7. 1. Whinging (sp).......Who cares? We do that anyway. Deal with it I say. If you cant take whining then wargamming forums should be avoided! 2. Just one page or thread to address whats been "fixed" will take care of the 2nd problem. 3. Think of how happy it would make all of us not privy to the build right now. If I remember correctly, NOTHING got our mouths frothing like the beta demo for CMBO.
  8. I like the idea of a beta demo for us. All the talk of the old beta "Chance Encounter" and "Last Defense" really rubs me the right way with the absolute understanding that it is a BETA DEMO and does not reflect the final product. Think of all the bugs we could squish together!
  9. Also remember that it is harder to keep units in C2 in Iron mode because in order to use the "visual distant" C2 you not only need LOS but your units must also actually SPOT each other (well....the squad must spot the HQ). Not a big deal if Blue but if you play Red with no radios visual C2 is a big deal.
  10. Very crafty Elvis. First class!!! You paid a price, now collect!!!!
  11. So NOBODY out there saved the Alpha Battle AAR? I remember printing out each turn and reading it in bed like a novel (no laptop back then for me). Only printed out to turn 30 something though. Might still have them.
  12. This is a GEAT idea. I often feel the same about big battles and no bodies afterwards. Other side of the coin is that the dead bodies vanishing helps let the player remember if they looted the bodies or not. Maybe a fix for this is having a brown marker under dead bodies that have not been searched then the game could remove the marker all together after a body is looted and leave just the body with no mark at all? Steve? What do you think? Not too hard to put in?
  13. I THINK there is only one spotting point per vehicle. The height of that point can be a one of 4 or 5 levels to give a slight variation due to vehicle construction. This is how it is in CMSF anyway....I think. If BFC changed this for CM:BN (I hope!!!!) than maybe the drivers were hull down.
  14. Remember "beserk" in Close Combat series? Loved that rare event. Usually ended in a death for the "beserker" but rare times he became a real hero.
  15. I hope this doesnt throw off all your original spotting values if you tweaked them to "feel right"!
  16. Wow, that MG in the center seems to be holding up at least 15 men there pinning them in those fields. Very cool and jives with what I have read in the books. Seems like a nice place to get a tank to wipe out that MG or have all your men "area fire" for a minite.
  17. I thought I read that the sound mods can really cause stuttering on some systems. FWIW
  18. I think Steve talked about this briefly. No variation in size/shape of troops. Not going to happen because they would all require new animations and that is a big time/$$$ sink.
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