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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by hoolaman

  1. +1. A legacy of selfishness and self-indulgence. OTOH it was the WWII generation that raised 'em.
  2. Yes it sounds like a video hardware problem. CMSF and video decoding working together might have been a bit too much for your poor abused video card. Inadequate cooling is the only thing that could permanently damage your hardware and that is not CMSF's fault. Take the side of your case or something or check your fans for dust. I used to have a cheap little video card with a heatsink but no fan and that could not handle the strain. I had to open the side of my case and point a desk fan into it!
  3. And some don't want the beta tag lest someone read too much into their ramblings.
  4. The plotting LOS from waypoints is really essential for WEGO. You are plotting forward in time what someone would find when they get to a destination. It does certainly unrealistically allow you to find a perfect firing position, but I don't find it is totally gamey because the alternative is unrealistically being unable to find a decent position with LOS. Remember it is not exactly WYSIWYG because of the action spot system so in Wego you'd be edging forward over multiple turns just to look over a hill.
  5. Women! I had exactly the same thing happen once before and spent hours removing it. The worst I ever got was a boot sector virus that I eventually solved by buying a new hard drive.
  6. I agree that everything looks a bit too clean and neat, with the terrain and units, and I'm sure weathering will be a big focus of modders since the underlying textures are so good. Unfortunately it is very difficult to replicate WWII levels of garbage and mayhem in a game without a massive art budget.
  7. Yeah this comes up prety frequently these days, often Apple is the bad guy. In this case though I do wonder whether Ferrari was hoping for a little controversy over their name. Apple probably does have some legitimate worries about losing control of its trademarks. iPads and Pods are pretty ubiquitous in common language usage and Apple is not exactly an uncommon or unique trade name. Is three numbers prefixed by a letter even really trademarkable? Seems like they are complaining about the logo not the name.
  8. It's all fine as long as it doesn't become self-aware. How many of those pictures in that link are real photos? I'd guess only the two of takeoff and landing at Edwards airstrip. It's hard to tell if those plain gray surfaces are CG or real.
  9. Actually he's right, because infantry movement in CMSF is based on the 8x8m tile, the fine control you could get in CMx1 is not there anymore. I think the underlying game grid in CMx1 was 1x1 m. The tile based pathing in CMSF can make your men go places you don't want them to, especially for a novice player who is not familiar with how their orders will translate into movement. HINT: Watch the highlighted squares as they show where your teams will end up. Also combine each move order with a FACE command. FACE is critical to the way men deploy against walls, ridges and corners of buildings Of course infantry are no longer infinitely small points on a map either so I guess there are pluses and minuses.
  10. It clearly (to me) says "pollution". LINK 1971 – 14th Annual Grammy Awards Best Album Cover: Pollution – Pollution Dean O. Torrence, art director. Gene Brownell, photographer Pollution - Pollution
  11. Actually when CMBO came out it got quite a lot of press, and was regularly in the #1 spot in strategy game "best of" lists even in the mainstream computer mags. Of course since then the PC games market is very different and the PC press is also very different. I doubt CMBN will get the same traction but I hope it does.
  12. It doesn't matter if you close the door, they'll eventually bubble up through the drains.
  13. I think it would be quite realistic for CM to be scrapped in favour of a text based adventure game. You type out orders to your battallion and a few seconds later the game generates an AAR telling you why your plan went out the window after the first five minutes. You then have to write letters to the mothers of all the boys you got killed. But more seriously, there have been plenty of times in a PBEM indeed in almost every CM game that I pretty much knew I was beaten in "real world" terms, sometimes quite early when you lose that key support asset. I also knew I could charge on and still have some fun and inflict some hurt on my opponent and maybe scrape some VLs together for a draw. It is at that point that I as a player make a choice to NOT immediately withdraw and give the attack up as a failure, but instead to lose MORE valuable vehicles and men for my own amusement. I don't believe there really is any fun and realistic way to make that decision on behalf of the player and award the game to the enemy.
  14. In answer to your question, a big deal was made of adding support for that matrox triple monitor gadget, and CMSF supports those kind of resolutions so I don't imagine it'll be any different.
  15. I guess it is easily possible that the previews could happen within the pre-order period. But who knows really, I'd say the only sure thing is the game being released after the previews.
  16. Theres a rather silly time limit on editing your posts on this forum, I can't remember what it is but after that the edit button goes away.
  17. You mean not using FOW for two or three turns??! This is totally unacceptable!!1!
  18. Yeah combat mission doesn't simulate 2 days of rear area activity and entrenching or waiting for supplies and reinforcements. It can produce historical outcomes if players made their soldiers do historical things, but usually they don't. Can you imagine a three hour CM battle where your orders are to not leave your setup area but keep the enemy under observation? There is an AAR of a battle in CM:Afghanistan where the player gets almost exactly the historical result, and that is simply using the game engine wiht all the variables plugged in, not cheating with design for effect.
  19. I like how they chuck those rusty 70 year old mines grenades and shells around like it's nothing.
  20. One thing that makes the FOW in CMSF much less effective is the no real feedback is given by the <?> icons. In CMx1 the equivalent unit marker could be selected with the mouse and gave you some info about a unit, and this info could be wrong or right. Imagine how confusing the field would be if you could select the dozens of <?> and get fragments of conflicting info about them. Even better would be to be able to TARGET the <?> icons too. I can only imagine the original concept was that the <?> icons were a more integral part of the misidentification system and the fully ID'ed graphical representation was supposed to be the very last step in the chain.
  21. Having done this a couple of times, I think getting the elevations right is the most time consuming and pertinent part of the task. An automatic conversion of the terrain itself would look really weird anyway, the terrain elements are not exactly comparable, and CMBN is capable of making so much more complex and nicer looking maps that swapping like for like would be quite silly. The grids actually do align over 40 metres or 5x5 CMx2 tiles = 2x2 CMx1 tiles but nothing quite lines up perfectly doing it this way. Achieving a map that plays the same and is recognisable is the main thing IMO. When I did it, I printed the maps from CMBO for quick reference, then put in the elevations first, then roads and walls and rivers and fields. The forests and foliage I put in rough freehand.
  22. It could be the case that the AIs of those games were merely good enough to fool you into thinking they don't cheat. In my 20 years of playing and occasional beta testing of computer games I believe the quotes Brit offered below that you could work for months on a purist non-cheating AI and have the game experience still be much worse than it is now. The problem with EoS AI now is not that it knows where your units are, it is that it is allowed to act upon that information and route interceptors to your units in very unrealistic ways. IOW the quote Brit offered about War in the East only appearing to be bound by the same rules as a human is very relevant.
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