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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by hoolaman

  1. If you read the manual you will know that the hezbollah war of 2006 was extremely influential in the thinking behind the game which was full ahead development at that time. Syria cannot win a conventional war against the entire western world. This of course doesn't mean that they couldn't cause some pain in localised engagements. If anything CMSF is biased toward Syria in the assumption that they could get any conventional force into a position to oppose the invasion. The fighters in 2006 were not a conventional army and while there are lessons to be learned, there would be big differences in the way the forces deployed too. Shoot and scoot is pretty easy IMO, your assertion that it is not possible is incorrect. Troops should spot and aim at a target withing ten seconds. So give a 10 second pause, then a slow move and a hide order. Your guys will have ten seconds to aim and fire, then they will duck down and crawl and the hide order keeps them down. Sometimes they don't get the shot within ten seconds, but much longer and they are going to die anyway so ten is a good guide.
  2. They may be scientifically tested, but I don't see any results there that show them to be statistically significant. It's a bit like calling a product "clinically tested", it means nothing.
  3. So its kind of like what Obi-Wan feels when Alderaan is destroyed? ?! Your computer is sensitive to people feeling sad too?
  4. I think that is the sort of extra clicking he'd like to avoid.
  5. HQ units are key to the way information is passed through the chain of command. You can delete any HQ that has only a single complete sub-formation with its own HQ below it. Pretty much if it has a + next to it, you have to delete everything except that one unit before you can delete the higher HQ. This can be a bit annoying, IRL you'd have units attached to a higher formation. You can put the HQ's in as reinforcements that arrive after the end of the battle if you really don't want to see them. For your platoon size action, delete all the other companies and all the other battalion level support weapons, then delete the battalion HQ, then delete all the other platoons and company level support weapons, then delete the company HQ, then all you have left is the stuff that is organic to that platoon. It is rather retarded to have to do it this way, but its not so bad when you get used to it (hint: start at the bottom and click delete). Purchasing red units on the blue side, you have to buy your blue units, then go into mission>data>force vs force and change to red vs red or blue vs blue, then go back to the units menu and buy your red forces.
  6. Remember that the inside of buildings are abstracted, so marching into a room does not mean marching in then scanning, that is not what happens in my experience anyway. It is an abstracted room clearing thing, where there is some element of chance, but I frequently see my own more experience troops spot and kill first, especially if they have <?> contacts.
  7. I almost never split squads and I never ever use the assault command. Are you running into a building because you have already spotted and identified that the building contains enemy troops? If so the game can simulate intel and give a better chance to spot the units inside. But ultimately if you barge into a building you still have to locate the enemy inside before they locate you, even if you know they are in there. If you don't know they are in there, then two guys with AK's concealed in the corner may very well cause a lot of damage if they have not been supressed. It may look goofy, but the internals of buildings are simulated to some degree, and the results seem plausible to me most of the time. So I don't understand your problem because you actually can do those things to a reasonable approximation. In CMSF you can sneak up on a building unobserved, then open fire with grenades and rush in. And I note that your linked video actually showed the suppression happening from outside with grenades, not kicking down the door guns blazing. They also had covering fire from other units across the river. One thing that will never be simulated in CM is off-duty troops that are making dinner or on the toilet and totally unready for combat.
  8. I think "fighters" in the game are meant to be along the lines of a civilian who picked up his AK and put on a balaclava. They are supposed to be more difficult to spot in built up areas.
  9. Of all the graphics in the game, it is very easy to create lots of extra flags, so I thought I'd add some fun and interesting flags. Pirate is one of my favourites. The two SW rebel and empire flags included are the only ones that might be a bit dodgy to distribute in copyright terms, the rest are defunct national flags, with a variety of confederate and rebel flags. Also included is a flags text file that adds country names for the flags, though that is optional. File is attached to this thread. Hopefully that is a stable enough way of doing it. If you have trouble getting it from here, let me know. LINK Flags.zip
  10. There is reason to hope that some of the Afghanistan stuff can be slipped into the NATO module, which might be some of the way toward what you are looking for. Otherwise I don't understand how that would work. The units and TO&Es are specific to a time and place. I don't know what 80's soviets would be doing in Syria in 2008. Don't worry about value for money, CM:Afghanistan is going to be a surprise hit I reckon.
  11. You can open the game files and saves directory and make a copy of the multiplayer save file at any time, even during play (copy/paste creates a numbered version). You could also rename your copies. Just don't mess with the main file.
  12. Just out of curiosity, what is the thread title supposed to say?
  13. My initial thought is that movement for early units is very very slow. A little un-fun actually. I can see where you are going with it though. Sorry to not be able to offer a positive, thats only because I didn't play very long! I'll make further comment when I have time to get further into it.
  14. You can drag the tile for the unit onto the transport. The units can be nested into groups in various combinations, anything nested inside the transport tile is onboard. Also see the "HOW TO:use transports" sticky at the top of htis forum. I don't think I ever use the "enter Y/pick up X" menu. Glad to have some new blood .
  15. The game is only $20 at the moment so buy it! Be sure to try out my empire deluxe rules for a real vintage empire experience.
  16. I don't see any way to do that Brit. You can only share again which updates the file, there is no option to unshare something you have put up AFAICT.
  17. You can re-upload an updated ruleset ofer the top of the old one, just don't change the name. I would like to be able to remove a shared item from the list though.
  18. I'm reading your ramblings with amusement.
  19. WEGO forces you to be disciplined in your orders, though it really helps if you are experienced enough to know exactly how to get your troops to do what you want every time, which is not easy and certainly very hard for a newbie to get their head around. The 1 minute thing forces you to be slow and conservative in your moves. It is very, very rare for me these days that the game gets someone killed that I feel was a bug.
  20. The amous Aussie redback is pretty much the same spider, and they are also very wide ranging. Those two are pretty good examples! The big problem is they love to hide under the lip of moulded plastic things like pots, bins, lawn chairs. The sort of place you stick your fingers when picking things up without thinking. I even had one building a web under my car door handle once. As with most stuff though, they are pretty unlikely to bite, and are easily eradicated. The web is also very recognisable, low, strong and full of rubbish.
  21. Sounds awesome. I agree negative consumption is a bit silly and very unintuitive, but its there.
  22. Could we please have this artificial limit removed? Let the game continue to create resources as is, but allow rulesets to use values up to 99 please. Having mega-resources of say 50 units per turn would lead to some more interesting strategic situations. You could have one or two foods feeding your whole empire, and gaining one more mega-food could give a huge advantage, and be really worth fighting for.
  23. If you set food consumption in the ruleset to a negative number per head of population, the city will actually produce food! To my mind this is a great discovery, allowing a city to be an asset rather than a burden if that is what the scenario maker wants. However, the same trick doesn't work with oil. Could it be made to work? Could Iron be added too? Perhaps the setting could be renamed to resource balance or something and have the negative mean negative (consumption) and the positive mean production?
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