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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by hoolaman

  1. While I agree CM always did the vehicle combat quite well, I disagree about the infantry. I think that despite its faults, CM's infantry remains one of the best simulated infantry in a tactical game like this. I also think people will be surprised just how symmetrical the combat in Soviet Afghanistan can be. The Mujihadeen were pretty well organised as a conventional force, and the Soviets certainly weren't up to the level of modern US forces. It's a lot more like a CMSF Red vs Red and I think the game might just surprise people with just how much fun it is.
  2. Just fire up the image editor, it is fairly self-explanatory. If you open up the unit images that come with the game you can see they are small squares that have transparency around the unit sprite. You need a single image for each frame of each animation for every facing direction.
  3. First Gulf War could be interesting. The two gulf wars were pretty much the template for CMSF when it comes down to it, so it wouldn't be very hard to put out a Iraq vs Coalition game, much of the equipment is the same, it would just need some TO&E and some slightly altered models and textures. OTOH there weren't that many real set-piece battles in GW1, and virtually none in GW2 Fulda gap would be pretty stupid on a 2kmx2km tactical map. The soviet invasion scenario would be massive and more suited to a larger operational scale game than something at CM level.
  4. I'm happy to say "Empire Deluxe Remake" now turns up number two on google thanks to my thread about my ruleset.
  5. Mitigating factors to consider: There is an abstracted cover bonus to represent micro terrain and piles of crap that can't be shown graphically, and especially so for prone soldiers. The US troops also have good body armour and perhaps the irregulars can't shoot very straight. But it does sound quite screwy, especially on pavement. Close quarters combat can produce weird results sometimes in the game.
  6. Yeah I hate that too. I think it only gets left behind if the weapon is destroyed, and I think its a symptom of the above situation where only a HW team can but also must take its weapon with it. or somefink.
  7. I think they have to be dedicated HW teams to dismount their dedicated HW.
  8. You have to order troops to stop on any given floor, or they will go all the way to the roof up the "stairs". Target orders are a separate issue, and there are numerous threads about good ways to clear buildings. (For instance, the sticky thread at the top of this page.) Save games in Vista/Win7 do not save to the program files folder, they are put in a virtual save directory. There are numerous threads about this issue too. http://www.battlefront.com/community/showthread.php?t=92483 Friendly fire does not occur for small arms and hand grenades. I think infantry rocket and grenade launchers are the smallest weapons that cause friendly casualties, and any HE bigger than that does too, tanks arty etc. Beware the marines AGL, they can fire half a dozen rounds into your own guys before you even notice.
  9. Oh the change that gets the AI to build prerequisite buildings for units works great. I can now publish my Empire Deluxe ruleset and have the AI build something!
  10. I don't think modding EoS is any harder than modding CM. You go to the image editor and add the series of sprites. It is making the series of images that is the hard part, but Brit has done that bit in this case.
  11. Yes the resource changes are very interesting. This part of the game was needing attention, I've yet to see how it plays out though.
  12. I've made a ruleset remaking the advanced rules of Empire Deluxe. Its up for download right now. If you try it please let me know what you think!
  13. If you connect to the "Downloads" area, there is a tab called "News". Under this tab there is a section for version notes - Click "Details" and the whole list is there.
  14. That's because the once-mighty GF is basically dead, a state of affairs BFC doesn't seem concerned about.
  15. I'm sure you are correct, but the underlying code for all that stuff is what I was referring to.
  16. I believe there is a little bit of crossover into the NATO module with some new red vehicles and air support probably getting into the game because they are coded for Afghanistan. But basically if it's not in the unit list for NATO then it will never be in CMSF. The Afghanistan stuff will only make sense in context anyway, so you might as well buy the game.
  17. There is a review on the armchair general site that is pretty fair I guess. Its a WEGO turn based strategy game, but I would not call it a WWII game. Its a very beer and pretzels style alternate earth world domination game. If you are familiar with empire deluxe, that is a good idea of the lineage of the game. Bolt on resource management and a tech tree with unit upgrades and you are there. It also has an excellent rules editor which is where I have spent most of my time in the game. The game really is a wargame construction kit and it can handle varying scales of maps and battles with a little tinkering. The rules editor can create anything from a simple rock paper scissors RTS type thing up to a Civ style epic struggle for world domination. Try the demo. Its a fun little game.
  18. Yeah I thought that was funny too. "you'll never get anywhere without focus kid!". Hands up anyone who has developed and promoted their own wargame and done it well enough to have gotten a worldwide release with a publisher.
  19. It is rather poor form because they are happy to let the user assume and have even encouraged the perception that the user is entitled to both of their activations, one for a desktop one for a laptop etc. It has been used as a "selling" point of the elicense system. Having said that, unlicensing is pretty easy so you can have it installed on both computers and unlicense and relicense. I've also had no serious trouble with the helpdesk service. I think resetting licenses can be abused to have the game working on more than two PCs so I understand the resistance.
  20. I've made some with 2D icons, and I remember reading someone else modding in NATO type icons, but they don't look that good due to the other psuedo isometric graphics, like cities, resources and especially the unit circle being oval shaped. Without the 3D modelling skills and software, all the graphics and especially animations would be very time consuming to do. I would probably do them by hand and scan them in if I was so inclined.
  21. I think even the infantry fighting is pretty poor in ArmAII. Supression is not modelled, using a MG is very unsatisfying because the enemy doesn't really pay any attention to the rounds flying until one hits him. It is very difficult to find concealment and cover, especially from the AI which sees and kills you even when you are behind 10m of bush. The vehicle simulation is unspeakably bad, from the helicopter flight model to the armour penetration systems. I actually rated OFPII high than ArmAII. OFP2 has a supression system and an immersion factor that is pretty good. The squad controls are also very easy and intuitive, although you only control 3 or 4 men I think. Its still a console FPS but pretty fun.
  22. Thats a big update Brit! I'm looking forward to a "generalised resource system" particularly the ability to switch off food, oil or steel individually. I'd also like to have buildings that can change one resource into another resource.
  23. The question in the original post was about troops ambush orders in setup not working when they have more orders than just setup. Yes this is the case and I believe it is a bug. Obviously this has been a bug for a very long time.
  24. That unit was definitely there, 22nd June was toward the end of that action and was a mop up phase. There's a John J Walsh was company commander of Company K in 1943. http://www.history.army.mil/books/wwii/makin/mak-drive.htm http://www.history.army.mil/brochures/ryukyus/ryukyus.htm
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