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Everything posted by hoolaman

  1. Isn't it more like a nice bright white sanitarium where the big bad world can't get in and you have everything you need as long as you do things the way the nursing staff tell you to.
  2. These handy little UI cues are the sorts of things that probably fell way down the list in the CMSF days when there was soo much else to worry about. But indeed they are the things that make it relatively intuitive to pick up a game like this. HIDE and DEPLOY are set as toggles IIRC, so as stated above if the button has a "pressed" frame aroudn it, the unit will hide at terminal waypoint. I am sure they can also hide at intermediate waypoints, then Pause (which IS shown in text at the waypoint) then move on. Stringing orders together in WEGO is both more powerful and complex than in CMx1 but it takes a little bit of learning.
  3. I guess the manual is wrong, really the reverse is true, pull the mouse further out from where you click and the camera moves faster.
  4. There should be an ATI compatibility function in the options try that.
  5. Yes units deployed hard up against bocage can see through and be seen though they get a very good cover and concealment bonus. Remember a rifleman might only need to find an open gap the size of his hand to spot and fire his weapon through. The bocage in the game had to simulate all types of bocage and this mechanism is also neccesary so deadly German prepared defenses work. Sgt Joch answered I see but as he is not an Aussie it doesnt' count.
  6. I think it has been said that there will be no printed manuals in the hardcopies that go out after release. It'll probably just be a CD in a paper envelope.
  7. I expect the first 12 hours will be raving and/or cautiously optimistic praise. At about 13 hours the first well intentioned "lets put all bug reports here" thread will surface. At 13 hours and 13 minutes the bug* that the beta testers somehow missed will be reported. At 13 hours 20 minutes an argument about said bug will break out. At 24 hours the first "The game is broken when is the patch?" thread will be posted. *Bug may or may not be significant.
  8. True, I've put this in as a bug. The keyboard/mouse combo I use is the reverse: keyboard panning (translocating?) for forward back and sliding, and screen edge mouse "steering" (rotating) but its the same concept. Glad you found this combo, hopefully others will too, it's the only way to "fly".
  9. This is really the key to it I think. They were not neccesarily better armed or supplied than their army equivalents, its just that they tended to be heavier formations anyway. One might argue that as being better equipped but that is a bit misleading. I recall early SS in Barbarossa just looked like a bunch of enthusiastic amatuers with whatever leftovers they could scrounge.
  10. In an attempt to answer the OP: A really big change is the sense of just how many dudes are in these fighting formations and how much space they take up. Even with CMx2 bunching them up a bit too much the 1:1 is a big change. CMx1 with its squads that exist as singularity points in space cannot give any idea of how much space 30 men must occupy. CMx2 terrain is more complex but at the same time the tile-based system gives a bit more of a Steel Panthers hexfeel to squad moves. Instead of CMx1 terrain LOS being high res showing across nice neat squares of translucent glass (forests), LOS in CMx2 is is a tile based rather low res 8x8 metres, complicated with sub-tile elements, and with the multiple LOS heights the game exists truly in 3D. It seems to me when comparing the two games that each squad in CMx1 was like a vehicle with hitpoints. The infantry model in the new engine is vastly changed.
  11. Charles in his PJs typing code at superhuman speed is what I imagine. Or Steve typing wordy forum posts offline then running down to the post office for them to be posted on the forum by telegram.
  12. I only use the default direct hotkeys, so I have never bailed when I wanted to hunt. But I only use a handful of hotkeys for frequent commands, the rest I use the mouse and click the buttons which I don't find too onerous. The only keys I use are N - Move, G - Rotate, H - Hide, P - Pause Yes that's true with the mouse, but you can do this if you use the keyboard panning (WASD). I don't know how you could do that with the mouse anyway, moving the mouse could control one or the other on each axis, not both at the same time. I use a combination of screen-edge scrolling and panning keys and can very quickly fly over the map.
  13. Wow that is possibly the most confusing thing I've read. So in summary you are awesome and you want to "discover" the map ala command and conquer. That's been talked about here before, it would be realistic sure, depending on the implementation. OTOH often a commander would have a map or a pre-battle recon report of varying degrees of accuracy. Also there would be a lot of games where you'd climb a hill and spot the whole map and then it is not an issue any more and the player could proceed just like he can now. Lots of unintended consequences and realism drawbacks of its own, and like everything would be a lot of work to put in.
  14. The way support fire worked in CMSF AI there was a handful of possible first-turn bombardment locations pre-registered, so that opening barrage on the treeline may just be purely speculative. I'd certainly have lobbed some arty there, its a very dominating terrain feature.
  15. Hi Peter, nice to see you back. Yeah I know about the politician thing, a close relative is one. I hope life is happy for you these days.
  16. Is that a unintentional pun? That's the first time i've heard of such a device and it seems a really daft place to put a open grill. My stove still has a griller but I have a toaster that I've had for about 6 years. The one before that I replaced while it was still working after about 6 years.
  17. Really complaining about screen edge scrolling is a bit much. Every RTS I've ever played has this as the primary scrolling method.
  18. I never and have never used the left click-drag to pan the camera, and only use the right click as a "free look". I use the WASD keys in combination with edge of screen mouse scrolling. This combo of keys and screen-edge is the ONLY way to fly forward and "steer" at the same time and allows you to move very quickly and accurately. Try it in CMSF: Hold W to run the camera forward, then put the mouse cursor to the top of the screen. Steer by hitting the top left and right corners. You can also hold W and slide left or right with A or D I also heavily use TAB to lock the camera on to a unit and then scroll in to home right in on them. I use ctr click if I want to get over the enemy lines then hit V to reverse the view and ctrl click back to my side.
  19. er I have never seen that php message before COMBAT MISSION # Battlefront.com 11 Apr 2011 ... campaign that will be offered in Combat Mission: Battle for Normandy. This series of 20 screenshots focuses on the unique environment that ... Forum - Korea - Repository - Afghanistan www.battlefront.com/ - Cached - Similar # Combat Mission: Afrika Korps Overview Page Combat Mission: Afrika Korps (CMAK) is the latest game in the award winning ... www.battlefront.com/products/cmak/cmak.html - Cached - Similar Show more results from battlefront.com BATTLEFRONT # Battlefront.com 11 Apr 2011 ... Battlefront.com - Home of Superior War and Strategy Games. Forum - Korea - Repository - Afghanistan www.battlefront.com/ - Cached - Similar # Battlefront Forum - Powered by vBulletin This is a discussion forum for Battlefront.com's war and strategy games. www.battlefront.com/community/ - Cached Show more results from battlefront.com
  20. Lol, bumping your other thread with another thread. You only posted it yesterday, and the idea is 50% fantasy until the game is released. Just take a chill pill.
  21. Wouldn't it be more correct to call them British Empire or Imperial forces?
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