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George MC

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George MC last won the day on December 27 2022

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    Scottish Highlands
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    Rock and ice climbing, mountaineering, mountain biking.
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    Mountaineering Instructor and Guide

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  1. It was a wee bit broader. Though even when switched to the posh version she still didnae get it. TBH that was the only time on a what has been a lot of trips to US and Canada anyone had an issue with my accent
  2. Tapadh leat a charaid:) Goid to know I’m understandable. I mind trying to access a weather forecast in Talkeetna and the woman looking at me dumbly before asking ma pals if I was speaking English. She then proceeded to shout at me slowly re what time to come back at! Hopefully the series will clear up some of the haziness around this subject. I’m looking to keep initial parts pretty simple and avoid the nuance and depth for now. Tioraidh!
  3. Ye appreciate the feedback thx Aye there’s a lot in AI plans! The next video will be real basic stuff using orders and times. But aye plan would be to do deeper dives and look at some of the more nuanced stuff. I’m aiming for short chunk vids - 15 minutes tops is the aim. Ah the accent was toned down. My best Morningside Scots but good it’s understandable. I think I need to change my headset and MIC as the quality was not as good as what I’d have expected. It’s a decent set so maybe need to play about with settings.
  4. This video series is aimed at those totally and utterly new to creating scenario AI Plans for the Battlefront Combat Mission game series. In Part 1 I describe what AI plans in Combat Mission are, what the three key AI Plan elements are, and an overview of how an AI Plan works. Part 2 will cover step by step how to create an AI Plan. Hope its of use!
  5. Yup correct - anyone using the scenario would have to use the mods to get the 'look'.
  6. Aye CMSF2 is the odd one out. In CMSF2 there are two ways to get a damaged or rubbled building. One is CTRL/ALT/CLICK in which you can cycle through the building wall textures and eventually get to one that is destroyed. 'Fraid there is no incremental damage options. Other is go into the editor/map/buildings and you'll find a 'rubbled' tile - that does for total destruction. Another not editor related option - I have used modded building textures to get a fought over look. Like this one for example https://www.thefewgoodmen.com/cm-mod-warehouse/combat-mission-shock-force-2/cmsf2-scenery/cmsf2-buildings-4a-and-5a-and-wrecked-aircon3/ @LongLeftFlank did an excellent mod as well with shot up buildings though can't find that on-line - so uploaded my copy to DB https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/xdsxrqb6qp33cgvp48540/LLF_9Shot_Up_Building.zip?rlkey=lqbae88e9kv43q7wwd2dwvlhe&dl=0 Course you can still cycle through as above but this helps give an overall look of chaos and destruction. Tioraidh!
  7. He! Luckier than he was - or maybe just a better judge of the tactical situation?
  8. Ah great to hear, and thank you for the glowing feedback! Appreciate it and equally as pleased to hear you enjoyed it. Not Totalize but Wittmann's equally famous ill-considered prior action at Villers Bocage. https://www.thefewgoodmen.com/tsd3/combat-mission-battle-for-normandy/cm-battles-for-normandy/wittmanns-swords-at-villers-bocage/
  9. Great result - I think its a tough fight that one. Yes, yes he did Good spot! Though I heavily remodelled the AI plans in Hungary!
  10. Only if the air support is a core unit does it carry through to subsequent missions - assuming the designer allocates it in subsequent missions. If its a core unit and is shot down you lose it BUT if the designer sets a campaign refit value set high enough in theory the air support has a chance of being refitted i.e. returning to a portion of its strength. I suspect though that designers (like mysel) will not included air support in the core units file in which case does depend on what the designer adds as units in subsequent missions. TLDR - air support in campaigns if it gets shot down it is unclear if it would go to another mission even if campaign designer has allocated that unit in the subsequent mission. Re arty support if its a core unit then yes ammo used/campaign resupply parameters defo affect how much ammo the core unit has in subsequent missions.
  11. I made this wee vid. Last section (at 2.32) deals with bridges and minimising chances of a foobar on the bridge.
  12. To test your AI Plan you can disable any other plans in the editor so you know which AI plan you are testing. Just go to the AI section in the editor and click on the AI plan and you can toggle the 'not used' button in the dropdown. A wee thing to be aware of re the 'assault' and 'max assault' command is you need an AI element with multiple units for this command to work e.g. an AI group that is a platoon +. It won't work with a single vehicle or a single squad. Sticking with 'advance' is a 'safe' option overall as the AI will move tactically regardless of the size of element.
  13. You need to allocate a 'face' command in the AI plan at the end of each AI Group order in the editor. Page 104 in the CM Game Engine Manual details facing, fire commands and withdraw.
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