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Everything posted by MarkEzra

  1. I'm a happy 220 dl'r...this is must hear, must have sound for CM. Thanks for the efforts
  2. Thanks for the sounds. They add a quality and depth to the game that really needs to be experienced.
  3. A public Thank you to Gordon...I had a bit of trouble with the scout car files (I had partically everyone BUT the right one). Gordon very patiently walked me through to resolution. I have encouraged my PBEM pals to use CMMOS and can recommend it to any CM'er. Now where the heck did the CMHQ link go???
  4. WarfareHQ site is very nice but I did find a problem. The MP3 sound conversion freeware link doesn't seem to work. Anybody knbow where I might find it?
  5. Happy Holiday's and GoodWargaming to one and all.
  6. Funny you should mention. After a half year hiatus from CM PBEM I just now excepted a game from long time pal with (I hope) this type of battle. I enjoy a historical style of gaming and tried of the all Pershing/Royal Tiger bombast. I tend to choose force selection based on historical time/place with a view towards an interesting battle. I believe the your process lends itself admirably.
  7. The first time I answered this question I was 51....53 now...I can tell from these ages the groups getting younger all the time...AND that's a GOOD thing!
  8. Thanks for putting them with in reach. I love a big boom!
  9. What a wnderful Christmas this will be! Thanks to CMMOS my toy soldier box is full!
  10. I use compuserve and have never been able to configure the PBEM helper to connect to compuserve. I don't understand where I suppose to find the address to type in. While I've read the Help file about this, I huess it just didn't get into my thick skull. Any help would be swell
  11. This is not only an outstanding improvement but also proves the point of those long ago discussions: most of us wanted this at least as a choice. I hope CM will consider this tool for CM2.
  12. I confess a certain fatigue does set in when I read an endless diatribe some minute point of technical or historical accuracy. However without the Grogs there would be little accuracy in any game. It's just too damned hard to achieve. All the nitpicking tends to create a superior product. Companies like BTS and Matrix suffer Grogs (and are Grogs)happily. It is from the wealth of knowledge of many that great games are finally distilled.
  13. An Excellent post. I had A great laugh reading. Of course, as a "Historian" I'm doing a great deal of research on the subject and am designing a scen on your post. I'm going to need the exact size of your room, what type of dog died and the size of the carpet stain. I'll use a generic Family (one angry wife and 2.5 constantly bickering kids) unless you provide me the exact information with variviable proof. (I'll except wedding photos, baby/school pictures and divorce depositions). I'll also need you to send a screen shot of the puppet so I can include him as an FO. Finall...What the hell does your cross-gendered cat have to do with anything?
  14. SLA Marshall's points were taken very seriously by the US Army. They developed a new updated method of rifle training that included POP up target traing and heavy praise for any sucess on the rifle range. The pop up target re-enforced the see and shoot reflex very well. By the time of Viet Nam a large % increase in infantry weapons use was noted. This is one of the assumption that some Child pyschologist have pointed to in discussing the dangers of violent video games the point and kill targets that pop up...
  15. I often use mono because it allows for more detail to seen without resorting to a close up mode to view.
  16. Got 'em both the other day. Fit in with Maguas work just fine. Great job.
  17. Thank you for the heads up Tiger. I recently installed the V-5500 so I could run the Mods you and others have created. This final update was important info for me and I really appreciate you posting it.
  18. First a big THANK YOU....I love the work you've done. I did notice a slowing of my PC (16 meg Graphic card) with the Hi-Rez. My solution was as 64 meg Graphics card...LOL. So I am certain there is a real need for your gems in lO-Rez.
  19. Sniper will not fire under 100 meters? I'm not sure of that. In the scen Max describes a one man plt survivor was shoot dead at well under 20 meters by (I assume from Max's post) a sniper. This was done why My 2 man FO and 5 man 60mm Mortar sqd were next to the sniper.
  20. I have created a set of files on my desk top for the various Mods. I tend not to change terraine Mods (I'm a DD subdue man) But change equipment game to game. I LOVE the batchfile system and wish that all designers used it. I have not used the Mod manager as it just seemed too completed than my simmple desk top file system.
  21. This is a great idea. While you may not receive fame and fortune, you've certainly gaineg my thanks for filling an important need in the CM community.
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