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Everything posted by MarkEzra

  1. You are a VERY important COG in the wheel for all of us...Thanks for your service to the community.
  2. Mods and modders ranked? No I don't think that is needed. Most mods have a sample pic. It's an easy way to check them out. I have two versions of CMAK (CM West and a much modded CMAK)-- I do have my favorites, we all do. But I think it would be very detrimental to our modding community to start any kind of ranking system. Modders don't just spring up to greatness, they evolve by trial and error. Let's encourage all modders to keep on modding.
  3. Battles in france can be covered by CM West. It changes all desert terrain, uniforms, vehicles, and buildings to reflect ETO circa 1940-1943. It can be found in CM Mods. It can be combined with ETO to fight ETO all dates
  4. Hello Rocket-man: Couldn't agree with you more. The games should be fun, not frustrating. I loved the idea of Brother in arms series but found myself screaming at my monitor (REALLY SCREAMING) Great idea but un playable. I own all the CM games and they have never been off my PC. Like you I don't always have time to move large numbers of units around the board. I have found playing small maps with 400 to 1000 pts a very good gaming experience. another point: I spend a good deal of time with the map editor. I enjoy making my own battlefields and using them for QB games.
  5. Hello Rollstoy: The desert is hard to see, most certainly. Many of us have switched to ETO mods that allow us to play a much more interesting landscape. The above mentioned David I created that a while back. you might want to take a look at it.
  6. CM West contains only those French vehicles used by the Italians (July 1943) The French infantry, flags ect are all early French (not Free French). While you are able to play an ETO setting from July 1940 on it does not offer any new units per se.
  7. The M2 and M3 Halftracks and their many, many variants are my most favorite WW2 vehicle. I was actually broken hearted when CMAK failed to properly model the rear of the M2 This really makes up for it ( sniff sniff...well sort of, anyway) Great work... I know I'll enjoy them.
  8. The easiest way to find ALL the files is to search by "designer" find "MarkEzra" and you will have the complete list. You must download all the files listed as "other" (you don't need the marmon herrington zip it's in the master files)to get the complete modification. The total DL is 144 MGs and the first two zips are by far the largest. If anyone out there would like to host this mod for downloading please let me know by email.
  9. My words exactly...LOL....Can you keep a secret?? I'm done and ready to place all the CMzips on CMMods 7 zips (8 if you count a 4KB info file) to the tune of 141mgs
  10. Yes, David but, also all infantry texture have been re-done (renumbered Andrews UK/CW, Italian, German) and All German vehicles and arty now grey.
  11. Many Modders are represented in CM West In most cases the mod used were downloaded directly and not changed in any way. In some cases the mod was adapted, colored, or used in part. These modifications were done by me to better suit CM West. With out your work CM West would NOT be possible. My deep thanks. Per the normal modder request when their mods have been re-published I am listing the Following Modders: andrewtf daffy DavidInglett gautrek Gurra HeinzBaby JorgeMC Juju junk2drive Limey MikeyD Navy pat simovitch Tanks a Lot TCMHQ Tracer von Lucke Vossie Wicky windycity Ypenburg Eichenbaum GordonMolek Makjager raie Sequoia UncleTgt Pheasant_Plucker Magua Wade And the great artist at Battlefront This list is my best effort to include all. CM West is a very large project and I may have missed some Mod Makers. If I have over-looked you PLEASE let me know. I want to give you due credit. Again thank you all for your excellent work!
  12. For those of you who Love CM ETO (like me) and are worried there may be a compatibilty issue with the new CM West mod the answer is a resounding NO. Each Mod compliments the other. CM ETO modification is based all on Italy July 1943 to May 1945. With the exception of sky interface all the mods stick to that timeline. CM West Modification deals with transforming Crete, East Africa, North Africa from July 1940 to May 1943. If you load CM West over your exisiting CM ETO you will have over-written The splash screen and the icon pics for play selection. The same is true if you load CM ETO over CM West. What CM ETO has that CM West does not: 1. ETO scen file 2. Mid and late war uniforms for ETO. 3. Building and terrain exclusive to modification of Italy to ETO 4. Excellent sky with small ETO style hills What does CM West have that CM ETO does not: 1. German vehicles & arty ALL in early panzer grey 2. British and CW vehicles and arty ALL in ETO green 3. Building and terrain exclusive to modification of desert to ETO. This includes a specific mod for sand to allow easy beach landing scen in map editor and a unique change of many buildings to Factory or industrial look. 4. Early uniforms for ETO Here's CM West in May 1941 using a very old favorite scen.."Last Defense"...and weren't those the days! http://img226.imageshack.us/img226/2945/cmwestnoetomodyu9.th.jpg' alt='cmwestnoetomodyu9.th.jpg'> And we add CM ETO..... How cool is that!
  13. Marmon is Here: http://img464.imageshack.us/img464/6451/marmharrphotoopjl7.th.jpg' alt='marmharrphotoopjl7.th.jpg'>
  14. Here are some of the early Brit armour: Notice the sand ditch things (what DO they call them anyway?) have been removed... http://img63.imageshack.us/img63/131/deaconphotoopwm3.th.jpg' alt='deaconphotoopwm3.th.jpg'>
  15. This promise will be kept. I think you'll like the Vals...I'll get a pic up. I probably did the vals from lend lease BB and worked the color up. In the mean time Here's the Panther and Churchill.
  16. Morning Michael: Don't mind you being pedantic . To be clear: CM West allows you to play early war years. That is as IF there were Sealion, or IF the French and British had held on In France and the low countries. When you note, correctly, that that neither splash were used in the ETO you speak of history. I dream "what if?" But don't worry there are Panthers and Churchills coming for your viewing pleasure.
  17. CM West is a complete Mod of CMAK using both Italy and North Africa for ETO style play. There are many new buildings and features. I am done with the mod and am in testing now. http://img180.imageshack.us/img180/8520/hitthebeachpic2jn0.th.png' alt='hitthebeachpic2jn0.th.png'>
  18. I have completed this conversion and am in testing I will call it CM West. I'll start a new thread in the next couple of days as an official anouncement.
  19. The editor is not known for troubles like these so it may be you're just missing a step along the way. Let's just try a test scen. Go to the editor click on New Battle In Battle perimeter screen change the date to 1942 Click through to end. Back in Editor click on Map editor In the map editor place a church or anything easy to see. Click on preview. Note that your church is on the map. exit. Exit oout of the map editor. Back in the main editor screen click on save. change the name from "untitled" to A Test and save the map. exit the editor. NOW: Go back into the main editor screen. Click on Load and find the "A Test" scen...should be one of the first...Click on it and go to the map editor and see if your church is there. If it isn't then I suggest you re-install the game and make certain you follow the patch procedure. In No way to I wish to sound obtuse (allow I really did...LOL) It's just that I pretty sure you're missing a step somewhere around the "save" Please let me know how you get along. The scen editor is a really fun and your on maps are ALWAYS better than the game...or mine!
  20. A word on the Beach pic: What you see there is the new sand mod in action. The lowest three levels are sand. The remaining 17 levels are green set in reverse order. The lighter are at the bottom, darker as you climb the hill... Here's another shot; http://img387.imageshack.us/img387/8396/shermanbeachpic1hh4.th.jpg' alt='shermanbeachpic1hh4.th.jpg'>
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