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Everything posted by MarkEzra

  1. I had the Voodoo3/16meg but switched it for the Voodoo5500 64/megs Hirez heaven! Cost 200.00 and worth every penny
  2. This sounds great. I'm gonna give it a try right away
  3. This is an important issue for all scen designers. I hope CM Design team members will pick up on this thread.
  4. The Raiders site has long provided the best scen for SP and all it's varients. Boots and Tracks continues that fine tradition for the CM player. Thanks!
  5. Outstanding work, gents. I know I will want to use these regularly. A problem comes to mind: How will this very large Mod be delivered? In small zips? Complete make over game? Batch files...? Anybody know?
  6. I use 'em...I love 'em...If we can hang pictures of soup cans on museum walls, then surely our MODist deserve all the recognition and praise that comes their way.
  7. Wonderful work, Tiger. Glad to hear the star is on and there is a no star option. I like the impudence of the star myself
  8. Re: Gordon's Latest efforts. Wasn't the dl going to allow me to choose between Goerdon's and Marco's Brit Sherman markings? If so I not seen it. All I can bring up is Gordons (beautiful, by the way) markings. Am I wrong about this.
  9. While I can't claim to be a pacifist I aspire to it. I find an interest in military history and AFV's does not mean you think killing is swell. My interest stems from trying to understand what motivates a person in combat to do fight rather than run. Why a small group of determined men will give there all for a cause (even a bad one). Wargaming for me is not only a study of tactic and doctrine but also the pyschology of combat. Besides, it's really cool, too!
  10. Funny you should mention...I was looking at my copy of ModMangr over the weekend. I tried to set it up (again) but failed to figure it out (again) I do wish a better set of instructions or an easier interface could be done. I'd really like to use it
  11. Just wish o express my appreciation for Gordons' work. The batch file system is great as is the art work.
  12. Civil War by Parker Bros? Hasbro? circa 1960 First PC war game Perfect General 2 1995
  13. QB or Quick Battles, the ability to very quickly create abattle on your own and the Map editor are not in the demo. Those of us who played the demo (ah the beta days!) know exactly how long you can play the same scen. That is up until the minute you've got the real thing in your hands. I don't cry at weddings nor scream when I hear a Beatles tune (yeah..I AM that old). So when I say this game is the best wargame ever I actually mean it. Break out the credit card, mate...
  14. What!? Do you mean to tell me the Three Stooges don't air in Europe? Tell me it ain't so. Culturally deprived says I.
  15. These MODS and the batchfile system add greatly to my enjoyment of the game. I hope that MOD makers latch onto the batchfile method. Recently a beautiful set of Sky Mods were presented. But no batchfile system makes it difficult to use. I've kept the zip and hope somebody will produce the batch system. I'll bet many artistically detailed renderings aren't used because the gamer must change BMPs. By the way, I now also keep all my PBEM's on my desktop. Boy does THAT shortcut ever work!
  16. I have created desktop icons for all the Allied units. I created a folder to hold all German Halftracks and put that on my desktop, too. With just a click I can switch from French to American, Cavalry, ect. If I want SS or WH just as easy. Looks great on my desktop, too
  17. Many Sp players play CM. I find them mutually supportable. Just can't beat CM when it comes to realisim. But CM can't and won't be able to provide the units/countries/theaters that SPWAW and the new Combat Leader game that is in the works by Matrix. Small publishers like BTS and Matrix deserve all the support we gamers can give as they work to produce the games we all really want.
  18. You're on the right track. Obviously the game forces limits on arms/armor ect. It's the terrain that will be of interest to me. I was wondering if the snowy weather could be turned to sand storms?
  19. This is great news, guys. The Western desert/Tunisia Battles are the most interesting for me. You can count me among the first to give this project a through go. Thanks for your efforts.
  20. I recall playing that scen. The pill boxes were just where they are in your snapshot. A long walk for the infantry and a tough road for the tanks. Glad you did so well. I seem to remember taking casualties before I got those pill boxes. IMO not a bug but the designers placement.
  21. I bought it, I tried it, I put it with the others I'll never play. I try to support wargaming companies but ASL was actually horrible. Thank God for the small publishers like Matrix and our fine crew at BTS.
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