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Everything posted by MarkEzra

  1. I'd like to see your work please.
  2. In the beginning I took copious notes of each turn. After awhile I just settled for sclaps on my lodge pole!
  3. Testing note on Cliffs in CMAK: at 2.5 (standard setting) There is no inf. cliff restriction. at 5 or above there is a cliff restriction. I tested both CNBO and CMBB at 2.5 Each had the inf. cliff restriction.
  4. Since I rarely play German side in CMBB I was unfamilar with the rule re: 81mm motar spotters without radios. I stand admonished as well as corrected. Thank you sir! May I have another!
  5. I'm sure the site will be great. Currently the site is receiving a high volumn of hits and request we try back later. Sooner or later the idle viewers will move on and we serious wargamers will have the site all to ourselves...except for those pesky historians...LOL
  6. German Mortar Spotter 4 and 6 tube (with out radio) will not embark onto vehicles. 81mm w/Radio will embark, however
  7. German 81mm Mortar spotter 4 tube and 6 tube cost the same. I expect you'll want to increase the cost of the 6 Tube. Can't imagin lowering the cost on 4 tubes...at least not in THESE economic times!....LOL
  8. Some Very fine scen designers are re-creating the CMBO classic scen for CMAK play. I'd like to add my humble work to this. Since this is a very labor intensive project I thought I would start a thread to alert others of what scen are done or being worked on. Valley of Trouble, Last Defense and Reisberg have been completed and posted There are others, so please list them on this thread. I'm nearly through with the map of Wild Bill's excellent "Wiltz" scen. Nobody builds them like the Colonel! Hopefully I will have it completed and posted at Der Kessel early next week
  9. I personally would love to see the wonderful building Mods done for CMBO re-done to fit CMAK. Add some new sky textures , grab the old CMBO splash screen, fix the map thing and wrap it up in a zip to be use with a mod manager so players can easily switch things about. I just finished playing "Last Defense" with my CMBO2 Mod. It looked great and played super...I got a tactical vic....LOL Just a wee bit tougher than the old CMBO version! It just makes you wanna quote Sherman:"War is Swell!"
  10. Adreas: Thanks for the Der kessel Link...What memories ineed! I Dl'd them all to my CMBO2.exe and will give them a good 'ol nostalgic play. Great days they were...So pleased that Desert Fox and others took the time to recreate these memorable scen.
  11. What I have done is Load an additional CMAK...renamed CMBO2 and started modifying the sky BMP with CMBB skys. The Italian Mountains are gone and left with rolling hills in the back ground. I had heard there is a sky size difference and won't dispute that. Just haven't noticed any blank spots. Navy Diver has been very involved with CMBO2. It's something he has posted about ect. He suggested using the small building CMBB mods to give a more NW Europe look. I am sure others Mods will come out for larger building, ect. I think the CMBB "Berlin" Mods might work well there. I love the CMAK years. The desert war and Tunisian Campaign are my absolute favorites. But I did want to have an improved France/Bulge/Germany ability. So if you've got the HD space you may want to have special CMBO2 directory
  12. My Uncle Dick was a combat medic in the 45th Div. He served in Sicily Anzio, Southern France, the Huretgen Forest, and battle of the Bukge. In 1945 he and the 45th were shipped Stateside to prepare as one of the assualt divisons on Japan. He has always felt certain the A-Bomb saved his life. Dick has a remarkable sense of humor and rarely talks about the war except in goofy self deprecating ways. He used to spit on the cookiesthe family sent him...so the other guys wouldn't snatch 'em! He was eating those cookies around Christmas when he heard German voices in the fog. He jumped up out of his fox hole and ran like hell. Of course the Germans got his cookies. It was only when the "Band of Brothers" Series had a segment invoving a medic did I begin to understand the horror , waste and sadness uncle Dick delt with for so many days. Our family last name is in CMBO...It gave him quite a chuckle when he saw it....
  13. My Uncle Dick was a combat medic in the 45th Div. He served in Sicily Anzio, Southern France, the Huretgen Forest, and battle of the Bukge. In 1945 he and the 45th were shipped Stateside to prepare as one of the assualt divisons on Japan. He has always felt certain the A-Bomb saved his life. Dick has a remarkable sense of humor and rarely talks about the war except in goofy self deprecating ways. He used to spit on the cookiesthe family sent him...so the other guys wouldn't snatch 'em! He was eating those cookies around Christmas when he heard German voices in the fog. He jumped up out of his fox hole and ran like hell. Of course the Germans got his cookies. It was only when the "Band of Brothers" Series had a segment invoving a medic did I begin to understand the horror , waste and sadness uncle Dick delt with for so many days. Our family last name is in CMBO...It gave him quite a chuckle when he saw it....
  14. My Uncle Dick was a combat medic in the 45th Div. He served in Sicily Anzio, Southern France, the Huretgen Forest, and battle of the Bukge. In 1945 he and the 45th were shipped Stateside to prepare as one of the assualt divisons on Japan. He has always felt certain the A-Bomb saved his life. Dick has a remarkable sense of humor and rarely talks about the war except in goofy self deprecating ways. He used to spit on the cookiesthe family sent him...so the other guys wouldn't snatch 'em! He was eating those cookies around Christmas when he heard German voices in the fog. He jumped up out of his fox hole and ran like hell. Of course the Germans got his cookies. It was only when the "Band of Brothers" Series had a segment invoving a medic did I begin to understand the horror , waste and sadness uncle Dick delt with for so many days. Our family last name is in CMBO...It gave him quite a chuckle when he saw it....
  15. A great way to honor your father, learn more about what he and his fellow soldiers did is through the games editor. Gather has much hitorical data as you can find. Talk to your Dad, asked him if one or two locations come to mind that might do for a scen. Try some small unit type action. Most Vets can remember many a small action but not what/where/or why of their Division. As already noted, There will be unit associatios histories that may help. The geography of the area you settled on is always the problem. Start gathering any maps, travel guides, and military maps. Your local College library can be very helpful. Once you have at least a general idea of the topography...the size of the hills, types of towns, roads, rivers ect...you can get to work with the editor. Through trail and error you'll come up with a scen that dipicts (in a small way) what a day in your Dad's life might have been like. The time and study you put into this will create a living memorial to him and all who served.
  16. It really is OK for newbies to ask questions. I'm sure, like all of us, Michael had his fair share of oft asked questions. When I first found CM I thought all the old-timers (those guys in the Spring of '99) would get sick of my "nagging why's" really fast. Actually some did. But for the most part I was readily accepted, tolerated, and appreciated by my fellow forum members. After CMBO had been out for a while and CMBB was but a twinkle in Steve's eye, a number of prolific posters decided they could no longer "take it!" Just too many newbies with too many Why's, what's, and "Bug Found!" They wrote their swan songs and left. I felt that way once in a while, too. But I'm glad I stayed. The games got better. New ideas filtered in amongst the old and funny, rational, new comers, like Michael, entered the CM stage...err forum. So good by old comrade and welcome Newbie...ask away
  17. Exit rules don't seem to activate. I'm working on a scen where the attacking force is going to exit the opposite side of the map. I was using dynamic flags with "attack" set. When I play as attacker there are no units selected to gain points when exiting. I tried changing the flags to static but got the same results. Has this been noted by others?
  18. Thanks..the CMMOS worked just fine. I appreciate everybody efforts to get this out to the CM community again.
  19. I like to play smaller QB's and have had no trouble getting Britis arty in 1940-41. Just to make sure my memory was clear I just ran up a little 900 pt QB for E Africa 1940...bought myself some swell 18 pounder FO's...
  20. Are you familar with John F. Antal's interactive book, "Infantry Combat: The Rifle Platoon". If you are and have a copy currently than I could use your help. I've completed and play tested one possible version...the Reverse slope defense. If you know the book well than you know what this means. I need another set of eyes to play test the scen. Since the book setting is Modern warfare in the desert obvious changes had to be made. I would want your candid opinion. If you have testing experience all the better. But what is absolutely necessary is you have the book and know the interactive game well. Thanks!
  21. I am working on a scen using dynamic flags chosen automatically. In playing the scen during the design phase I noticed The same flag was chosen. Perhaps 3 times. I just finished a complete play through and checked the map....It chose the other flag! I'd say just the odds in your scen. Dynamic flags chosen automatically seem to work fine for me
  22. I switched the Italian background for CMBB's backgrounds. Now low rolling hills with trees in the distance...Looks just fine. Should work great for N W Europe
  23. Thanks!...I'll add this to the CMBO2 files.
  24. I, too searched in vain for the CMBB tracer BMP. Sure would like to know where I can dl it.
  25. After loading CMAK I started a QB...and lo and behold! There I was...as usual a jeep jocky! It is very cool to be in the game!
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