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Everything posted by MarkEzra

  1. I meant to post this pick of the french 75. This particular mod is shared with Italy and Germany. I had to fiddle the color to meet all the color of the three. Green won out over some murkey yellow and the very fine black mod that ETO uses.
  2. I looked at your excellent work and really liked the look. I am hard at work on completing the task. Here's a couple of the pics:
  3. And to think I was just ragging on Monty about how poor our scout car looks compared to the Yanks
  4. And this is July 1943 (Sicily) http://img19.imageshack.us/img19/6493/july1943lineupxd3.th.jpg' alt='july1943lineupxd3.th.jpg'>
  5. Here's a pic of the May 1943 line up: http://img321.imageshack.us/img321/3783/nafinallineupcb6.th.jpg' alt='nafinallineupcb6.th.jpg'>
  6. It's been done and you did most of it! Obviously there was some to renumber but all the DAK was Panzer grey in BB. The only major exception was the early Marder family (hint, hint). I have done my best but I'm no MikeyD.. You actually solved the allied forces biggest headache for me--the early Stuart. Your re-do with out camo allowed me to recast the color in a pretty exceptable drab.
  7. Is that very intersting in a Hogan's Hero's sort of way?.....But seriously folks: The idea behind this conversion is to get as much varity out of the game as possible. Since we have two sets buildings it allows us to stretch into things like our little factory gimmick. I am also using different mods for both summer and winter in the late war to reflect France and metropolitan Europe (summer/fall) and Belgium (winter/Bulge).
  8. I have dl'd just about all of youe fine mods. I appreciate the crisp, clear lines to your artwork
  9. OK Let's see if I can get this factory conversion pic working http://img208.imageshack.us/img208/5650/facmosquepicyw6.th.jpg' alt='facmosquepicyw6.th.jpg'>
  10. Thanks for the tip J2D...no web site handy
  11. I have played the ETO Mod since it came out and just love it. I got to thinking of how I might be able to use all the hardware CMAK has to offer in a strictly ETO setting. That is all units, all buildings and all years available and ALL looking like they belong in Normandy...not Tobruk! The modder's solved nearly all the graphics and I can now play a QB with an accurate date of 1940. Because I now have two sets of buidings (NA and Italy) I now fight in cities, towns farms and Factory's. All the NA large buildings have been converted into CMBB factory bmps. The NA church/mosque is now a large factory with smoke stack! The flat roof shacks now resemble small industrial shops, barracks, or workers living quarters. If I knew how to include screen shots to this post I could show you how it looks. So if someboy does...just email me (mark.ezra@hughes.net) and I'll send some pics.
  12. Started the long wait for the CM Demo at 51 and have been playing ever since. Age today 21. Apparently this game engine has a reverse aging bug in it. Battlefront Please DON'T fix
  13. I have played CM since the CMBO demo days. It stays on my hard drive for all the reasons Junk 2drive has listed. Battlefront put great effort into making weapons, vehicles, and men function has the did during WW2. I have really appreciated that above all else.
  14. I have played CM since the beginning. I waited with intense anticipation for CMBO (I wore the beta games out!!) When CMBB came out I bought it immediately and enjoyed the changes introduced. CMAK was like a gift from heaven as I'm a big fan of the desert war years. Certainly Battlefront has taught me patience. Good games are brought out all the time...Great games like CM break the mold and come around very seldom. Let these guys take the time to bring their vision to fruition...each long, nail bitting wait as been well worth it!
  15. I'm really looking forward to CMMOS. The CMBO redo will be like mana from heaven
  16. I do not know who this person is. Found his name on a site called "where are they now" Just people who had been on one Kibbutz or another and wanted to connect with old friends it would appear. His email is aowp32@dsl.pipex.com and his name is Niel Epstein his note was about looking for a few old chums from his days at Degenia (1983). He posted his email address on 2/4/2004. I cannot find a decent topographical map. It looks like you ran across the Gem site maps already. Good Luck...
  17. Try a search for Degania Kibutz. It should bring up some history as well as contacts who may provide topography for you.
  18. The name of the scen is spelled correctly as "Wiltz". Looks like a little a typo made on the Web site.
  19. The new pics are great. Is anyone converting Maua's great Buildings?
  20. How did you get Magua's Normandy Mods to work?
  21. "we're not here to do the right thing...we're here to follow F***ing orders" This thread is an excellent example of why there are no civilians in war GAMES...The facts are otherwise just to horrible to construe.
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