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Other Means

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Everything posted by Other Means

  1. I knew this thread would take off. We're cruel like that.
  2. Warning - I think it's the first chapter of a book so it doesn't exactly finish. In The Guardian.
  3. Is that the Master Goodale/Parabelum one? That was my fave.
  4. Yeah I've seen it to. I'm not sure but it may be "we have to guess the range, if we guess short we can at least see where the round is hitting" type thinking. Or it could be a bug, I'll keep an eye out
  5. What do you think we were Professionalism...yes, I'm sure that's around here somewhere...
  6. There's functionality to move the most relevant unit to a firing position with in the action spot for the target in SF. Target it and it should do it automatically.
  7. Curtailing the powers of Rupert Murdock would be a start. Possibly the most evil man to walk the planet.
  8. I'd just want a magic 8 ball answer. "Can I kill it?" "Maybe". "Good enough." "Can I kill it?" "No" "Fire anyway". IOW - details stats no, chance to kill yes please. Another thing to remember is, even if you don't kill it, if you kill its optics/tracks/MG etc then you improve the life expectancy of the next guy.
  9. The point with a designed-for-effect system is that you can only have designed-in parameters. When you try and stretch the parameters to more closely resemble the real world they break down - otherwise they'd become massively unwieldy. Unit behind 1 tree, use rule 1, behind 2, rule 1 twice, with angle 1 twice * rule 2 etc. So it's not "prefect engineered" solutions that are the problem, it's imperfect ones. And they will *always* be imperfect - but getting better. CM tries to simulate high-intensity, balls-out battle - and IMO it does it better than anything else. The fundamentals are there, the majority of the parameters, and BFC are working on what they can. If they were real men under the same orders I think you'd find an 80% tally with reality. It's just no-one gives the orders we give (bar possibly the Soviets early WWII) as they have force preservation, logistics and writing letters to worry about.
  10. Ah, I've just made a thread about this on the GF. Should have looked here first I guess.
  11. He passed away this week after a long illness. May he rest in peace.
  12. Watch yourself, the natives are stone cold bonkers and will rob anything not nailed down. Vietnam should be nice though.
  13. Why is it the most quoted book ever? Is there a quote on the dollar or sumfink?
  14. Don't forget command delays for Area Fire Steve, while you're there
  15. Couldn't agree with this more. It's the uncertainty that effects everything that you do. You end up never quite trusting what you see initially and that adds an awful lot to the game.
  16. Some of it will ring true if you don't. *sigh*
  17. Things are simpler if you change the default keys to mine. See the sticky on the CMSF board.
  18. If I go to normal text entry, rather then CMS style, via the A/A in the right hand corner, I can write as normal. Oddness again.
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