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Other Means

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Everything posted by Other Means

  1. Ah Scottie, I never knew what true happiness was until I had kids. And by then it was too late. I'm sure it’ll just make the anticipation all the sweeter.
  2. Don't forget, if you're in the UK I'm having a preview in Liverpool on Sat the 19th. Three confirmed so far - plenty of seats for the rest. I've got the use of the office (sure helps being the head of IT) so we should be OK having a LAN HTH. There may be beer involved.
  3. This presents some difficulty as I'm not sure BFC want beta footage out there.
  4. If everyone can email me at andy m farley gmail (you can guess the rest) and I'll give you my mobile number just in case.
  5. Have a look what LongLeftFlank has done in CMSF with the map editor: http://www.battlefront.com/community/showthread.php?t=92372 Man's a genius.
  6. Most new music isn't Rock n Roll. The most influential genre since about 1992 has been dance/rave but it is 95% underground - you never see it in the Grammies. http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=plastic+dreams+jaydee&aq=1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Wt1nvsoKno
  7. I can confirm that there's weather in Normandy. Sunny is weather, isn't it?
  8. This is the link for the Liverpool preview.
  9. Hi - all are invited to the Liverpool UK preview. Saturday, 19th Feb 2011. I've got the loan of our office for the day so it will be in Temple St in the town centre. If we meet in Rigby's around 1pm, I'll take us in. I'll go through and give an overview, then we can split into two teams and have a LAN game. Could be fun.
  10. Liverpool, 19th February 2011. I'll create a dedicated thread closer to the time. Please post all responses in the preview threads, not this thread. Thanks.
  11. There's also abstract cover in place. For large items like trees etc that can be directly simulated, they are, for micro-terrain, grass etc there's still a modifier. I'd argue that this comes under simulation rather than design for effect. They're getting as close as they can - certainly close enough for real world tactics to be useful. You guys share? Eyew....
  12. Florian, sorry this is OT. Have you ever worked in England for a web company called Amaze?
  13. Track IR is bound to be replaced with an MS Kinetic hack soon, I'll hang on for that.
  14. The morale hit is a function of their greater exposure I'd guess, as this would function in a range of scenarios. No insider knowledge in that answer, sorry
  15. I think you and JonS need to comment on each others threads
  16. Ah yes, I remember the beginnings of a couple of them...
  17. Righty ho. Hope you're not really a "Junior"...there may be some drinking involved
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