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Other Means

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Everything posted by Other Means

  1. Unfortunately your premise is wrong: http://www.cringely.com/2011/03/is-anything-nuclear-ever-really-super-safe-small-and-simple/ {edit to add} The French nuclear reactors were built on rivers, not seas. The rivers got hot in a hot summer. Go figure.
  2. I think this has been a ringing endorsement of nuclear safety. Force 9 earthquake, 7m tsunami, 40 year old design - zero dead.
  3. I've tried to explain anonymous internet friends before and generally met with :confused:
  4. We've booked here: http://www.parkcliffe.co.uk/ For the 7th - 9th April it was £54 for 2 adults and 2 children - so it's not cheap but as it's our first go I thought what the hell. Pak_43 - cheers, I'll say you sent me.
  5. So the rumour I've heard that the Australian army were experimenting with creating degenerate matter was true on many levels.
  6. I've got an nVidia GTX 260 and everything runs pretty sweet for me. I'm not saying it'll work in all systems but it's no longer the bleeding edge and can be had for a reasonable cost. But it's impossible to say "oh get that" because of course, there's so many boards, drivers, revisions, dodgy manufacturers, dodgy builders etc that if BFC was to tell everyone what to buy the customer would be a mite peeved if their system didn't run as others did. Sorry I can't be of more help. I guess the main thing is if SF runs OK, the BN will run OK - generally with more trees. Although that's not guaranteed - argh!
  7. If they weren't on their phones they'd have to find another way to ignore you. Don't you ever remember having lunch with an old uncle (anyone over 30) and being bored out of your mind? Now instead of wishing they were somewhere else, they can be doing stuff that interests them while eating with you.
  8. That feature was already in but it's been pulled. As the first game is Americans it was impossible to get them away from the BBQ. Plus the sound of beer cans popping was very distracting. Don't expect it for the CW module either.
  9. Dudes and Dudestrix, I'm going camping with Mrs Means and the Meansettes, girls age 5 & 6. We’ve never been before but would like to go the Lake District in the UK between 7th and the 9th of April. Does anyone know of a good camping site? We need good heated showers and toilets, a pub/club, shop and great views. I'd like to be able to see mountains and a lake from the tent. Any help gratefully received.
  10. Interestingly, Amazon fired most of its marketing department and instead ploughed the money into paying for S&H. You are of course right that the customer is still paying for it of course.
  11. True - and in any other thread I wouldn't have been so flippant. But as it's JK there's zero credibility here anyway.
  12. It's not a meltdown John. Please start getting your news from reputable sites. GIGO and all that.
  13. @othermeans is now following @chegueverabanana
  14. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-pacific-12717863
  15. I've heard the tsunami is actually higher than some islands it's hitting. Awful.
  16. Based on zero insider knowledge, I'd say after the release as it takes time to prepare. So after April (if that deadline doesn't Douglas Adams them).
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