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Other Means

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Everything posted by Other Means

  1. Yes, it's harder to see individuals gunned down. I remember advances in CM1 where I'd have 2 - 3 men out of a platoon take a VL. Thinking about it, it was incredibly unrealistic - those men would, 99% of the time, have been cowering in a shell scrape somewhere. In BN I find I don't push as hard because in RL I wouldn't. There was a great sequence in the preview I held where some men in a platoon had surrendered. One guy didn't, raised his rifle and was drilled straight through the chest. Everyone there grunted like it was them being shot. OK, partially because it looked great but partially, I feel, because we empathised.
  2. We're odd. Really. Who cares about this stuff, it's, like, history? Wouldn't have it any other way. I KNEW it.
  3. You'll have to speak up, I'm wearing a towel.
  4. I remember excellent crews in CM1 setting angle on the armour - I think it's perfectly valid. 15deg sounds about right.
  5. Yeah sorry, he posted again as I was writing. Those screenshots look nice.
  6. There's a choice to be made – do you model ten thousand square metres (100x100m - still bigger than most FPS stages) and 40 units in extreme detail and gorgeousness or do you do one hundred million (Dr Evil laugh) square metres (10,000x10,000m) and 1000 units in lesser detail? The engine can do it. My PC would probably catch fire mind. Give it 20 years though…*drool*
  7. That wasn't the case in CM1. Any angle on the AFV was added to the calculation of the armour thickness. One gamey trick I always enjoyed was situating Churchill Xs on high angle reverse slopes. I bounced a Tiger I shell off the glacis at 50m once. I'd have loved to see my friends face.
  8. Cookie-cutter = the same thing repeated = you'll have to match the tactics to the situation.
  9. Hell yeah. By explicitly modelling the physical environment you're implicitly modelling all their interactions. As further explicit parameters are modelled more refined implicit behaviour results. Sweet.
  10. Nope. The hit text over the tank is genuine. The comments about the others are "humour".
  11. I think part of the reason is the Sherman doesn't look cool. It just doesn't. It looks like a Ford Model T, which in many respects it is - cheap, ubiquitous, easily made - but narrow to enable it to be shipped easily and cross the narrow bridges the US heard was all Europe had. Something like an inch taller than the PzIV it looks top heavy and ungainly. The fact that the front was nearly all heavily sloped armour, the 75mm was an excellent HE chucker and the 76 had decent AT performance does little to dissuade the ooberpanzerists.
  12. The game can do as many units as your PC can handle. I believe the upper limit on map size is ~10*10k. I think that'll probably do won’t it?
  13. Not 50/50, which is why it was better to have PzIVs hull up. You got hit at a higher percentage but also the chances of it hitting glacis was higher so overall you were slightly better. That's also how BFC could give a "hull down" command. It would move to a point then just switch off the hull. Neither can be done in the current system.
  14. AIUI it's modelled to the plate. So if it hits a specific plate at a specific angle it will penetrate or not as it should. Also, the equipment behind the plate is modelled and will be damaged realistically.
  15. Apparently Sarkozy blocked the NATO operation then launched unilaterally to grab the limelight while the Paris summit is on http://www.nytimes.com/2011/03/20/world/africa/20libya.html?_r=1&hp
  16. This really is an unrepresentative oversimplification of the British stature and really a position only tenable in hindsight. No politician - none in the UK and even less in the USA would have wanted to do anything to provoke conflict at that point. The UK may well have been appeasing but the USA was ignoring. Neville Chamberlain, rightly, wanted piece. But at the end this was not done blindly. If we had not had the breath of the phony war we would have been overwhelmed immediately. As it was we had several months to prepare - which we did. If we hadn't had that time we wouldn't have been able to resist and the outcome would have been very different.
  17. I had an entertaining game in CMAK where 6 M3A4s and 4 6pdrs held off a veritable horde of PzIVs. Also the rounded turret of the Sherman is now correctly modelled.
  18. Here's a link to the monitoring stations: http://tsukubanews.wordpress.com/
  19. Or maybe because we're more used to interacting with people we'll talk more.
  20. Didn't happen. Been 3 days since you said now so you're at least 300% out.
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