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Other Means

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Everything posted by Other Means

  1. Wouldn't it get in the way of your "hobby"?
  2. Now he's unemployed he's got a lot of time to play black opps.
  3. We buried three paratroopers in the past ten years. The last post lost in dark echoing churches as you sit in your suit, damp from the cold persistent rain. The NCO from the regiment looking older each time, shaking hands with a different aunt. Their children my age or older, supporting their mum, taking on the burden of being the adults. Shock from the inevitable showing round their eyes. Grandkids fidgeting and kicking the pews ahead of them. Bored and uncomprehending. Dark, cold, final. Sad.
  4. How do you know he wasn't? Not that I've more info than you.
  5. My Bro in law will freak at this article. Cheers d/t.
  6. Oh absolutely – but any errors it makes aren’t, as implied, due to an agenda or as a result of partisanship but honest errors caused by them being ever so slightly crap. I'll take crap but honest over most things.
  7. I'm ambivalent towards you. Hope this helps.
  8. The guy Assange was talking to from Private Eye is Ian Hislop. From WP Yes, he gets sued a lot but it's not due to a lack of integrity but due to sometimes pushing the boundaries of satire. Think The Daily Show rather than Fox News. I'd trust his word over Assange any given day. In fact, if Hislop invented this I'll eat my hat. Not that any of this makes Assange a holocaust denier mind.
  9. If you have a look at the Liverpool demo thread you'll see the AI used on-map mortars effectively to kill two greyhounds. It certainly does work.
  10. Don't forget you need to cast anti-catapult to turn their arty on themselves:
  11. There’s two ways to take the farmhouse in the early missions. Either take control of the 105 equipped M4 and cast “incendiary” on the shell, drive the tank widdershins of the lake and you can climb out and call in IDF over the ridgeline using hand signals (of course, if you can get a mate to act as gunner all the better) which means the At-At can’t take it out. Or if you chose the “stealth” class after your basic training you can break in yourself and kill the Colonel. This way is definitely more fun as you get to see a cut-scene where he questions a French farm girl who’s been working for the resistance. Let’s just say Dan spent probably too much time working on her suspension.
  12. I've just fitted a light fitting in the bedroom. Looks good, cheers for asking.
  13. There's another small one half way down this page.
  14. You never heard about Steve's George Formby fetish did you? You will...
  15. Blackcat is a gentleman. And one would question how you know
  16. Spoilers for “A Strange Awakening”. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . One of my favourite bits from Saturday was in our final game against the AI. As the ‘Mercans we decided to try and rush to a commanding position with three HTs full of infantry, only to find the Germans had the same idea – and had a 20mm armed AC that tore through the HTs like paper. Two HTs abandoned with the squads legging back for cover (until one stopped and tried to get to the Railway station – messy) but one HT was immobilised with the 50cal still operational. Whoever was manning that would get the Congressional Medal of Honour. The AC had switched to routing the running troops until he started unloading on it. A lucky ricochet and the AC gunner went down, it was immobilised, then abandoned. We held on by the skin of our teeth until our mortar, spotted from a HQ in a building behind the lines, started dropping along the approach to our position suppressing the enemy who he was preventing from getting into the Railway station from storming us. The squads that had abandoned the HTs either died or surrendered but crucially, we could get a HQ to them to stop them disappearing off the map. We saw two of our guys drop their weapons, we were looking at them when another guy raised his rifle and was instantly shot, falling backwards dead. Then we saw the other AC. I thought we were toast. But two Greyhounds appeared and they looked better than the 6th Army to us – now we’d rule the battlefield. Take out the remaining AC and pound from distance. We stood them a couple of hundred metres back from the front line, grouped to give firepower superiority. At that point they were the queens of the battlefield – until the AI started dropping mortars on them. In the space of a minute we had one immobilised, then as the time ticked down with a second left the other took a direct hit on the top – boom. Where was that damned mortar – it must have LOS to have taken them out so quickly – must be – suppressing fire into the farmyard over the road. To and fro we went until we got more reinforcements in the shape of a platoon of infantry in HTs. Feed them into the grinder or..? The left hand side of the map was pretty open but sunk slightly compared to the road down the middle where all the fighting was, so we shot them down there dropping men off to walk up the hill into groups of trees as we went, letting us bring fire into the enemy farm complex and the churchyard. There was also a copse of trees on the left that looked empty so we could – no. As we set up we saw enemy coming into it. We used the HTs and a squad to area fire into the copse so they were walking into fire. Then we had a 60mm mortar drop all along the front edge. That blunted that attack and let us concentrate on the main enemy groups. We got more men, coming in from our back right – perfect. We walked them into contact. The left hand side and these reinforcements making a long “L”. We rallied our centre and took the Railway Station. From there we were clawed our way back. Eventually groups of Germans were streaming from their strongpoints. We felt we were about to move to the pursuit stage – if I was the German commander at that point I'd be throwing in the towel. And that’s what happened – Major Allied Victory. Through most of the game that result was not foreseen – if that guy hadn’t manned the HT MG we’d have been coming up against entrenched men in good cover. I don’t think we’d have made it. Intensity? Oh yes. It’s got it.
  17. TCP/IP is RT only chaps - otherwise I think everyone would have still been there.
  18. Can I also thank Phil (Blackcat) who was kind enough to bring a bottle of champagne which mollified Mrs Means somewhat.
  19. It went really well. We met at 1 and played for about 6 hours - yes, with beer. The guys seemed very impressed. Two are local and two are travelling back home today so I suspect they'll put their impressions up tonight. We played a single player QB which unfortunately didn't have an AI plan, so it just camped on the objective. Still, it let us get first impressions in. I set up a HtH of Barkman's Corner over TCP/IP which was a blast - found an annoying issue with the map I'll write up. Couldn't do that again - our hearts weren't strong enough. So we played "A Strange Awakening" and had a grand old time. A real "I've got this - no I'm losing - no I've got it" game. I've just remembered I left the fridge in work cranked up. Bugger. Hope the milk doesn't freeze.
  20. Dude, you really need to get with our shibbolethic neologisms. Otherwise you'll never be a zeitgeistermeister. BTW Jon doesn't necessarily disagree with you, just want a more rigorous argument.
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