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Epic Mockumentary Video Series

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I just finished watching part 15...Brilliant. It is as if those WW2 Sgt rock comic books I read in the 1960's have been brought to life with this mocumentary! Thank you and Danke Shorn I learned a great deal from watcing these episodes.

It's a hit ,put it on Cable after Pawn Stars!

I was hoping CMBN would gain legendary status. This mocumentary I feel is proof that it is well on it's way to achieving that goal. Maybe next they will be using CMBN at West Point and other military academy's as a training aid!

Bravo and shine on

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do you mean introducing the Shermans? well the Stugs had to go one way, I didnt see the infantry getting close enough for a bazooka kill.

I know, there was no easy solution to it in CM terms, nor in narrative terms, unless the author wanted to go for a stalemate which would have been realistic enough.

Here's a plug on MSN's gaming blog: http://gamingzoneblog.msn.com/dk/blogpost.aspx?post=521935e6-6278-473a-b795-79c3698ad5b5

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At the suggestion of multiple members of the heretofore worldwide viewing audience, I am establishing a Donation Fund relative to the animated machine cinema series "Tales of Virtual Combat".

As you may already know, a tremendous amount of time, effort and resources goes into the development and production of each original story and its accompanying episode. ALL at personal expense. Since I've elected NOT to clutter the individual segments with distracting (and utterly useless) advertisements, personal contributions will have to be the exclusive source of any revenue generated by these otherwise "public domain" offerings. If you enjoy the concept behind these rather unique presentations, a donation would most certainly be welcome and greatly appreciated. However, this is strictly a voluntary action. The future of the series is not dependant upon the public response in this regard. Likewise, the amount of any monetary gift is left soley to your own discretion.

In an effort to be completely forthcoming, it is important to note that any contributions are relevant to pre-existing productions that have already been made available for public viewing. A donation, in and of itself, is not a guarantee that future episodes in the series are inevitable. However, production activities are already underway for the next installment in the series (#2), which when/if debuted, will be several months down the road. As was the case with Episode #1, each scenario (i.e. - setting, cut-scenes, etc) is custom-built from scratch and needs to be thoroughly tested in order to match the screenplay as closely as possible prior to the equally laborious tasks of principle photography and post-production. Unfortunately, this takes time. :(

Here is the link to the donation site:


Thank you for considering a personal offering. :)


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  • 4 weeks later...

Nevermind!!! :rolleyes:

Please disregard the previous post. The donations site has been eliminated from existence. It was a dismal failure, to say the least. :eek:

FYI, in an effort to satisfy my own curiosity, I have indeed begun work on Episode #2 of Tales of Virtual Combat. The story centers around an entirely different premise than that of the first episode, yet will be produced in a similar mockumentary-style format. The preliminary script is complete. The main scenario as well as its cut-scenes have all be constructed (terrain, units, AI, etc) and principle photography has commenced. There is still MUCH work to be done in the way of production and post-production. If and when this project is complete, it will not be available until sometime well into 2012 -- and ONLY if I deem it worthy of public consumption. Please keep in mind that this whole ToVC thing is strictly a personal experiment.

Based upon the feedback and personal inquiries that I've received regarding the current release, it's quite obvious that a large percentage of people are curious as to why it takes so much time in order to create a product of this nature. The answer is pretty simple. 1) I'm a one-man-band and 2) as with Episode #1, this is a "scripted" product. Despite what some might believe, ToVC is not merely running footage taken from generic gameplay nor from a stock scenario/map. On the contrary, it's a STORY in the truest sense of the term, which requires that most (if not all) of the ingredients be built "to order" and that all of the various scenes play out in a specific way in an effort to fulfill the concept. Programming the AI of a simulator to "behave itself" does not always work. After all, a machine cinema utilizes an unpredictable game engine to achieve the intended results that are more suited to a user-controlled CGI platform. As such, it is extremely time intensive in order to acquire the moviola-style footage needed to "fit" the storyboard. If this is not possible, then great effort must be taken to re-tool the script to fit those few instances where the game engine provides unanticipated and/or irreversible results. This is the overriding task at-hand that must be accomplished so that the final product is not only as entertaining as possible but, more importantly, so that it is "believable" within the context of real-world combat. This is what defines a cinematic, story-driven production.

Lastly, I just want to point out that this post is not a promise of things to come -- simply an update. I certainly appreciate the interest that has been expressed by so many in the cyber community towards the whole ToVC concept and its underlying tribute to those individuals (past and present) who have risked so much in real world conflicts for the freedom and liberty of others.

So long for now. :)


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Nevermind!!! :rolleyes:

Please disregard the previous post. The donations site has been eliminated from existence. It was a dismal failure, to say the least. :eek:

Lastly, I just want to point out that this post is not a promise of things to come -- simply an update. I certainly appreciate the interest that has been expressed by so many in the cyber community towards the whole ToVC concept and its underlying tribute to those individuals (past and present) who have risked so much in real world conflicts for the freedom and liberty of others.

So long for now. :)


Apologies buddy meant to contribute to your site, just got busy and forgot. The work is appreciated and yeah we do know how much effort it takes. Realize you can't promise, but if you do decide to do more know that it would be extremely welcome. And if you can reopen the donation site I promise this time to make sure I don't forget.

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If you require any help at all in the area of map making or AI plans ... please feel free to send me a PM.

I will be more than happy make anything you like to your exact specifications, with as many adjustments for damage/etc as needed.

I also spent a few months banging my head up against AI plans, and have learned a few small things along the way.

Just consider me a map generator, I don't want any artistic control over any aspect. :)

I bet you could get voice actor volunteers in a snap as well.


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  • 1 month later...

With regards to a possible Episode #2 of Tales of Virtual Combat, the mammoth tasks of story development, battle and cut-scene design/creation and, of course, principle photography are now complete...Phew! I've taken the time to create a 2-minute promotional teaser and posted it on my youtube account -- His Story Internet(ional) -- for those of you who might be interested. Project status information is included with the video, which is a suggested read. Once again, I reiterate, there are no promises or guarantees of completion or even public display of a final product, but at least the raw footage is all "in-the-can" now.

BTW, the project is, indeed, another CMx2-based offering with a tad bit of help (i.e. - air assets) from another battle simulation program [ARMA] that was brought to my attention by a subscriber in Canada (thanks Tim).

For those of you who don't get virtual cable television or simulated satellite service, here is the location of my mockumentary channel. ;)


Signing off for now.


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  • 2 months later...

You have to pronounce it the German way. If it were pronounced like plug then it should be written StaG. Also, Panzer is not pronouced like pants-er and FlaK is not pronounced like f-lack.

Naturally the correct pronunciation of German beers is even more important.

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Nope. Allies won. You pronounce it the Allied way. Stug.....like tug.

But! Russians got to Berlin first, so I think they get to define it before the Anglophones. And Russian pronounciation of "Штуг" is like in German, apart from the 'sha' initial, so it's Shtug. Or maybe Germans pronounce it the same, they're a bit weird in that way. Just ask them how to say "München", you won't get two same answers.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Loving this dialog, folks. I am sorry that it appears to be over, but as a native German speaker I will have you know that the closest you can get to the correct German pronunciation of "StuG" in English would have to be "shtoog". Even more interesting is the abbreviation "StuH" for Sturmhaubitze, though, which to the best of my knowledge should be pronounced "shtooha". If you like, you can also use the full name "StuH 42", which would then probably sound like "shtooha tsvaioondfeeuhtsig". And that's replacing the formal German pronunciation of the letter "r" (which English speakers can't do, that famous rolling rrrrr) with the in this case common pronunciation where it is nearly, but not entirely, soundless (the "uh").

This has been a gratuitous service by...well...me. You're most welcome. Pronunciation tips for other words including "Donaudampfschifffahrtsgesellschaft" available on request.

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